102. Preparations 2

King's eyes glowed intensely like he was using a lot of power for something. He was looking into the past and seeing the scenario described by Loki.

He watched every part of the process that happened and Loki had said the truth. Everything was exactly the same thing.

"Someone has a death wish huh." King's indifferent and cold words rang before he waved his hand.

The wave of his hand operated space and time simultaneously. He isn't at the power that he will be when MCU starts but he is still plenty powerful when it comes down to it.

The Space And Time twisted together. Waves of fluctuations spread and a cloaked figure fell out of a portal.

"So, you were having fun playing with the prince huh?" King looked at the figure and asked.

"Wha-" The cloaked figure looked around in disbelief but King didn't give him the chance.

He immediately went up and removed the hood from the figure. It was a blue coloured giant with shrunken size.

The Jotun narrowed his eyes and immediately tried to commit suicide but it was already too late. King locked his figure tightly.

"Talk." He operated Death divinity and telepathy to compel the Jotun to talk involuntarily.

"We want to sow discord among the princes. So that our plans can be smooth. Laufey doesn't understand our point." The Jotun was about to go on a rant and King just sealed his mouth.

"Like you saw, Loki wasn't entirely to blame but he still doesn't shirk responsibility. So I will be taking him for some punishment." King said and surveyed everyone there.

"Do whatever." Odin was already tired of King's antics and just shook his head. When you can't stop them then just don't go along with them.

He just silently watched Loki and King disappear from there right under his nose and that put an end to Loki's punishment but something else was left.

"Make him talk about everything." Odin ordered the guards and they immediately took the Jotun to the dungeon.

Then he closed his eye for a while to get over the previous shock he received from Loki's words.

King snapped out of his musings and looked Odin with a little embarrassment since they were talking and King just zoomed out on him.

"Yeah, like I was saying. I can't be too harsh on them. It is not my nature and I still do punish them for their foolish behaviour." King repeated again to Odin.

"Coming back to what we were saying. Thor can be made into a respectable King but that buffoon doesn't even try." Odin sighed and felt a headache coming on to his head.

"We can only do so much. Just keep trying. He listens to you more than me. He respects me a lot but that's not the same". King looked at Odin and said lightly.

"I know, don't worry, I will think of something." Odin nodded his head in affirmation and their talk ended there.

"Yeah, alright then. I have to head back now." King nodded his head and stood up from the chair to go back.

'Since you are here then spend some time with your mom'. Aelsa's voice rang in his mind and King cancelled his plan of going back immediately.

"I shall take my leave as well." Odin stood up from the seat and teleported away from there.

King also got out of the room and the enchantments naturally went away. He had turned them off after the talk. Which is why Aelsa could contact him.

He went towards the garden and saw Aelsa sitting there with a smile and sipping on some tea elegantly.

"Mom." King called with a smile and sat down beside her on the chair.

"How have you been in Midgard Honey?" Aelsa lowered the cup on the dish and asked calmly.

"Everything's been calm recently and the development is going well. The life has been good." King stretched his body and put his head on Aelsa'a shoulder while speaking.

"Mom, clean my ears for me." He started acting spoiled and laid his head on her lap without even getting her permission.

"You kid." Aelsa shook her head but the smile on her face was wider.

King might be nearly three five thousand years old now but for her, he is till her young child. She feels that they still love her when they can let go of their shame and act a bit spoiled with her.

"You should've brought the others together as well." Aelsa smiled and started cleaning his ears while talking.

"I can call them now." King waved his hand and took out his phone. This things works anywhere as long as King supplies it with energy.

He called all of them one by one to prepare and then waved his hand to summon Lopt. "Buddy, go pick the others up for me?" King said lazily because he was feeling really pleasant at the moment:

"Woof woof woof." Lopt looked at King with squinted eyes and communicated his meaning.

(Bitch, you want me to go and you laying there lazily. What do you think of me?) this was what he said.

"Do this for me and this bone is yours." King smiled and took out the bone of a dragon that he hunted once in his free time.

The dragon was quite strong and could give some minor gods a run for their money and it is also the thigh bone that Lopt likes the best.

Lopt saw the bone and the oncoming aroma and hardness of the bone immediately made his tail straighten involuntarily.

'Bitch, you still think I can't handle you?' King sneered in his mind and threw the bone over to Lopt.

Lopt opened his mouth and stored the bone inside his stomach dimension. He was going to use it later after the job was done.

"Woof, Woof(Consider the job done)." Lopt saluted and teleported away from there.

Aelsa in the meanwhile didn't speak at all and just looked at the two's interaction with a smile on her face.

Lopt's intelligence is no less than any sentient being out there and he could be considered more powerful than most people out there as well.