128. Next day

King that day had to sleep alone because he caused them to miss the good part of the serial due to his sudden shouting.

They could always rewind it but they said that it's not the same and he had to be punished for it. Which made him very resentful.

The next day, King just got up and ate his food without even greeting anyone in the house. After finishing, he just took his leave sullenly.

He boarded his car and was in no mood to drive today. "Skynet, drive to the address that Miss Susan gave us." King asked.

"Ok sir." Skynet responded back and immediately started to move.

The car sped up and got into auto drive. King just relaxed in the back seat and made himself comfortable.

Meanwhile in the villa.

"Hey, do you think we were too harsh?" Elaine said to the others worriedly.

There was only five people living in the villa with King. Emma, Elaine, Diane, Freyja and Bast. The others lived on their own or hadn't mixed into the circle properly.

Hela lives in Niflheim. While Ororo and Jean live in the academy. They are teachers and love their job as well.

So they just rarely come over to the villa when they want to meet everyone or are taking a day off.

"We are here sir." Skynet reminded and King opened his eyes.

He just unknowingly closed his eyes during the trip because he was bored. There was too much traffic. So he just closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Thanks." King nodded his head and got out of the car. He was already in front of the Baxter building.

This was the home of Fantastic Four and their very origin. This is where everything begins for them.

'But my involvement will mean that there will be no Dr Doom in this continuation of Marvel.' King thought about the possibility but then it wasn't really a bad thing anyway.

'Now to finish the deal.' King thought and entered the Baxter building calmly.

"How may I help you sir?" A receptionist asked immediately as soon as King entered the building.

"Can you call Susan Storm for me please. I am here on appointment." King answered back politely with a smile.

He has never been a dickhead to people who are just doing their jobs. There is no point in being arrogant about these things. If you give respect, you will get respect.

He always follows this principle in his life. He can be arrogant when he needs to be but he is usually polite with people.

"Yes sir, one moment." The receptionist immediately dialled a number and within five minutes, Susan arrived downstairs.

"Mr King." Susan smiled brightly and immediately went close to him.

"Hello miss Susan, we meet again." King smiled as well and greeted her.

"Yes, please follow me. I will show you the project." She nodded enthusiastically and was about to take his hand and drag him upstairs. Like she feared that he might run away.

"Lead the way." King nodded his head and followed her to the lift.

Both of them were in the lift and the atmosphere was a little awkward. Susan wanted to talk but didn't even know what to say.

"Um, I am a really big fan of yours." She pondered for a moment then finally decided to start with this.

"Oh, what do you like about my works?" King was a little surprised and then asked.

"Your inventions have all been very useful. The advancement of the computers to mobiles, satellites and even the cars. I just can't fathom that how one person is able to do all of this."

Susan just got a chance and she started to ramble on about everything. Her likes about his inventions and her amazement.

"Well well, you are not going to stop, are you?" Johnny, who has been looking at Susan go on and on couldn't take it anymore and made his presence known to them immediately.

"I'm sorry." Susan realised that she has rambling for a while and they have already reached the research facility unknowingly.

This made her embarrassed and she couldn't help blushing. She quickly apologised and immediately apologised about her blunder.

"Don't worry, it's pleasant listening praises about yourself from a beautiful lady. Especially when she is as charming as miss Susan." King got into his natural player mode and made Susan smile beautifully with his words.

"Get a room." Johnny rolled his eyes and decided to completely ignore the two of them.

"Ahem, sorry mr King. Let me introduce the project to you." Susan gave a light cough and took out the schematics of their invention and showed it to King.

It was just a general schematic and not a detailed one. They couldn't risk leaking their invention to anyone.

"Let me see." King took the schematics and looked like he was seriously studying them: he face was really focused and he was reading it intently.

"The general idea is really good but I can see some deficiencies in the design." King nodded his head but also decided to give his opinion.

"Amazing, that is the world's greatest mind for you. You can tell deficiencies just from a look at the general schematic." Reed came from out from the lab and heard King's words.

"I'm flattered." King smiled and presented his hand to Reed for a handshake.

"I'm King Featherwine Yggdrasil, you probably already know me." King's hand came to the front and Reed also quickly took his hand.

"Reed Richards." Reed gave a concise reply with a small smile.

"I did read the schematics and am quite interested in the project. Consider my support done for you guys." King replied happily after the handshake was done.

"Yeah." Everyone cheered immediately including Susan, Ben and Johnny. Only Reed had a small smile on his face.

He didn't cheer like the others but you could tell that he was also delighted from the news because they were at the end of their ropes from the situation.

"How much do you need?" King opened his mouth and asked like even if they asked for billions it wouldn't be a big deal for him.

"We need 100 million for now." Reed answered a bit cautiously and looked at King's face.