46. Size

(A/N: I am just trying to write something for fun. Never had anything to do with money even with my previous fics. So Some reviews are literally meaningless to me.)

"Diane". King called and shook the sleeping Diane to wake her up.

"King!" Diane opened her eyes and leaped into King's arms as soon she saw him. She couldn't control her form pf address after two years of staying away from him like this.

"How have you been?" King patted her back and asked with a smile.

"I've been okay. Just a bit lonely is all". Diane shook her head and hung from King's neck tightly.

"Well, we are back now. So you won't be lonely anymore". King patted her head and assured her.

"I know". Diane nodded her head and then looked at Elaine with fiery eyes.

It was like her eyes were saying that since you did it then I will do it as well and nothing will stop me from it.

Elaine didn't back down either and looked at Diane with equal ferocity behind her gaze. She was also making her stand clear.

"Let's go, I have something for you". King put Diane down and led her out of the maid quarters.

"What is it?" Diane asked curiously while grabbing King's hand tightly.

Elaine was holding King's arm with a smile and walking on his other side triumphantly like he belonged to her.

"What's this?" Diane was astonished when she saw the big beating heart behind the building close to her room.

"This is the heart of a monster close to minor gods. It can help you increase your strength". King explained and picked up the heart from the ground.

He led her towards the garden and ordered a maid to bring a big bathtub for them. Elaine erected a wall of vines and King filled the bathtub with blood.

"Now drink the rest and get in". King handed the dried up heart to Diane and ordered.

"Uh". Diane's face changed with a bit of disgust when she heard King's words but pinched her nose and did it anyway.

Then King put her inside the bathtub and started to boil the blood. Soon, the blood reacted and immediately encased Diane into a cocoon.

"Let her finish". King said and both of them sat down on the chairs inside the garden in the castle.

They waited for a while and the cocoon broke open with a bloodied Diane coming out of it panting for breath.

King waved his hand and water fell on her to wash all the blood off. Diane was given King's help to awaken her divinity before.

It hasn't even been three years properly since she awakened her divinity. She has a good bloodline from being able to awaken her divinity so soon.

She can become a small noble in the kingdom of giants and even become a knight here but she refused and decided to stick with her original job.

'She was a simp in the anime as well'. King shook his head and saw Diane jumping around and testing her strength.

"Hey Diane, I have never seen your original size. Can you remove restriction on the bracelet and show me?" King suddenly asked when he thought of this thing.

Elaine also looked a little eager. They have spent most of the time here and have never actually seen a giant with their own eyes except for those that shrunk with artefacts like Diane.

Diane looked at the two's eager eyes and couldn't refuse. So she nodded her head and removed the restriction from the bracelet.

Suddenly, he size started to get bigger and bigger. She reached a height of ten meters and finally stopped growing bigger.

King looked at her size in a bit of wonder. This was his first time seeing a human this big in size. She was literally two stories tall.

King floated up and sat down on Diane's shoulder. Elaine also followed suit and sat down beside King in wonder.

"Wow, the view is quite good here huh'. King looked at the scenery of the whole city from Diane's shoulder and it looked quite good.

The Garden is quite high up in the castle and the wall is not that tall. So Diane can perfectly stand higher than the wall when she stands in the garden.

The wall from the outside is quite tall though. It's just small from the side of the garden. So it looks quite good.

"Hehe, I am very strong as well". Diane curled her arms and patted her bicep.

Due to her size, when she grows bigger. He strength increases by at least ten times and its quite a lot.

She just gained a lot of strength from the snake heart and her strength reached a good thousand tons with her previous accumulation.

With the size increase, she is stronger than King if it is only counted by brute strength. Plus, she is just short of a weapon to truly become a force to be reckoned with.

She also awakened the divinity related to Earth like most Mountain Giants who can awaken their own divinities.

'Diane might be of noble or even royal blood of Jotunheim mountain giants'. King looked towards Diane's face from the side and pondered.

'She might be an illegitimate child though. So she was discarded on the grounds of Alfheim by someone. She could also be from the Giants' kingdom in Alfheim'. King felt quite intrigued by it because it is not common to be able to awaken your divinity at the age of someone like Diane.

"Let's go, we need to prepare for the banquet". King flew off of Diane's shoulder and signalled for Elaine to go as well.

"Thank you Diane". King thanked Diane and started to head towards his room.

"Your Highness". Diane also shrunk down and followed after King to his room.

"Wait for me as well". Elaine didn't want to be left behind followed after them as well.

"Go to your room to get ready". King paused and looked back at her.

"I can just prepare in your room". Elaine laughed cheekily and didn't stop following.

"Your choice". King shook his head and didn't insist. He couldn't control her anyway. So he just opted to go to his room and get ready.