132. Time together

King got to the lounge and saw Bast sitting in Emma's lap and enjoying the show on the TV. They were really into it at the moment.

King didn't disturb them for the moment and just quietly got close to them and put his head on Diane's lap.

Diane didn't even flinch or act like she was surprised. She just casually started to stroke King's hair with her hand without taking her attention away from the TV.

They enjoyed the leisure quiet and just got themselves engrossed into the TV show.

After watching the TV show for a couple of hours. King was finally fed up of this shit. He got up and walked in front of the TV.

"Enough TV for today. Let's go somewhere." King turned the TV off and said to them.

"Noooo~." All of them screamed like King took the most precious thing away from them.

"Get up." He gave them a smile that was borderline dangerous. He was a little annoyed.

"Oh, oh." All of them straightened their waists as a reflex the moment they saw his smile.

"Good, I was planning that we could go on a date today." King said after nodding and feeling satisfied from their response.

"Oh, where?" Diane suddenly beamed and asked with expectation.

"Let's visit the Greeks. I needed to meet Zeus." King thought for a second and replied.

"Oh, that's a good idea. I was planning to take my hammer back from Hephaestus as well." Diane nodded her head with a smile. She could sure visit there as well.

"W-what?" The most astonished one out of them was Emma at the moment.

"You mean The Greek Pantheon?" She questioned in a bit of a higher pitch.

"What's so surprising? You have seen the Norse's Alfheim. So it should be a no brainer that others exist as well." King shook his head like he didn't expect this kind of stupidity from Emma.

"But this is Greek Pantheon. Norse is good and all but the one most talked about Is Greek in this world." Emma spoke out loud. It wasn't yet time when Thor descended and everyone was interested in Asgard.

Even now, the most like mythology was Greek after which came Norse and then some. So Emma's reaction was a bit understandable.

"Oh, they are not as noble as you think. Especially Zeus, I had to fix that guy up a little when we fought that Celestial before." King didn't mask his words and spoke in derision like it was no big deal to him.

"Let's go now." King snapped his fingers and a portal appeared in front of them.

On the other side of the portal was the villa that King owned in Greek pantheon. He had his villas in practically every place of this universe.

'I always like to live in style.' King said to himself when he saw that this villa was still clean and ready to go due to his runes that he engraved in the whole villa.

"Oh, what do we have here? The all powerful SkyFather himself." King made an exaggerated movement with his arms and said as venomously as he can.

"What are you doing here brat?" Zeus didn't like the tone of King's voice but he was truly powerless in front of this guy.

"Nothing, just came here on a date with my wives." King waved his hand and looked at Zeus.

Zeus' attention diverted and he was immediately captivated by Emma, Bast and Diane's beauty but that didn't last long tho.

"Senile fuck, how many times have I taught you to keep your eyes to yourself." King cracked his knuckles and spoke from behind Zeus.

"What? Everyone has an appreciation for beauty. I didn't look at them in any bad way." Zeus shivered when he heard King's voice from behind and said a little cowardly.

He might be the all powerful SkyFather but when he faces this brat. He is as powerless as an infant in front an adult.

So he didn't want to aggravate this sadistic brat in any way. He still loved his manhood and would like to enjoy his time.

"Good." King nodded his head in satisfaction and then remembered why he was here.

"Yo, I actually wanted to talk about something." King said casually and walked over to one of the couches.

"What is it?" Zeus also sat down in front of him and asked seriously

"Well, I feel that a powerful presence is coming our way." King had a nagging feeling in the back of his mind for a while now. He felt that someone powerful was eyeing people close to him.

"So." Zeus raised an eyebrow carelessly. He wouldn't care even if the world itself was destroyed.

"Whoever it is will not leave without total destruction." King said seriously and this made Zeus a little serious as well.

"What do you want from me?" Zeus straightened his back a little and asked.

"Nothing much, I just want you to keep Midgard safe while me and Alfheim deal with the said threat. Odin already knows about this." King shook his head and said seriously.

"Oh, I wonder who could it be to make you feel a little dread." Zeus' eyes sparkled in curiosity and he looked like he found something interesting after so long in his eternal life.

"Not dread but a bit of a signal I would say. Not many in this Omniverse can make me feel dread." King shook his head and clarified to him.

"Yeah yeah, are you going to other Pantheons as well?" Zeus waved his hand in annoyance and asked.

"Hmm, I might go to Hindu Pantheon but the others are pretty much useless." King touched his chin and thought about it.

"Yeah especially after you slaughtered half of the Heavens in Chinese Pantheon. Man that was so funny." Zeus laughed out loud after saying that. He still couldn't control himself when he thought about how those imbeciles attracted the wrath of the strongest being in their universe.

"Hmm, I still get a bit annoyed after thinking about them." King had a glint in his eyes and he looked visibly disgusted when he thought about that.

"They only survived because my good friend Wukong stood up for them." King huffed and then snorted as well.