104. Ororo

"Alright no need for this. Just enjoy your life here freely." King waved his hand with a smile and exited the room.

'I should ho and see Ororo like I promised her.' King mused to himself and started walking towards the dorm of the chocolate goddess.

He came in front of her door and started knocking on the door. A rustling sound came from inside the room.

It took a minute before the door of the room opened and Ororo was standing there with a disheveled look.

"Sir, please come in." She saw King standing at the door and immediately had a huge smile on her face.

She welcomed him in quickly and ran away to the bathroom to get changed and improve her looks a bit.

'This lazy ass girl.' King shook his head and started walking towards the couch and sat down to wait for her.

Ororo is more than 21 years old this year and it is 1969. It will soon be Tony's birth as well since Howard just recently got married.

He was here today on Ororo's request to train with her. She felt that she had encountered a bottleneck with her practice of her powers.

So she asked King for help. She is currently studying University courses in the campus and her course is Business Management.

She seldom goes to it. Most of her time is spent on refining her powers. Since she is more or less very intelligent like most Marvel superheroes. She doesn't need to focus much on her studies.

King was waiting for Ororo and she was quickly trying to put on her combat suit and get ready for training.

Soon, she came out of the bathroom in a white combat suit with hints of purple here and there that blended very well with her looks.

King appreciated the beauty in front of him without masking it and also gave her some compliments on top of it.

"Shall we eat something before your training?" King asked while standing up from the couch.

"Yes! There is a really good sweet bread in canteen recently. Let's go and try it." Ororo exclaimed happily and led the way in front of King while skipping lightly.

This storm goddess is usually with a small smile and doesn't give anyone the time of day but she acts like this whenever she is with King.

They moved over to the canteen and saw the hustle and bustle inside the canteen. It was packed full.

There were a lot of students and teachers socialising in the canteen and having food with their friends.

Everyone looked over when King stepped inside the room. He was like a mascot and the idol of most people on the scene.

"Sir, come here." Some students enthusiastically patted the seat next to them and invited King over to sit with them.

"You guys enjoy yourselves. I am here with someone." King waved his hand at them and continued moving forward in line.

"Sir, are you on a date? We will tell miss Diane." Some of the girls giggled with interest and started teasing King.

"Rebecca, I saw you with that guy behind campus building. Shall we have some elaboration as well?" King also quipped back with a smile and Rebecca's face turned red after hearing his words.

Her friends around her immediately became interested and started questioning her one by one about this juicy news.

"You are really popular with students like always." Ororo looked at this phenomenon and smiled while talking to King.

"Yeah, I just like to make friends. I am not the strict type of guy." King nodded his head and soon their number also came.

He took some sausages, boiled eggs, sweet bread and a glass of apple juice that was sweet. He just took some heavy portions of everything.

Ororo took a lot more than him. Her plate was overflowing with food and you could hardly tell what she had taken.

"Let's sit at that place." King pointed towards a window seat that was empty and both of them sat down there together.

They started eating their lunch and quickly finished the food in front of them. Ororo had so much on her plate but she still finished it quickly.

"Alright, We also have another companion on out training today. So let's go and get her as well." King stood up from the chair and left the tray of food at the window before going away with Ororo.

"But I thought it would only be us today." Ororo looked a little upset when she heard King's words.

"Don't be like that. She is a new student and has a lot of problem controlling her powers. We should help her." King smiled and patted the head of the sulking Ororo.

"Okay then let's go." Ororo nodded her head and just led the way in front enthusiastically.

"You are going the wrong way. She is in dorms". King towards the back and Ororo froze on the spot in awkwardness.

"Uhhhh, I thought she was in your office or something." Ororo rubbed the back of your head in embarrassment and started to silently follow behind King.

"Alright, stop being embarrassed. Now let's go." King started walking and Ororo quickly caught up to him and started walking beside him.

They walked shoulder to shoulder while making their way over to the girls' dormitory. Ororo had a very sweet smile on her face all the way.

They came in front of Anna's room and King knocked on the door. A call came from inside and Anna opened the room.

"Are you ready to start your training?" King looked at the auburn haired girl with some streaks of white on the front.

She was wearing a white t-shirt and black joggers with sport shoes on her feet. She looked ready for action.

"Yes and thank you for your help." Anna replied with a sweet smile and again thanked King along with Ororo as well.

"Let's go then." King waved his hand and all of them disappeared from place like a mirage. They were directly teleported to the training grounds.