10 | Death Week Shenanigans 2.0

Jase decided to take me bowling to get my mind off everything and it worked for a while until I couldn't get the heavy feeling off my chest yet I still couldn't cry. All I ever do is get tears in my eyes but they never fall.

"Crying helps," Jase comes to me when I lose interest and sit down.

"I know," I mutter.

"Can we just go to the pub where we met?" I ask.

"Yea. No thanks." He refuses. "This time I'll actually be arrested."

"Why are you always trying to drink away your problems anyways?" He asks.

"What else can I do with them?" I joke but he doesn't laugh with me.

"Could have sworn that I'm funny," I shrug and he rolls his eyes with a smile.

"You should talk about your feelings. Cassandra I've known you for three years now yet you still can't tell me shit about you. Like your last name, your school, your parents. You won't even tell me why you have those bruises all over your body. Or why your parents are never around for you after you twin sister died. I need you to talk to me," He says angrily.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready,"

"Three years aren't enough for you?"

"First of all it's non of your business!" I shout and everyone looks at us weirdly.

"Yea, you're right," He scoffs and leaves.

"Fuck!" I hiss.

Why do I ruin everything.


"Really? Are you stalking me?" I ask Kion in irritation.

"Get your head out of your sexy ass princess," He laughs.

"I'm here with a friend," He says and points to some pretty girl.

"Well don't leave her hanging, I'm fine,"

"Are you really?"

"Yes I am, leave me alone," I say in annoyance and stand up but almost fall down.

My stitches are tearing and the pain killers are wearing off.

"Fuck this," I groan and Kion looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe I need a little help," I mutter quietly.

"What I couldn't quite hear that?" He mocks me.

Why is he all of a sudden acting like he likes me? He didn't hide his feelings for me on the first day with the way he was looking at me. But ever since he walked me home, he has been nice.

"You know what-"

"It's time to take your medicine and you can't walk home so come on," Jase walks back in ranting angrily cutting me off and making me smile.

"Who is this?" Kion asks.

I had totally forgotten he was here since I was just smiling at Jase.

"You came back," I smile warmly at Jase.

"I love you of course I did. But that doesn't mean I'm not angry now let's go before I forgive you," he says taking my hand in his.

Kion clears his throat and I turn my attention back to him. "This is Jase- my best friend," I introduce him.

"Jase, Kion," I point at Kion and he just nods at him.

"Do I know you?" Jase asks analyzing his face.

"I dont think so, I just moved here from England." KIon shrugs and Jase nods.

"Not to be rude, but you've left your pretty friend hanging and my leg is killing," I say. Jase doesn't waste time putting his hands under my legs and carries me bridal style. We wave 'bye' to Kio and his friend then leave.

"Thank God dad let me use his car today," He states as he puts me in the passenger sit.

"Where I'm I taking you? And don't say your 'aunt's' place," He asks me coldly.

"My house," I whisper. "My real house,"

We drive in silence and the only time we talk is when I'm telling him where to turn. We reach my neighborhood and he gasps.

"You're rich," He says in shock.

"My parents are rich," I correct him.

"But why lie?" He questions.

"One truth at a time," I laugh.

We reach the biggest house on the street and I tell him we have arrived. I turn my face to the face scanner and when it recognizes my face the gate opens. It's a whole 10 minute ride before you actually reach the house.

"Damn!" Jace owes as he drives.

"Yep." I say uncomfortably.

He parks and just stares at the house in owe.

"Can you please get me in instead of eye fucking this house," I laugh.

He carries me out bridal style again and he walks to the front door where Ruth immediately opens.

"Oh my angel." She coos and begins kissing all over my face.

"Jesus Ruth." I laugh and signal for Jase to put me down.

"Sorry it's just that I came to pick you from the hospital and you were gone. I was so worried," She laughs.

"I need you to stuff me with your cooking, my leg is killing me," I tell her limping farther in to the house.

"You're coming in or?" I turn back and look at Jase who is just staring at the house in awe.

"Oh and who is this handsome young man?" Ruth asks finally noticing him.

"This is Jase my best friend, he is who I'm always with on 24th since we moved here," I tell her.

"How are you doing ma'am?" He smiles politely.

"I'm surprised. You never bring anyone who isn't your posse here," She smiles brightly.

"You forgot to answer him," I roll my eyes lightly ignoring her question.

"Oh where are my manners. I'm fine how are you?" She blushes.

"I'm good. Thanks."

"If you don't mind me asking how old are you?" She looks at him questioningly.

"Ruth!" I laugh at her bluntness.

"No it's fine. I'm 19 turning 20 next month ma'am," He replies politely and Ruth's eyes widen.

"Ok that's it," I say taking his hand and leading him to my room.

"Ruth may you cook something for us?" I ask and she heads to the kitchen without a second thought.

"Should I carry you up?" Jase looks at me looking at the stairs with worry.

"Yes please," I laugh. He puts his hand under my knees and the other behind my back and lifts me leaving my hands to go around his neck.

"It's the last door down the hall way," I say as he walks.

"Your home is hella big," He says and I shrug.

"And hella lonely,"

We reach my room and he puts me down then we enter.

"Your room is like my whole house," He laughs.

"Thanks for coming back for me,"

"You're my best friend." He smiles back.

"Come sit you must be tired of carrying me around all day," I tell him while patting my bed and he joins me.

"Are you going to tell me anything or is this it for the day?"

"My parents don't like me," I laugh humorlessly.

"Cass," He says with sad eyes.

"I'm fine. I came to peace with it a long time ago or at least I'm trying to," I shrug and tell myself the lie I've failed to believe.

"No one ever comes to peace with it,"

"Can you pass me my meds and I need to clean my wound," I say changing the subject and he sighs.

"Let's you get cleaned up,"

I remove my clothes and put on a big shirt then head to the bathroom and sit on the bathtub.

"With a bathroom like yours I would bathe forever," Jase laughs.

"We can switch but trust me it gets lonely here," I shrug.

He comes closer to me and begins cleaning my wounds after that he rubs the ointment on them making me hiss in pain.

"Hurts like a bitch," I whine and adds even more.

"Owww,"I cry and he laughs.

"Payback is a bitch too," He laughs even harder and I hit him slightly.

A comfortable silence envelopes us and he continues massaging my thigh. He gets up after a few minutes and then washes his hands and leads me back to my bed. He hands me my pain meds and sits besides me.

"I want to leave this place immediately I turn 18, do you think I can move in with you?"

"Of course you're always welcome Cass,"

"I'm feeling a bit suffocated," I laugh with a lump in my throat.

"Get dressed mami, we are going out,"

"I have an idea you should pick out my outfit, I pick out yours," I clap my hands excitedly.

"These are the only clothes I have," He laughs.

"We are going shopping man. Now hand me my shorts," I say pointing at the clothes on the floor in the corner.

I get dressed and then we head down where there's food on the table.

"I was just about to call you, enjoy," Ruth declares and leaves.

"Wow!" Jase gasps for the hundredth time staring at the food that was prepared.

"Yep. Ruth and the other cooks are the best," I agree with Jase.

"Let's eat up. There's a party a few blocks away at 8 and we need to shop for our clothes," I say with filling my plate.

"It's 5," He rolls his eyes.

I guess teaching me how to shop is one of the helpful things mother taught me.

"Yea, my point exactly,"

He laughs and then begins to fill his plate. We eat and by 6 we are out of the house heading to the mall.

"We shall just have to head to the party immediately after," I say while entering the car.

Jase tries starting it but it jams.

"Come on we have no time. Let's go," I tell him while getting out of the car.

"Where are you going?" He yells after me.

"Just come,"

I open the garage and my cars are all on show.


"My grandparents love me," I look at him nervously.

"My grandparents love me too," He looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"They love me a lot. Now hurry and pick a car dude," I laugh.

"Any?" He asks excitedly.


He looks at the five cars in the garage and decides to pick the Ford Mustang


"Good choice," I pat his back and we enter the car."Damn," He mutters while touching everything.

"So all these are yours?"

"My grandparents buy for me a car or give me one of theirs every Christmas since I was 14. I think they think it makes up for the fact that my parents aren't the best," I shrug.

"Step on it bro, we have shopping to do," I say before he can say anything else.

We reach the mall and decide to shop for me first.

"I think you should get this dress," He throws at me a dress.

"Wow good choice," I say and head to the dressing room.

I put it on and look at myself in the mirror. It's a black bodycon dress with spagetti straps that stops mid thigh and has a high slit on the left thigh.

"Wow, remind me to take you shopping with me more often," I say while looking at my reflection.

"I look good," I say and get out to show Jase.


"Yea damn. I look hot," I laugh.

"We are definitely taking it," I go to the changing room and put on the clothes I came in.

"Let's go pay,"

I take out my black card at the counter and Jase stares at me with wide eyes.

"You own a black card,"

"My parents gave it to me," I shrug.

"I don't know what you call love but that's definitely love to me," Jase looks at me skeptically and something in me snaps.

"A child doesn't need material love from their parents . I wouldn't even call it material love it's more of 'Be a good girl and keep your mouth shut' love

Now come on your turn, let's go buy you clothes," I say dodging the subject.

We enter the store where we are getting for Jase clothes and I immediately see the outfit he should get.

"We are going for a party not a photo shoot," He rolls his eyes.

"You're right, just try it on,"

"No," He refuses.

"Jase please," I say with doe eyes.

"You and l both know that doesn't work on me," He laughs.

"Jase please," I plead.


"I will call your dad right now and tell him we slept together. Your choice," I smirk at him.

"Fine," He grits his teeth and I laugh while giving him the clothes.

He heads to the dressing room and I begin looking for clothes for the part I pick out a black shirt and grey sweats for him.

I here someone clear their throat and turn to see Jase looking quite hot.

"Ever thought of being a model," I say still in a daze.

"You got a little drool over there," He laughs and I just roll my eyes.

"I won't lie I do look good, but I don't have money for these clothes,"

"I have a black card everything's on me," I wink at him.

"I'm not letting you buy for me anything,"

"Sorry Jase, it's a bit too late to go thrift shopping right now. You'll pay me back if you really feel the need to,"




"Good. Now have these you will be putting them on to the party," I say and throw him the grey sweatpants and black T-shirt.

"I can get the same exact clothes at a much cheaper price," He complains while heading to the dressing room.

He comes back out on the clothes we came in then I head to the counter to pay.

I pay then we head to the wash rooms to change.

I put on my dress and apply my signature red lipstick and concealer then head out.

I find Jase waiting for me and I smirk.

"You need more grey sweats," I wink at him and he rolls his eyes.

"Thanks, you look beautiful too," He says in a sarcastic tone and I laugh.

"You need new shoes," I look at his shoes which have worked a bit too hard.

"Hey these bad boys have been by my side through thick and thin," He says feigning hurt. "Those bad boys are giving up on you. It's time you let them go,"

"I just got the brightest idea. Let's put on matching shoes," I squeal before he can speak.

"Fine by me," He shrugs.

I begin walking and Jase follows behind me. I enter a Nike store and I hear Jase laugh behind me.

"What?" I turn back and ask.


"You don't like Nike?"

"I don't have that kind of money Cass," He says in a dry tone.

"My treat," I say and continue walking in the store but he pulls me back.

"Cass I'm serious you have already spent too much money on me,"

"Does it look like I'm complaining about it?" I argue back and pull myself out of his grip and continue walking into the store.

"Damn it Cassandra you're not listening to me," He whisper shouts and I stop in my tracks. I slowly turn around and walk back to him.

"Father doesn't deposit the 10000 dollars every week for me to sit on it," I say calmly.

"Wow," he laughs sarcastically.

"This is the real you?" He scoffs and begins to walk away.

"Yes yes it is. Welcome to my fucked up world where I spend money to fill an unfillable void. It's a rich people thing, I believe the term is retail therapy," I shout at his retreating back and he stops in his tracks. He walks back to me and quietly says, "You can't keep blaming everything on your dead twin sister." I won't lie that stang but I won't let him see it.

"But that's just it. Everything is the way it is because she left me," I calmly say and walk in to the Nike store.

I'm too angry to look for cute sneakers so I just ask blue Nike Jordans like I don't already have them.

"Get me a pair too, I'm a size 44," I hear Jase's voice behind me.

"Anything for you handsome," The salesman winks at him and goes.

Jase hugs me from behind and kisses my hair.

"You piss me the fuck off Cass," He says into my hair.

"At least now we have matching shoes bestie," I shrug and he laughs.

That's just it with Jase he never leaves.