14 | Vegas Baby 1.0

After shopping for D's suit we went to the food court ate some food then bought makeup and bathroom essentials for me and we headed back to the hotel.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I say immediately we enter the suite.

"I'm taking a bath first. You may take an eternity in there," D objects and I shrug.

"You're right. I'll be picking out an outfit," I agree with him and head to the room.

I pick out a red velvet dress that's skin-tight until my midthigh then becomes looser as it goes down and sweeps the floor. It has spaghetti straps and it shows off my back. I'll just have cover my body in makeup.

D enters the room with his towel wrapped loosely around his waist, water dripping down his waist and his v-line on show. It's hot but I see him as nothing more than a friend.

"Take a picture it lasts longer," he smirks and I scoff.

"Move," I say and push him out of the way and head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, shave everywhere, wash my hair then shower. When I'm done I cover all my scars except the leg wounds. The stitches are still kind of delicate, the others have now healed. I get out the bathroom after almost an hour and thirty minutes and find the bedroom empty but I hear the tv on, so I'm guessing D is watching tv.

I blow dry my hair then style it in a low bun. I do a smokey eye then use my signature cherry red lipstick but not before putting foundation and concealer. Then I proceed to putting ointment on the stitches and letting it dry then covering it lightly with makeup so it isn't seen as soon as someone looks at my thigh. I put on my dress and black 6-inch heels then get my purse and head out of the room.

"Wow," D gasps.

"Thanks," I smile.

"Get dressed D," I groan and he heads to the bedroom and comes out looking hot.

"You clean up nice D," I smirk at him.

"Let's go," he says and takes my hand in his and leads me to the car.

We take pictures infront of the hotel since it has a nice view then head to the casino. It takes 30 minutes to reach the casino and on the way there D keeps repeating the same things over and over.

"Yes D I got it. Sit next to you and look pretty. Don't talk to anyone and tap you twice if I have a problem or if I want to go somewhere," I repeat what he was telling me for the past thirty minutes.

We enter the casino and it's filled with so many people sitting at tables. I follow D to a table where I'm the only girl.

Just great.

D and I sit down and he introduces me as 'Rhee' his wife. I order drink after drink after drink and still D is playing this boring game. I look up from my drink and see a hot man looking at me and I smirk.

"I'm going to use the toilet," I whisper in D's ear.

"I'm coming with you,"

"I will be fine," I say and immediately walk away before he objects.

I walk up to the man and smile at him.

"Rhee," I put my hand out for him to shake it.

"Marcus," he says in a British accent.

"Want a drink?" I ask and take the sit next to him.

"Shouldn't it be me asking?" He laughs.

"Well isn't that an ancient way of thinking old man," I smirk.

"I'm only 28," he defends himself. This man will die if he finds out I'm 17, thankfully my ID says I'm 22.

"Whatever, I'm still getting you that drink," I wink at him.

I order drinks for both of us and we sip them while making light talk.

"I have a room here," he whispers in my ear and I smile.

"Lead the way kind sir,"

He takes my hand in his and leads me to the elevator. As soon as it closes I push him to the wall and press my lips against his and we have a heavy make out session. The elevator dings and we practically run out and head to his room. I get his shirt off then his pants and boxers. I give him head and he finishes on the floor. Just as he is carrying me on the bed about to give me head my phone rings. I ignore it but it rings continuously so I pick up.

"You better come back right this second or I swear on your life Cassandra," D grits through his teeth and I groan.

"Coming," I say and hang up.

"What's wrong?" Marcus asks.

"My husband is calling me I have to go," I say and head to the bathroom where I clean myself.

"You're married?" Marcus asks in shock.

"Well something like that," I shout back.

I hear the door bang open and I groan knowing it's Damon.

"Where the fuck is my wife?" D yells.

"I-I swear I didn't know she was married," Marcus says in fear.

"Calm the fuck down D, I'm here," I say while getting out of the bathroom.

"Thank God you're safe angel," he says and kisses my forehead then puts his hand around my waist and begins leading me out of the room.

I turn back and wink at Marcus then close the door.

"Way to cock-block dear husband," I hit his shoulder.

"The guys in here are dangerous Cass," he tells me and I roll my eyes.

"I came to Vegas to have fun and make all the wrong choices D. And I called you only because you're the only one who lets me do that. But right now you're acting like a fucking Jase," I say in frustration and enter the elevator.

"You know what you're right. I'm sorry but I just can't allow you to make all the wrong decisions in a club full of gang leaders and corrupt politicians. I know a club," he tells me.

"Take me and I want to get shit faced wasted so you better begin supplying me with some of your weed," I point at him angrily.

"I will. I promise," he says and I just scoff.

We get out of the casino and the valet brings the car then we head to the club.

"You look a bit too formal for a club lose the suit," I tell D and he nods. "What about you?" he asks.

"I have extra clothes in the car,"

When we get to the car, I head to the back then change to my blue low rise jeans and a pink cropped bralette with a plunge neckline, thin shoulder straps and wrap around straps. We reach the club and D takes my hand in his and leads us to the entrance where there's a long line.

"We better not be waiting through this whole queue D," I groan.

"Of course not," he laughs.

"We are on the VIP list," he winks at me and I smile for the first time tonight.

The bouncer looks at D then gives me a once over so I wink at him. He smirks and asks for our names.

"Damon Coleman," D says with confidence. The bouncer looks through his list and then nods his head and let's us in.

"Thank you," I smile at him.

The music was so loud just what I needed. We head to the VIP section where there are about ten people who looked around early 20's.

"D my man," a huge guy comes up to him and gives him a bro hug.

"It's been long bro," D says.

"This is Cassandra," he introduces me to everyone and I smile then wave.

Some beautiful blonde with blue eyes pulls me and sits me down with the three other girls.

"I'm Gina," she slurs.

"Brie," the raven haired girl tells me.

"Ash," says the brunette.

"Ally," says the girl with bright blue hair.

"Nice to meet you all," I say politely.

"You're so pretty," Brie gushes.

"I'm so pretty? I'm feeling so insecure sitting with you guys," I laugh.

"Alcohol confidence?" Ally asks.

"Count me in," is all I say.

We each down five really strong shots then head to the dance floor where we dance and grind on so many different people. When we get tired we head back to our booth where the guys tell us we are leaving to head back to the big guy who I found out is called 'Dean's crib.

"But I was having so much fun," I whine to D.

"We are going to have so much more fun there," he assured me and I nod.

"God these heels are killing me," I say as we are walking out of the club.

I bend down to remove them and some guy gropes me so I immediately turn around and punch him and he shouts in pain.

"Cass are you ok?" D asks after realizing I'm not with him.

"This asshole groped me," I shout in anger pointing at the guy who was holding his nose in pain.

"I'm going to beat the shit out of him," D says going for the guy.

"It's fine D, let's just get out of here," I say trying to pull him out but he doesn't barge. He punches the guy and he blacks out then proceeds to pull me out. When we are finally out I remove my heels and carry them in my hand. I'm not walking steadily but at least I'm not falling.

We enter the car and it's a 10 minute drive to Dean's crib. But the whole way there I'm blasting Khalid music. D helps me out of the car and we enter the house. Brie immediately pulls me away from D and we head to the kitchen where she gives me water to sober up.

We head to the sitting room with bottles of water for the others. Everyone is sitting doing there own thing either drinking or smoking. Brie goes to sit with D and I look around for the other girls but they are in a group with the other guys playing cards. I look in a corner and see a guy on his phone so I go to him.

"Cass," I say and sit next to him.

"I know," he tells me.

"Ok 'I know' what got your panties in a twist," I ask and he smiles.

"Guys never have I ever," Dean shouts.

I immediately get up and look at the boy who is still sitted.

"You're not coming?" I ask and he shakes his head 'no'.

I head to play with them and sit next to Ash who hands me a molly which I happily take, the next thing happening is I'm waking up on a couch naked with the guy from last night.