45. Back

Elaine finally woke up after King shook her for a while and tried to wake her up. Then he simply became rude and picked her up on his shoulder.

"Let me go". Elaine gave a fake whine and there was no plan to get off of King's shoulder at all. She was just too lazy to care.

She was a bit embarrassed so she gave a fake struggle but didn't put too much emphasis on it. She became limp on King's shoulder and let him carry her wherever.

They came to a separate partition and King filled a bathtub full of water. He heated it up to an optimal temperature and grabbed sole herbs to tun on their bodies.

These herbs are good for cleaning and detoxification. They can make you fully clean and are even better than a bar of soap.

After cleaning, Elaine made some spicy mushroom soup with chicken meat that King caught the other day and even baked some eggs.

King went ahead to clean some dishes and set the table in the meanwhile. They finished the preparations and Elaine brought the food to the table.

"Am I welcome?" A sweet and melodious voice rang that made the three here to snap their heads towards the direction.

"Mom/Woof". All of them called out and swarmed Aelsa immediately.

"I'm sorry for sending you three here". Aelsa looked regretful and hugged the three in her arms remorsefully.

"It's fine mom. We gained a lot from this trip". King shook his head and didn't mind.

"I won't forgive you like this". Elaine on the other hand had other plans.

King just shook his head with a smile when he saw her acting like this and he knew that Aelsa won't be getting off lightly now.

"Alright, you can make your demands later. Let's eat now". King quickly dismissed Elaine's complaints and led Aelsa to the table and made a chair for her as well.

Elaine brought another portion of food and put it in front of Aelsa as well. Then she sat down besides King and started eating her food.

Lopt was also digging into its own bowl of food with gusto and barking happily every now and then at the taste.

"This is surprisingly delicious but a bit spicy". Aelsa drank sole water and complimented sincerely.

"Hehe, I made it". Elaine puffed up her chest and laughed with pride when she heard Aelsa's words.

"You have suffered". Aelsa's gaze turned soft and she put her hand on Elaine's head.

She had read all the reports and even knew the news about Elaine's hand being mutilated by a wolf. She was ready to rush over but the subsequent reports decreased her worries.

Elaine also dropped her head and just let Aelsa pat her head. She didn't eat a bite and only put her head up when Aelsa took back her hand.

"Mom, don't worry. We have been doing well here. You can even see our small little house that we made". King smiled and diffused the gloomy atmosphere between them.

Aelsa just shook her head and continued to eat the food with a smile on her face. The atmosphere was quiet and pleasant between them.

The Dark Knights had already formed an encirclement and no monster or Animal was allowed to approach the area at all.

After finishing the food, Aelsa helped the two in cleaning everything up and had some good family bonding time.

"Shall we go home?" She smiled at the two and asked.

"Yeah, I've been dying to continue my magic studies". King nodded his head eagerly and couldn't wait to go back.

"Let's go then". Aelsa nodded her head and opened a portal for them to pass.

"Just a second". King didn't go immediately and ran somewhere to retrieve something. When he came back. There was a massive heart on his shoulders.

Aelsa waved her hand and the heart floated over to her. It was still pulsing with vitality and looked full of life.

"Who's this fir?" Aelsa asked while looking at the beating heart.

"Diane, we already soaked in one". King answered and entered the portal with Aelsa.

He had hunted this heart just a couple days ago for Diane. Since the two of them had used it. He didn't want Diane to fall behind as well.

"You kid". Aelsa was speechless and could only shake her head. She didn't know how this guy naturally turned into a playboy.

He charmed Freyja, Elaine and even Diane couldn't escape his grasp. All three of them were hopeless and she was always amazed by it.

Since they live in a Kingdom based society. It is not a new thing for a prince or a king to have multiple brides but none were like King.

He made them fall in love with him before they married him. This wasn't what the other kings did. They would just do a political marriage or take the bride.

They passed through the portal and came to the throne room of the castle immediately. All the ministers in the room stood up and bowed towards their direction.

"Your Highnesses congratulations on your safe return". A mixed voice rang out powerfully.

"Thank you". King and Elaine thanked the ministers and sat down on their chairs beside the throne.

"The Prince and the Princess have come back from their valorous adventure and today celebrations will be held in the realm. Call all the other kingdoms for participation". Aelsa announced in an irrefutable voice.

"Certainly your Majesty". Aelsa's words took effect and the minister of foreign delegation immediately got up to send invitations.

"Mom, I'll go ahead then". King stood up from the chair and flew on Chastiefol while carrying the heart as well.

Elaine also stepped up and flew together with King on Chastiefol. She can float on her own but why do that when you can fly in comfort.

King went straight towards Diane's quarters to fins her. He couldn't wait to meet her after the absence of two years.

He flew straight to the maid quarters and came to Diane's room through the window and saw her sleeping on the bed.