120. Crossover

(A/N: This one was requested from a fan once to do a crossover. So here we go.)

It's been a year since King came back to Alfheim and life has been very calm these days for him.

But calmness can only last for so long in the chaotic universe of Marvel. Every peaceful comes to an end really fast in this universe.

King was practicing some of his spear techniques in the garden and the girls were out on a tour of Alfheim again.

There is just so much to see in this realm and the wonders in Alfheim just never cease to amaze people.

Today they went to garden of the fairies for a tour and King wanted sole peace time and was enjoying practicing with Chastiefol in his hands in a serene way.

'King, come here quickly.' Aelsa's voice suddenly rang in his mind and King teleported over to her immediately.

"What happened Mom?" King looked puzzled and quickly found her on the throne.

"A cosmic storm of unprecedented magnitude is heading towards Alfheim. We need to fight it off." Aelsa immediately said as soon as King came and asked her.

"I will see to it." King nodded his head calmly and unlocked all his limiters immediately.

His wings burst out from his back and Chastiefol also started humming and hovering beside him in circles.

"Go." He ordered and Lopt appeared beside him immediately.

Lopt is not weak anymore. He can contend with King if it comes to pure force and Space and Time magic.

So Lopt can also be a huge help in some problems. So King always takes him along if it's a big thing that happens.

King hopped onto Lopt's back and they disappeared in a black swirl from the room and left for the cosmic storm.

'Just be safe son.' Aelsa prayed in her mind and then looked at the worried ministers with a sigh.

King had already appeared outside the entrance to Alfheim and looked into the vacuum of space. His eyes were far reaching.

He could see that just a couple light years away was a massive cosmic storm of mixed energy that was quickly heading this way.

'My perception is not working on this storm. This thing is not normal.' King felt the power behind the storm and wrinkled his forehead with a frown.

"Let's get close to it and see if we can dissipate this storm." King said to Lopt and both of them started heading towards the Cosmic Storm.

King got in front of the Storm and looked at the massive storm of Antimatter that was spreading out from it.

'This is not a cosmic storm. This is Antimatter.' King's face changed when he saw this and thought of a way to close this thing off.

"Do you see anything buddy?" King patted Lopt's head and asked.

"Woof." Lopt nodded and conveyed the message to King's mind.

'In the centre of it?' King frowned and looked through the antimatter and saw a space crack in the centre of the storm.

King's face changed because he knew that this space crack was not of this universe and might even be alien.

'Let's get near it.' King commanded with his mind and asked Lopt.

Lopt nodded his head and led the way with King. They came to the centre of the the Antimatter storm while shielding themselves and looked at the crack.

'I can't repair it from this side. Do I have to cross over?' King was a bit uncertain about this but then thought of the direction of the Antimatter storm and took the chance anyway.

He cannot allow this storm to swept Alfheim inside of it or all the people inside will be in danger. He doesn't want this to happen.

'Let's go buddy.' King said in his mind and both of them entered the space crack together.

They appeared in a long river of space and Time. It was absolute chaos here and the situation was really volatile.

"We can still survive with our strength but someone else will be torn apart if he enters." King wondered and followed the long bridge of Antimatter to the correct destination.

"We are here." He looked at the crack that was the start of the Antimatter bridge and plunged into it along with Lopt.

As soon as he entered, he felt that he was under the surveillance of someone. This person was also omniscient like him.

"Would you like to stop watching and just come and talk?" King stopped in his place and asked while folding his arms on his chest.

"Hahaha, no worries man. I was just about to close this space crack made by AntiMonitor when you just popped out of it." A blonde guy stepped out of the vacuum of space and appeared in front of King with a golden humanoid thing floating beside him.



Both of them hummed in question at the same time when they saw the person opposite of them. Their faces looked surprised.

"Is that Gold Experience Requiem?"

"Is that Chastiefol?"

Both of them exclaimed together after a certain while and looked incredibly surprised like they had seen something alien.

"You, who are you?" They asked each other at the same time.

Lopt and GER were just looking at this with blank eyes like they were already used to their hosts doing stupid shit.

"Ok stop, let's introduce ourselves first." King put his hand in front to stop the other guy and said.

"Hehe, I am Alexander Wayne. The resident of Earth 2." Alex introduced himself with a noble bow and a smile.

"I am King Featherwine Yggdrasil aka Harlequinn, The crown Prince of Alfheim and a resident of Earth-616." King also gave the etiquette bow from Alfheim and introduced himself.

"So you are King from Nanatsu no Taizai?" Alex pointed at King and asked.

"And you are Batman's brother and have GER." King also pointed at Alex and said.

"We both crossed and got reborn?" King and Alex said at the same time again with wonder on their faces.

"Where are you from dude?" King asked with some expectations.

"Me, I'm from UK." Alex pointed to himself and smiled.

"And I'm from America." King pointed to himself and also introduced.