08 | A Thin Line between Life and Death

I decide to continue moving boxes since I had nothing better do. But as I'm moving a heavy box, it drops and all it's contents fall on to my legs.

"Shit!" I hiss. A fucking glass award fell and cut my thigh.

I sit down and decide to look at the damage.

"This is bad," I whisper to myself. I have a huge cut on my and my thigh. I can't determine whether it's deep now. I'm losing so much blood, I even feel myself become drowsy. I crawl to my bag and look for my disinfectant but I don't see it.

"Shit, shit shit," I keep muttering to myself.

I get my phone and look for Jay's contact because I remember him putting it there. I leave the phone ringing then remove my sweatshirt. Thank God I put on a bra today. I use the scissor that I always carry around in my bag to cut the arms of the sweatshirt. I tie them around my cuts to stop the bleeding but by now I've lost so much blood that I can barely keep my eyes open.

"Cass, Cass?" I hear Jake call me but I'm too tired to reply.

"I just want to sleep," I whisper and close my eyes.



'What Court, I'm busy,'

'Come play with me,' She whines.

'I'm busy. Mum told me to wash the dishes or else she will cut my allowance,' I say.

'Fine. Lemme help you,' She smiles.

'Mum will kill me if she sees her princess touching these dirty dishes,' I laugh.

'Why Cass?' She asks seriously and I look at her.

'Why what Courtie,'

'Why are you so fine with the way mum and dad treat you?'

I sigh and I sit on the floor where she follows me.

'Because I have you Courtie. I accepted this long ago. I don't know why they hate me and honestly I wish I did. But I can't and I won't hate myself just because they do and besides, you love me and treat me like a queen that's all I need,' I smile at her.

'You're my twin. I just wish they treated you like they treat me,' She frowns.

'Me too,' I frown.

'Courtney dear,' Mum shouts for her.

'I will talk to them,' She smiles like a woman on a mission then runs out of the kitchen.

"Cassandra, Cassandra," I hear I voice pull me out of my sleep but I still can't open my eyes.

"I just want to be with Court," I mumble.

"Cassandra, open your eyes," The voice says.

"I want Court," I say while struggling to open my eyes.

"Who is Court?" Another voice asks.

'Cassie,' A new voice says.

'Court?' I ask and open my eyes.

'Court?' I almost sob.

'You're so grown,' I smile at her.

'And you look like me,' She exclaims sarcastically with an eye roll and I laugh.

'I miss you,' She smiles.

'I miss you,'

'It's not time for us to be together Cass, so I need you to open your eyes for that cute boy who is all worried about you,'


'Open them Cassandra!'

"Cass open your fucking eyes!" Jay shouts.

"Why are you shouting?" I mumble while struggling to open my eyes. "And quit slapping me."

"The ambulance will be here in a few. Don't close your eyes," Jay says worriedly.

"I saw Courtney," I smile weakly.

"What did she say?" He asks back.

"That you're cute," I try to laugh but I'm so weak.

"She's paling fast, where is the ambulance?" I recognize the nurse's voice.

"What else?" Jay asks.

"I'm tired, I will tell you when I wake up," I mumble and shut my eyes.

"Cassandra!" Different voices shout but I fall unconscious but not before hearing the ambulance.


I wake up hearing beeping sounds and I groan.

"What the fuck?" I croak and try to open my eyes.

"Relax Sandra," I hear Kia's voice.

I slowly open my eyes and try to adjust to the brightness.

"Here," She hands me water.

"Thanks," I take it fast.

"I'll call a doctor," She says and gets out and returns with a doctor after a few minutes. He checks me and says I'm fine but I will have to stay for a day to make sure everything is fine. And I will also have to come back to remove my stitches after a week.

"What happened?" I ask as I'm sitting up. But she just keeps looking at me with sad eyes.

"What?" I ask.

"Why is your whole stomach and back bruised?" She asks and my eyes widen.

"It's nothing,"


"It's nothing damnit," I shout and the heart machine increases speed.

"Fine fine I'm sorry," Kia says apologetically.

"Glass cut you. You lost a lot of blood. Thank God it was easy to get a donor for you," She smiles.

"Thank you for being here," I take her hand in mine and squeeze it.

"Me and Jake and surprisingly Kion have been taking turns. Your two bitchy friends came to see you,"

"Thank you so much. Where are my parents?"

"We called them but-" Her voice turns soft.

"They don't care," I say with a sad smile.

"Forget I asked," I wave my hand.

"How long have I been-"

"You bloody bitch!" Jay storms into the room.

"Quick pretend I'm dead," I tell Kia and I play dead.

"I'm going to miss you so much Sandra," She fake sobs and I try to hold in my laugh.

"I heard your stupid voice Cass," He laughs and softly hits me.

"Knock knock?" I open my eyes.

"Who's there?" He asks with an eye roll.


"Orange who?" This time he has a small smile his face.

"Orangent you glad I'm back," I smile brightly and they both laugh.

"God Cass, I missed you," He pecks my head and I smile.

"How long have I been out?"

"Close to three days," Kia replies.

"What did I miss?" I ask.

"Bryson came in here crying for you to wake up," Kia laughs and I roll my eyes.

"I'm so done with that dude," I laugh but I don't miss the mischievous sparkle in Jay's eyes.

"I'm going to get us food. I'm starving," Kia says and leaves.

"You look beautiful," Jay looks at me intensely and I smile.

"Really? It never dawned on me that blue and white look good on me. Maybe I should just almost die more often," I laugh.

"Not funny," He says with a huge smile on his face.

"I saw Court," I smile and close my eyes.

"I miss her so much," I say and I don't even know if it's possible but the void in my chest grows.

"What's the date today?"

"24th Nove-"

"Please get out," I cut him off coldly.


"Get out please," I plead and he leaves me. I get off the bed and look for my phone which I find on the coffee table.

I dial Jason's number and picks immediately.

"Hey sweetheart,"

"Can you pick me from the hospital?"

"What happened?" He asks worriedly.

"Just come now. I need you," I plead.

"But oh- I will be there in a few. Which hospital?" He asks and I tell it to him then change into a big like huge ass jumper that I find on the couch then wait for Jason.

Jason calls and I tell him which room I'm in and he arrives in a few minutes.

"There some kids seated in the lobby who looked at me funny when I came to sign you out,"

"They are the people taking care of me. Now come on let's go," I say taking he's hand in mine. But as I'm about to reach for the door handle, the door opens and a nurse walks in.

"Here's your medication Ms. McAnderson," She smiles at me.

"Thank you," I smile back.

We get out of the hospital room hand in hand and a lot of people look at us weirdly.

Maybe it's because Jase is 19 but looks 28 with that beard of his and I'm 17.

"Cass?" Jay's voice stops me and I turn to look at them.

"I just need to go, I'm fine. Thank you guys for everything. I promise I will make it up to you," I smile and turn away then continue walking more like limping away.

"You have a lot to tell me," Jase bends and whispers in my ear and I blush because I remember Jay telling me I'm beautiful.

But from on lookers it would look like I'm blushing because he said something cute.

"Whatever," I say.

As I'm climbing on to the motorcycle I turn to look at the entrance of the hospital and see Jay throwing me a sad look.

I wink, throw an air kiss to him and smirk then put on my helmet and we ride off.