121. DC x Marvel

"Wanna see DC with me?" Alex suddenly proposed after they were done with their introductions.

"Oh, I would love to." King nodded his head with a smile and took back his omniscience to enjoy what was coming.

"Let me show you my family first." Alex boasted and both of them disappeared from that place along with GER and Lopt.

They first came to the Wayne mansion and King felt multiple strong presences inside the mansion just casually chatting about.

"Hehe, you can tell right. It's my wives, parents, Bruce, Damian and Sister in law inside." Alex laughed cheekily and they both went inside the mansion.

"They certainly feel strong." King nodded his head and walked forward along with Alex.

"Hey guys, I brought my friend over." Alex said a bit loudly and all the people sitting in the hall looked at him in turn.

"Is he strong?" The first to speak was Super Woman in the bunch of them.

"As strong as me." Alex nodded his head because he could feel King's power.

"Oh." Super Woman suddenly had some fighting spirit burning in her eyes.

"Let him sit down first dear." Hancock said calmly and Smiled at the two of them.

"Dude, where did you get Hancock?" King got close to Alex and whispered in his ear.

"Don't ask my friend." Alex just patted his shoulder and then led King to sit down on a couch.

"Hi, can you introduce yourself?" Diana(wonder woman) looked towards King and asked.

"Well, Alex already knows me but I will still give an introduction. I am King Featherwine Yygdrasil from an alternate Reality and I am the Crown Prince of Alfheim. One of the nine realms." King stood up and gave an introduction with an etiquette bow from Alfheim.

"Oh, so you are a Crown Prince and a God then." Diana looked at King with a little surprise and said.

"Of course." King also nodded and agreed to her words.

"I am Diana Prince, Princess of Themiscyra and a member of Justice League." Diana also stood up to give a noble bow and introduce herself.

"I am Y'mera Xebella Challa, the queen of Xebel and a member of Justice League." Mera also stood up to give a noble bow and introduce herself.

"I am Komand'r, the Crown Princess of Tamaran and Alex's wife." Blackfire also stood up and introduces herself.

"I am Koriand'r, the Princess of Tamaran and a member of Young Justice." Starfire stood up and introduced herself.

"I didn't know we had so many royals among us." Harley waved excitedly with the baseball bat in her hand and exclaimed.

"What are you doing with the bat inside the house?" King, Alex and some other people also said at the same time and looked at each other like they found some kin.

"Party pooper." Harley pouted her lips and murmured when she heard their words. Her bat was taken away from her.

"So, how is Midgard here?" King looked around and then asked Alex.

"What Gard?" Alex asked instinctively and looked at King like an idiot.

"Midgard, Earth my guy." King said like he was explaining in exasperation.

'I have said Midgard all my life and it has settled down on my mind like an instinct.' King lamented in his mind but didn't think it was all that big a problem.

"Yeah, I just faced Crisis on Infinite Earths. Now, everything is calm and under control." Alex replied and their words sounded a bit cryptic to the others there.

'Now that I think about it. I never really cared about DC and focused mostly on Marvel in the original world huh. Now I know everything about DC though.' King thought to himself and then answered back.

"Oh, so everything's alright then huh." King nodded his head.

"Yeah man, it was a hassle at first but now it's all good." Alex nodded as well while smiling slightly.

The others were looking at them with question marks visible on their heads. They were totally out of sync with these two at the moment.

"So what are your plans now?" Alex stopped the matter there and changed the topic.

"Thinking about visiting the Alfheim in this Omniverse." King answered back.

"Hmm, I would like to go there as well." Diana murmured because learning has always been one of her favourite things and this piqued her interest quite well.

"Well then what are we waiting for?" Harley jumped up from the sofa and excitedly looked at all of them like a child going out on an outing.

"Um, but the Alfheim in this reality is already a thing of the past." Alex slowly put his hand up and said with a wry smile.

"What?" King asked in astonishment and immediately turned to his omniscience.

He tries to keep omniscience off at all times and just get a gist of the general outline of things. Otherwise, the life becomes really boring.

"Fuck." He held his forehead and swore after he saw that Alfheim was just space dust in this reality.

'Even if I don't know anyone in there. It still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.' King shook his head to snap himself out of it.

Everyone just silently looked at him. All of them were not sure on what to say. So they just wisely closed their mouths.

Lopt got close to King and lightly nudged his arm with its nose as a form of comfort.

"It's alright buddy. Just a little upset." King stroked Lopt's head and smiled softly.

"Alright, we can't do anything about what happened and I don't want to make unnecessary changes in another reality without permission. So how about we go and visit some other place?" King smiled slightly and asked the rest of them in the room.

"How about we go to Atlantis?" Mera was the first to put forward this suggestion. She had a bright smile on her face full of anticipation.

"Sure." Alex also nodded. He was also meaning to go for a break. It's been really tiring with all the Antimatter shit that happened before.

"So Atlantis it is." King smiled and Lopt also woofed to give his approval.