103. Rogue

An auburn haired girl was walking around with a cloak on her body. Her body was fully covered and even her hands were covered with gloves.

She was looking around in distress and looked like she was being wary of her surroundings. She looked depressed and lonely while walking there with her head down.

She had just done something terrible a few days ago when she was forcefully kissed by her boyfriend.

She literally drained all his life force out of him through touch and this made her afraid of touching anyone.

She ran away from home and came to a different state. Now she lives like a vagabond with no destination and has to be always ok tight nerves as to when will someone get harmed by her.

Today was the same as usual for her and nothing was going to change in this terrible life of hers but she was sorely wrong.

"Do you wish to control you power?" A small whisper came to her ear unknowingly and Anna's footsteps halted on the spot.

She looked around at the surroundings but didn't see anything. 'Am I hallucinating in broad daylight?' Anna shook her head and continued on her way.

"Do you wish to control your power?" This time the voice came again and it was way more clear this time.

Anna fully stopped moving forward and frowned to herself. "Of course I want to control this accursed power. It has brought me nothing but misery." Anna spoke with conviction in her voice.

"Then come with me and I will help you." King stepped through the portal and stretched his hand towards Anna.

"Who are you?" Anna was immediately vigilant and distanced herself from King in a hurry.

"I provide people like you shelter and a place to call home. There are a lot more people the same as you. They are also learning and living a free life without worries.

If you want, I can help you train this power. So that you will never have to worry about touching another being again". King spoke lightly and passionately like he was instilling something into her.

"Can you really help me?" Anna is just about 16 years old this year and hasn't seen the world so much.

She could do anything to make sure that she can control this power. She doesn't want to accidentally hurt others.

"Then let's go." King opened a sling ring portal for them and asked her to walk through it with her.

"Yeah." Anna kept herself vigilant and stepped through the portal lightly like a cat coming to a new place.

She surveyed the surroundings and saw the tall campus buildings around her. She felt the atmosphere was safe and relaxed her tight nerves a small amount.

"I didn't lie to you. This is a campus built for people like you with special powers. They can love a normal life here, complete their studies and even learn to control their powers.

Since your power is more on the dangerous side. I will help you for one hour everyday personally until you can proficiently control you powers". King looked towards and slowly said everything to help Anna be less vigilant of things.

"Why would you help me?" Anna looked at King for a while and spoke up.

"Because you are not the only one who I am helping." King reply was simple and could even be considered a bit generic but Rogue felt that such a reply made her feel better.

If it was only helping her for no reason then she might become more vigilant as it could be a trap for all she knows but what King said made her less vigilant.

King's reply meant that it was more of a charity than a dedicated help just for her. It might not sound the best but at least it didn't sound creepy.

"Alright, you can follow me to your dormitory. I have some special suits for situations like yours. You can use one until you can control yourself confidently." King led the way in front and Anna followed behind him silently.

He led her to the girls dormitory area and both of them saw some students walking in and out of the dormitory with wide smiles on their faces.

They were walking out with their friends and looked happy. They communicating and laughing while even playing around with each other.

"Good Morning Principal Sir." The girls saw King coming and immediately greeted him.

"Good morning girls. Hurry along, your lessons are about to start." King smiled and greeted them back.

"Yes sir." The girls smiled and exited the dormitory to go to their lessons now.

Anna looked at all this and felt that this place wasn't bad. This also helped her let go of the depression in her heart a bit.

"Let's go." King looked back at her and led her all the way to her room.

It was a standard room with a kitchen, dining table, one bedroom and bathroom. This was like a small apartment that King made with some space manipulation.

Nothing too big but good enough to allow one person to love comfortably inside without problem.

"This will be your home from now on. So familiarise yourself with it. Before I forget, here is the suit that I said." King said to Anna and also gave her like a transparent looking suit made of unknown material.

It looked more like rubber but it was certainly not rubber because when you touched it. It perfectly blended with your skin and it's like you never have anything on.

"This will help you with your everyday interactions. You will remove this and train with me everyday for an hour to help you regulate your power." King finished speaking after Anna was done checking out the suit in front of her.

"Thank you." She bent her waist nearly ninety degrees as a sign of thanks. She was that thankful to him for his help.

She knew that without it. She might never be able to touch another being in her life in the worst case scenario.