105. Training

"Today is a bit special. Since Ororo is here as well then we will extend the training time." King said and looked at the two girls behind him.

"I forgot the introduction for our new member huh." King looked at Anna, who was looking intensely at the training grounds and spoke.

"Pleas if you would." King pointed at Anna with his hand and asked her.

"My name is….. Rogue. I come from Caldecot County, Mississippi." Anna or Rogue introduced herself in front of the both of them.

"You want to change your name huh." King nodded his head thoughtfully and didn't object to Rogue's change of name.

"I am King Featherwine Yggdrasil. A bit of a long name but it is what it is." King smiled and shrugged his shoulders while introducing himself.

"Ororo Munroe, it's a pleasure to meet you." Ororo also smiled and introduced herself to Rogue.

After the introductions were over. King took them to the middle of the training grounds and looked at the two of them.

"Now, I will remove the suit from you and you will try to touch me. You have try and make sure that you don't absorb anything from me. No power, life force, memories, emotions or anything". King stepped forward and clapped his hands.

The suit on Rogue's body dissipated on its own and her body stiffened as soon as she felt that she had left the protection of the suit.

"Don't worry, I have powers like you as well. So you won't be able to absorb anything from me." King smiled and assured her before he narrowed the gap between them.

After Rogue heard King's words. Her body visibly relaxed a bit more when she knew that her powers would have no effect on him.

This also gave her a glimmer of hope for the future. At least for now, there is someone that she can touch which is a big thing for her.

Rogue timidly stretched her hand out with her eyes closed and King smiled at her cute behaviour. He stepped forward and allowed her to touch his arm with her hand.

Ororo was also looking at all this with a smile and she could understand Rogue's concerns. Once she was also like this but then King saved her from that miserable life.

Now she lives a life of dignity. She can study and fulfil her dreams. She has nothing to worry about. No one can say anything to her.

All this because she took the hand stretched out to her at that time by King. She always feels very novel about this. It's like a dream to her.

"See, nothing happened." Just then King spoke up and broke Ororo out of her reverie. Ororo stopped reminiscing and looked over to what the two were doing.

King currently had his arm in Rogue's hand and she had also opened her eyes. She was looking at her hand touching King's arm in a daze.

"Idiot, I said to try and control yourself. Not go in a daze as soon as you touch me." King flicked her forehead with a bit more power and it quickly became red.

"Ow." Rogue started to rub her painful forehead but there was a smile on her face.

"I was just happy after finally touching someone. It's been so long." Rogue had faint tears in her eyes but they were out of happiness and not sadness.

"There there, everything's fine. I am here to help you. So just try your best." King softly patted her head to console her sad mood and tried to soothe her.

Ororo also moved forward and patted her back softly. They were sympathetic after hearing her words. You can't help yourself.

"Alright, stop with all the gloom and let's get back to practice." King clapped his hands after a while when Rogue was done crying.

"Ororo, show me your power till then and Rogue, sit down and try to meditate and harness your powers without touching. See if you can control some part of it like that." King instructed both of them and backed off to give them space.

Rogue went away from the centre of the training ground by a large distance and sat down on the ground to meditate like that.

Ororo on the other hand started to glow all over her body as her powers were starting to go active in a large margin.

Lightning flickered around her and even clouds started to appear in the sky. King laid out an enchantment immediately to contain her powers in a short radius.

Ororo's body lifted up and the power of the storm raged in full power. It was all contained thanks to king or she could literally fuck up an entire state with her power alone.

"You power is good but you are encountering a bottleneck because you let your power overwhelm you. When you use your powers, try to be subtle and direct rather than being flashy like a lightbulb." King ruthlessly destroyed her showing off behaviour and Ororo also powered down.

She stood there obediently and listened to King's words with all her attention. He just asked her to try and contain that power inside her instead of letting it leak outside die to usage.

Ororo also felt that this point was feasible and started training earnestly with all her might. She would glow and try to restrain her power but fail.

"Try meditation, this will help you calm your mind and also in control." King spoke up again and instructed her.

"Thank you." Ororo nodded her head and sat down to meditate. She closed her eyes and breathed rhythmically.

Rogue peeked at this silently from the corner of her eyes and she was certainly astonished by the display of power that she saw in front of her eyes.

That much power was amazing according to her. 'Maybe, I can also reach that much power and…." She thought and her thoughts were cut off at that point.

"Bonk." A play hammer hit her head lightly with a bonk and King's voice followed after.

"Train properly." He said sternly and Rogue closed her eyes immediately like an obedient child.