Chapter 91: S4 Redemption: You Complete Me

Sophia Mahoney

His hand slides up her back then eases the zipper of her dress down, slowly. The fabric glides around her body and swishes around her feet, hitting the floor.

He skims her body, leaving a trail of fervent kisses, then kneels behind her. "Raise your right leg."

Sophia complies and lifts her foot.

Aden slips her shoe off, then kisses the back of her knee.

A giggle passes her lips.

"Ticklish?" He kisses the back of her knee once more, then works his way up the back of her thigh to the curve of her butt.

"A bit." She stifles a giggle, then gulps a breath of air.

"Don't hold your breath."

Aden's commanding voice makes the butterflies in her belly fly around in circles.

"Now, raise your left foot."

When she lifts her foot, Aden slides her remaining shoe off, exposing her pink polished toes.

Aden rises, standing in front of her. "Remove your bra."