127. Susan

"Woah, chill man. I was the one who reported this." King kept his hands up and explained.

It's not like he can't act arrogantly in front of police but what's the point in doing that plus they are just doing their work. He isn't a mindless and arrogant protagonist. Who gets offended at every little thing around him.

"Sorry sir but it is procedures. You will have to go with us to report testimonies." The officer apologised politely and requested.

"No worries, these are the punks. They were about to rape the helpless girl." King pointed at the punks laying down with his hand.

"Roger." The officer nodded and the others also quickly started to arrest the punks and loaded them into the cars.

The paramedics also came with the police and helped Susan regain consciousness and then escorted her into the car as well.

"Hey, I think I've seen this guy." Some of the officers at the back whispered to each other.

"Hmm." The other officer nodded and also thought about the matter.

"Hey, he is the chairman of King industries. I remember." The officer remembered and almost yelled out.

The others clearly heard him and their attitude changed even more. They didn't even care if King was doing something suspicious.

Because someone at his level will not do something stupid to get himself in trouble. So they were instinctively more relieved.

"Please come with me sir." The officer came to King and asked him to follow.

"Miss, this gentleman helped you with the incident. Otherwise, you would in very big trouble today." The officer introduced politely and King also waved his hand to Susan.

"Uh, who are you?" Susan's head was still very groggy but she could see clearly after a minute or so.

"I am the chairman of King industries, King Featherwine Yggdrasil." King introduced himself in proper royal etiquette.

"Huh." After hearing the introduction. Susan was just stuck for a second and then it clicked in her mind.

"Oh, you are the richest man, King." She spoke in a hurry and looked like a fan girl.

"In the flesh." King spread his hands and spoke very arrogantly.

"Wow, I got saved by one of the leading scientists." Susan was even more amazed and looked like she would literally grab King by the collar any second.

"Yes my dear, now these officers will escort you home and I shall take my leave as well." King nodded with a smile and asked to take his leave.

"Wait." Susan remembered something and hurriedly stopped him.

"What?" King asked a bit puzzled. He knew what was coming next but just acted a bit surprised.

"Can you give me your contact? I will tell you everything." Susan said a bit desperately.

They needed someone to sponsor their research at this stage. No one was willing to come forward for now and they are running out of funds more and more.

Even today, she came out to meet a potential investor but who knew that this would happen to her here.

Fortunately, she was saved before it got to the worst stage and she was able to save her dignity. Otherwise, today's outing would cost her way too much.

"Just contact my secretary. Her number should be on our website. I will make an appointment for you." King decided put up a little tough front to make sure it looks genuine.

People treasure the things that they get with a bit more difficulty rather than something that they get easily.

"Please, can you give me your number?" Susan pleaded desperately after hearing King's answer. She didn't want to miss this golden opportunity.

"Ugh, okay." King grunted and agreed. Then he gave her his number and left in another car to give his testimonies.

After all that was done, he asked Skynet to send over a car and just drove back home leisurely while enjoying the hustle and bustle.

"Sir, you have a call." Skynet's voice came from the deck and King motioned to answer it.

"Is it Mr King?" A sweet voice came from the other end and King knew who it was instantly.

"Is it miss Susan?" King smiled and answered back.

"Ah yes, I am calling you about the request I said." Susan made a small unexpected exclaim and talked about her purpose to him.

"So what can I do for you Susan?" King answered seriously without acting familiar. Business matters are always separate from personal life.

"Sir, we are making a teleporter and I would like you to come and see the project." Susan didn't immediately ask King to help them with the funding.

They weren't this familiar with each other yet. Plus, if she said that King might not even pay any attention to the matter at all.

'So, you wanna tempt me with the prospects huh.' King smiled inwardly at her approach and thought about it.

"Alright, tell me the address. I am also interested after hearing your words. I will get there tomorrow." King answered back and the call was cut off.

'Now, we only have to act a little and get our hands into this project.' King thought about it and decided.

"I'm home." King shouted as soon as he got back home and saw James walking out of the hall.

"Your highness." James bowed in greeting when he saw King enter the villa.

"Where is everyone?" King nodded his head in greeting and asked.

"All the highnesses are in the lounge watching TV." James answered and King took his leave immediately.

The TV in the villa can actually project things from the future. Movies, TV series, Anime, anything that you wanna watch can be projected from the future.

You can even browse the contents freely like surfing on Netflix for your favourite movie or TV Show.

You can even watch Live TV from the future. Means, you can watch all the World Cups in one go. Which King feels has a charm of its own.

"I'm back." King got to the lounge and shouted.

"Shut up." All of them snapped at him immediately from annoyance. They were getting to the good part.