06 | Nosey Jay

The day ends and I head to the basement for this detention. I find Kia there and I smile at her but she looks away. I don't blame her I won't even try to be her friend again. We work in silence until the basement door bangs open and in walks Jay and Kion.

"Hey," Jay smiles at me and I just force a smile then continue moving the boxes.

I felt so guilty for being a bitch but I don't have a much of a choice.

Kion and Kiara are on the other side so I can't really hear what they are talking about but it sounds heated. Jay comes to me and begins helping me out he tries to start conversations but I don't reply.

"Did I do something?" He asks as he takes the box that I was carrying out of my hands. I don't look in his eyes because I'm so close to a mental breakdown.

"No, I'm just tired," I reply nonchalantly and continue moving the boxes.

"Damn it Cass, what's up?" He asks in annoyance and I snap.

"You and I aren't friends stop acting like you care," I say loudly and Kia and Kion look at us.

He closes the distance between us and stops right in front of me. His steely gaze makes me want to waver but I don't. I continue looking back at him.

"Are you okay?" He asks in concern and a tear rolls down my cheek which I don't bother wiping.

"I don't have a choice but to be okay," I say and grab my bag and make my way to the door. I stop at the door for a second.

"Thanks for asking," I tell Jay sincerely without looking back at him then I leave the room.

I quickly walk to my car and drive home immediately. I enter the house and begin walking up the stairs but a voice stops me.

"You're late," He says and I visibly tremble. I can't believe I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see father's car parked in the driveway.

"I think I'm talking to you Cassandra," He says in a steely tone.

"I'm sorry, I had detention," I say without looking back at him.

"Look at me when you're talking to me," He says and I gulp then turn to look at him.

"Come down here,"

I slowly walk to him with my heart in my stomach.

"What are you wearing?"

"Mother chose it out for me," I try to keep my voice calm. He pulls on the strap of my top and my eyes tear. Before anything happens the door bell rings and I breathe a sigh of relief.

Ruth gets the door but not before giving father a cautious look.

"Stop looking at me and get the door Ruth," He says without he's eyes leaving me.

She opens and I gasp. I walk away from dad and immediately run to the door before he can turn to see who is at the door.

"I'll take it from here Ruth," I say and push Jay farther away from the door so that I can close it behind me.

"What the hell are you doing here," I whisper shout at him.

"Nice house," he smirks.

"Keep your fucking voice down,"

"I came to check on you, I-"

"You need to leave," I say as I'm pushing him away.


"Cassandra," father's voice calling from inside the house cuts him off.

"My friend is just asking for help with this project. I'm coming,"I shout back.

"Please leave," I plead with Jay. "I'm fine. I'll see you tomorrow."

He looks at me with curiosity but doesn't say anything. He turns and leaves and I don't enter the house until I see he has left.

I take a deep breath and reenter the house.

Father looks at me with a steely gaze but doesn't say anything since he's on the phone.

"I'll be there in a few," He says to the person on the phone then walks past me.

When I hear the door shut I release the breath I was holding.

Ruth comes to me but I immediately run to my room. I shut the door and slide down the door. I want to cry but I just can't. I've become so numb to all this pain. Lately father has been making weird advances it's no longer just beatings and I'm scared. He has never actually tried anything but still.

I get a jumper and leggings then slowly leave the house. I walk aimlessly for minutes until I find myself in my favorite area. It's where I always come to feel normal. I see 'Uncle Beck's Diner' and a huge smile settles on my face.

"You're early today," Jason- the son of Uncle Beck says to me and I shrug.

"Where's uncle Beck?" I ask as I hug him.

"In the back,"

"How was school?"

"Shit," I smile and proceed to tell him everything. Jason is my best friend. I tell him everything except my last name and home life. But him and uncle Beck doesn't really know where I come from or my parents. I want to tell them but I can't everyone knows my family and if I go to the police about my mum and dad- I don't even want to think about what will happen this time. They literally run this city.

"How pretty is Kiara?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

"Pretty enough for your ugly ass not to pull her, I suggest you calm the fuck down," I say while laughing and he playfully punches me. Of course I'm lying Jason is hot with he's blonde hair and honey brown eyes.

"Haha you're funny," He rolls he's eyes.

"I knew I had my sunshine's voice,"

"Hey uncle Beck," I go and hug him.

"How are you sunshine? Hungry?"

"Starving. And yeah I'm good," I smile and peck him.

"Lemme get you food," he says and heads back to the kitchen.

The door bell rings signaling a customer.

"Oop you know what time it is," Jace says while going to work on the customer. I didn't even realize time had moved that fast I can't believe it's already 8pm.

"Rush hour," I sing.

I get on an apron and decide to help out. At 10pm it's time to close so I help them close then Jase walks me up to house which I say is my aunt's but really I don't know who stays here I just lied to him. When he walks away, I walk to the bridge where I sit down and think.

I hear shouts close by but I decide to ignore them. I'm not stupid enough to check them out.

"Where are my stuff?" The voice shouts and that's when I realize I recognize it.

Fucking Kion!

I stay in my position and silently pray he doesn't spot me.

When my phone begins ringing loudly I curse.

"What the hell," I hiss and end the call.

"Who's out there?" He asks and I stand.

"Just me," I say and he approaches but I gasp when I see he's holding a gun.

"Why I'm not surprised?" I roll my eyes and sit back down.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"None of your business,"

"Aren't you going to ask?"

"I'm too mentally drained to know,"

"It's too dangerous to be out here in the night,"

"I'm a big girl,"


"Let me be," I groan. He sits besides me and we seat in comfortable silence.

"You look pretty without makeup," He breaks the silence.

"I look better with it,"

"That's not true,"

"It's rude to point that out to a girl, incase you didn't know,"

"Why are you a bitch?"

"Why do you have a gun. Anyways, I have to go," I say and stand.

"Lemme walk you home,"

"I'm a big girl," I say once again and walk away from him. I feel him lurking but I don't really mind it feels good to have someone protect me.

I reach home and turn to look at him.

"Thanks," I smile into the shadows. I walk in and tiptoe to my room. I fall on to my bed exhausted and fall asleep with a smile on my face.