Chapter 92: S4 Redemption: A Cold Day In Hell

Aden Clarkson

The sound of steady breathing resonates around him.

Slowly, his eyes open. He rolls over onto his side and gaze upon his sleeping mate - a sight he could never grow tired of.

He stretches out his long legs, then takes a deep breath, sipping on her alluring scent. With his hand, he caresses the side of her face, then skims a hand over her bare shoulder.

Sophia scoots next to him, molding her small frame against him. Her lips curl into a smile that brightens her eyes.

Cradling her to his chest, Aden tenderly kisses her lips. He laces his fingers through her hair and pulls her face closer to his.

Aden runs a hand down her back and cups her bare ass, then pulls her against his firm erection.

"I was waiting for you to wake up."

"Were you now?" She looks around the room, sits, and then frowns.

"What's wrong?" He rises up on an elbow just enough to kiss the top of her of her shoulder.