13 | I Guess my Crusty Ass still Pulls Guys

"It's a 4 hour drive to Vegas," Damon tells me over the music.

"Can you handle the drive?" I ask him.

"Of course I can," he smirks and I smile.

"I have a friend in Vegas, she has a sweet penthouse," Damon suggests.

"I want to stay at a hotel," I whine.

"Fine. But we still have to meet her," Damon tells me.

"Fine by me. Ex girlfriend?" I ask.

"She's my cousin," he laughs and I blush.


"You look horrible by the way. You have bags under your eyes and you're in sweats, and you want to go to Vegas. You're obviously running away from something, so tell me angel. What are you running away from?" he asks and I smile sadly.

"Things are at it's worst right now. I just want to breath for a bit," I say and look out of the window.

I feel Damon's hand on mine and I smile a little then intertwine our fingers.

"I'm always here for you,"

"I know,"

I fall asleep and then I wake up when I'm alone in the car at a gas station. I get out of the car and stretch my legs just as Damon comes up to me from the shop

"Sleeping beauty has finally awoken," he flicks my forehead and I glare at him.

"How far are we?" I ask

"We are one hour away," he replies and begins putting gas in the car.

"Damn. I was out like a light," I laugh.

"You were in and out of your dream state. Kept mumbling words in your sleep," he states and I tense.

"Should I drive the rest of the way?" I change the subject before it gets tenser and he shakes his head.

"I'm good. Do you need to use the toilet?" he asks.

"Yea, and I'm hungry," I tell him.

"There's a Macdonald's around here. Lemme escort you to the toilets," he says after filling the car.

"You want to leave your car here in this shady place?" I roll my eyes.

"I will stand somewhere where I can watch you both," he shrugs.

"I will be fine. Relax D," I smile and begin walking away but he follows me.

"Hurry up and don't sit on those dirty toilets," he tells me.

"Yes daddy," I say sarcastically.

"We aren't even yet in bed and you're already calling me daddy," he says and I hear the smirk.

"Eww D," I say entering the toilet.

When I'm done I wash my hands and get out.

"I need sanitizer," I say and he gives me some of his.

We head back to the car but before I enter I get an idea.

"Let's make a TikTok," I tell him.


"I wasn't asking," I say and get out my phone.

"We are doing Corvette Corvette," I squeal.

I start the TikTok and it took like 10 tries but we finally got it right then we headed to Macdonald's. We ordered enough food to feed ten people but between me and D we both eat for five people. We eat and continue our journey while listening to my playlist.

"I've never felt so free," I laugh while feeling the air on my face with the roof down.

"Welcome to my world angel," Damon laughs with me.

We drive in a comfortable silence for the last one hour of our journey. We finally reach Las Vegas and D drives to the five star hotel. We check in under Damon's names since he is the one paying. He will be paying half because it's his dad's close friend's hotel. They lead us to our suite and when we enter my jaw drops.

"This place is amazing!" I scream.

"Calm down angel," D says while falling on to the couch.

"Where are we going first?" I ask eagerly.

"We just got here bro. You don't want a night in?" He laughs and I roll my eyes at him.

"We didn't come for night ins dummy now get dressed, oh yea that's right you lack clothes," I laugh at him and flips me off.

"I know a casino, it's the best,"

"You want to go gambling?" I roll my eyes at his stupidity.

"Yes, I'm quite good," He says with a lot of confidence.

"Yea we are using your money just in case we lose," I smile at him and he winks back.

"Come on, it's 15 minutes to 5 that's enough time to get you a suit that screams money," I pull him up from the couch then drag him out of the room.

When we reach the mall, we head to the Giorgio Armani store outlet.

"Wow, this place looks amazing," I squeal and literally drag him further into the store.

"Good afternoon Sir, Miss," a cute mid-twenty year old comes up to us.

"Hey," D and I say in unison.

"How may I be of assistance?" He asks.

"Well you could help me with your number for starters," I flirt with him and he smirks.

"Eww Cass," D laughs at me and I hit him.

"I would like a suit ASAP," D asks and the salesman nods and tells us to follow him.

He leads us to sofas where he tells us to wait then leaves to get D that suit. We are served champagne as we wait.

"First of all angel you're in no state to be flirting," D says immediately the salesman leaves.

"What do you mean by that," I laugh and feign offense.

"You look like trash," he says and shows me his phone making me look at myself.

"Oh my gosh! How could you let me get out that hotel? You know Vegas has hot guys," I whine and he laughs out loud making people look at him in annoyance.

I try to fix myself but it doesn't work. "I just want to crawl into hole and die," I cry and D rolls his eyes.

"Calm down angel. He looked interested in your crusty looking face," D says halfheartedly.

"Yea not helping," I hit him.

"I think this will do?" The hot gentleman comes to us and I immediately put my hoodie on.

"This is great. I will just try it on," D says and goes to the dressing room leaving me alone with the hot gentleman.

I sink further into the sofa and and get out my phone to keep me distracted.

"I heard what your friend said, I think you look beautiful," the gentleman says and I blush.

"Thanks," I say so quietly.

"I'm Luke," he says once again and this time I look up and smile.

"Cassandra," I say with my usual confidence.

"I've never seen you shop here. Are you from around?" He asks.

"No, just here for the weekend," I smile.

"Cass how do I look?" D comes out.

"Wow, yep it's the one," I say looking at D in awe. He's in a grey Soho line wool and cashmere suit without a bowtie with the two top buttons open showing off his skin and it's a perfect fit surprisingly.

"Now come on angel you don't want flies entering your mouth I would suggest you shut it," D says cockily and I flip him off.

"We shall take it," I smile politely at Luke.

"Take the fucking suit off dimwit," I tell D who is too busy admiring himself.

"Fine. Jeez mummy," he says sarcastically and I smirk.

"I think you mean daddy," I wink at him and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Haha," he says and retreats to the dressing rooms.

"Ex boyfriend?" Luke asks and I laugh out loud.

"Please, he wishes. He's a good friend almost like a brother," I reply.

"Yea that's not what you were calling me last night," D smirks at me as he gets out of the changing rooms.

"Like I said brother," I smile at Luke and he nods then takes the suit from D.

"What's wrong with you. Jeez I'm here to get laid. Especially by guys who look like freaking Nate Archibald," I whisper shout at D and he winks at me.

We reach the counter the and the lady looks at us weirdly.

"You do know it's not cheap right?" She says in a snobby tone.

"How much?" D asks with a goofy smile.

I swear his character doesn't match his looks.

"2,695 dollars," she says with a sly smirk and I burst out laughing.

"Did I say something funny?" The cashier asks in a annoyance.

"Please Karen, 2,695 dollars maybe a lot for you but it definitely isn't a problem for us," I scoff and roll my eyes at her. She glares at me and I smile sarcastically at her.

"Pay my angel no mind," D says with a laugh and pulls out his black card making the cashier's eyes widen.

"Yea that's right. Like I said not an issue," I look at her with a smirk and she blushes. I hate people who judge someone just because of the way they look like jeez Karen focus on your own miserable life.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Coleman," she apologizes to D.

"It's all good," he smiles and we begin making our way out of the store.

"Cassandra!" I hear Luke call me and I stop in my tracks.

"Yes?" I ask.

"You forgot something," he says with a smirk and hands me a chit then winks and walks away.

I open it and smile a big toothy smile and literally skip out of the store.

"What does it say?" D asks.

"Text me then his number," I say in a cocky tone.

"Cringe," D rolls his eyes and I smile even wider.

"I guess my crusty looking self can still pull all the guys I want," I say and skip to the food court.