11 | That's just the Harsh Reality

We reach the party and you can hear the music from outside.

"Can't believe I allowed you take me to a high school party," Jase groans.

"These parties are sick you will enjoy," I slap his ass and he glares at me making me laugh.

We get out and the cool breeze makes me shiver a bit.

"I have my jumper in my car. You want it?"

"I'm too cute right now to be putting on a jumper," I refuse.

He comes to me and puts his hand around my waist and I put on my resting bitch face then we enter the party. I feel Jase draw me closer and I smile. The music is so loud I can't even hear my thoughts.

"Let's get drinks," Jase shouts in my ear and I nod and remove his hand from my waist and take it in my hand then I lead him to the kitchen. It's much quieter here so I sit on the kitchen counter as Jase grubs me a beer.

"I can't wait to get so turnt," I tell Jase excitedly.

"Can you dance with that leg?"

"I'm going to get so drunk that I won't even feel the pain," I shrug and he looks at me questioningly.

"What bitch?" I say sarcastically and gulp my whole beer.

"Wooo," I bang the bottle on the counter and Jase laughs.

"Clearly I'm here to babysit you," he says.

"Yep, now please pour me some vodka," I ask kindly.

"Cass," I hear someone call me and I look up.

"Hey Jay," I smile at him.

"How are you?"

"I'm good, you?" I say awkwardly.


"What's up?" I ask after an awkward silence.

"Cassandra I can't find any vodka," Jase comes to me and Jay narrows his eyes at him.

"Just give me the whole bottle of tequila," I say and he gets it for me.

"Are you sure you will handle that?" Jay asks worriedly.

"Yes I will," I laugh. Jase gives me the bottle and I take one sip and grimace when i feel the burn in my throat.

"Are you on drugs?" Jay asks.

"Not yet," I smirk, looking at Jase suggestively and he scrunches his nose in confusion.

"I'm not giving you any of my pills," Jase looks at me with a shrug.

"Whatever," I shrug and jump off the counter and head to dance floor.

The music stops and everyone looks at me.

"Let's get this party started!" I shout and it comes back on.

I dance and grind on everyone and drink like crazy. After some time, when my bottle of alcohol is done I stop dancing and head to the play truth of dare.

"Nice to see you here Cassandra," Bryson says.

"Shut it Bryson," I roll my eyes and sit in between Kion and Jay.

"Hey boys," I slur.

"Are you drunk?" Kion asks.

"Yea," I shrug.

The game starts and the bottle lands on me.

"Just great," I groan when I realize it's Bryson asking me.

"Truth or dare babe?"


"Is it true that you're a whore?" He asks with a deadly smirk and everyone oh's but I just roll my eyes. That question is so childish.

"Why don't you ask your dear best friend," I ask with a smirk of my own and his eyes narrow. Blake came onto me once and when I refused, he went around saying that I came onto him and he couldn't resist, so we fucked. Bryson knew it was a lie but didn't say anything about it, it was the main topic at school for like a week or so.

"My turn," I sing. I spin the bottle and it lands on Jay.

"Truth or dare," I look at him with calculating eyes and a smirk to go with it.


"I dare you to kiss the hottest male to you in the room," I say with a smirk and he also smirks then turns to Kion.

"Don't fall in love with me bro, I've heard my lips are addictive," He jokes making all the girls in the room giggle.

'Good choice, Kion is sexy," I think.

"I agree," Becca, one of my fellow cheerleaders agrees and my eyes widen in shock that I said it out loud.

I look at Kion and he smirks at me.

"Slut," Bryson coughs not so secretly and I just blow him a kiss.

"Just kiss me and get this over with," Kio says with a straight face but as I look closer I see amusement in his eyes.

Jay leans in and pecks Kio then immediately takes the bottle and spins it, we play a few more rounds before it lands on me again.

"I dare you to kiss every boy in this room," some girl,Tracy, I think dares me and I look around. There are about twelve boy here, I'm not kissing all of them.

"No thanks," I refuse. "This is new, the whore doesn't want to do her job," Blake mocks me.

"That's not it, she doesn't know how to do it, she has always been a sloppy kisser," Tracy jokes and they laugh.

"Is that one Chad told you so that you would take him back after he cheated on you with me on your own birthday," I mock in a baby tone and she turns red from embarrassment when everyone snickers.

"You just couldn't be faithful huh?" Haze one of the guys on the football team asks.

"Oh no, that was my mistake dating a who-"

"Ok, that's it," Jay cuts off Bryson angrily.

"No, I got this Jake," I say.

"You and both know you're the one who couldn't keep it in his pants, now you use every opportunity to slut shame me because even after three years of dating, you still couldn't hit," I bite back calmly. This time everyone hollers. Bryson turns red from anger and comes at me but surprisingly it's Kio who stands infront of me protectively as Jay punches Bryson so hard his nose breaks. Everyone goes silent as we listen to Bryson's silent cries.

"Let's go," Jay takes my hand and leads me out of the room wih Kion besides me. I look up at Kio and he subtly winks at me then looks ahead with a blank expression. I smile lightly then also look ahead.

"You didn't have to do that for me you that right?" I smile at Jay when we finally reach the kitchen. "Men who disrespect women digust me," he shrugs and gives me a bottle of water. It takes away the remaining buzz and now Jay, KIon and I are quietly listening to the music playing.

Kion's phone rings and he leaves the room to answer it. I'm at the sink staring out at the backyard which has a beautiful pool that no one's using.

"Want to go for a swim?" Jay asks and I nod vigorously.

By the time we reach the pool, Jay's clothes ar already off and he's in his Calvin Klein briefs only. He canninbals into the pool making water splash all over me.

"Are you coming?" He asks when I stop dead in my trucks. I never go for a swim in public because of the bruises all over my body, I'm always worried about the makeup washing off even if it's waterproof. And anyways right now I'm not in a bra or makeup.

"I can't, I just remembered I'm on my period," I lie and he nods understandingly.

I remove my shoes and put my legs in water as Jay tells me more about himself. I'm more of a listener and an observer, only talking when I'm really comfortable with somone. Jay is a great conversationalist, I didn't stop laughig at any one point.

Jay has somehow found himself in a comfortable position between my legs and I'm now playing with his hair. He suddenly turns and his lips meet mine, he wasn't lying when he said his lips are addictive. But I don't feel that way about him, I just thought for once someone would want to be my friend for me and not my looks.

I guess this is the sad reality, I;m nothing but a pretty face. No one likes me for real. That thought alone gets me hyperventilating, my lungs won't take in air and I feel my eyes well up with tears, Jay's lips had long left mine and he's now trying to talk to me but I don't hear anything, I'm now on the ground wth my hand gripping the soil trying to get air into my lungs.

"Cassandra, I need you to listen to my voice," a calm masculine voice says to me. "Take deep breaths, in, out, in, out, you're fine, it's going to be okay," He says and I continue following his steps. When I can finally breathe, I look at the person who helped me and see it's Kion.

I have tears rolling down my face probably ruining my makeup but I don't care. "I want Jase, I want Jase," I mumble and that's when he grabs me and rocks me until my cries quieten down and now I'm just staring into space.

"Cassie?" Jase runs to me and I immediately run into his arms. He hugs me with all his energy as he kisses my sweaty forehead. "What happened?" Jase asks.

"We were just kissing and she suddenly started hyperventilating and-"

"She had a panic attack," Kion cuts Jay off.

"Did you force yourself on her?" Jase asks with venom dripping from his tone.

"N-no I swear-"

"He didn't Jase, let's just go home," I say softly and he takes me to the car immediately.

I watch the trees pass by as Jase drives me home and there's only one thought on my mind.

'I'm never going to be loved for me.'