133. Time together 2

Emma and Bast looked like they were receiving some Heavenly Oracle while listening to Zeus' and King's conversation in utter awe.

Diane knew about all this and she wasn't affected by their words at all. Heck, she could've done at least half of what King had done.

Half because Jade Emperor is at Multiversal and she herself is just universal at the moment. So it is limited on what she can do.

But nonetheless, she is quite strong as well and she has capability to protect herself from danger. She also has connection to King's Avalon to just retreat if anything goes wrong.

"Enough about that. I am here on a date with my wives. So you can take your leave now." King stood up from the couch and rudely saw off the guests from the mansion.

"Hmph, just don't kill or destroy the place." Zeus snorted a bit and disappeared from there in a flash of thunder.

"Fucking showy as always." King shook his head and walked out of the villa with the girls as well.

'Says who.' The girls rolled their eyes and followed him out silently.

It was the first time that Emma or Bast ever came to the Olympus City. They were a bit fascinated at its beauty and architecture.

Everything was pure white with the God and Goddess statue at every turn of the way. The carvings on the walls were beautiful and the hints of gold in the city just further enhanced the beauty.

"The streets are so clean. You wouldn't even want to walk on them." Emma wondered when she swe the streets.

Yeah Alfheim was better but it had more of a natural feel to it rather than this archaic feel that she was getting from the City of Olympus.

"Hmm, it is beautiful but nothing can match Ljosalfgard." King looked at it carefully and then commented with pride.

"Yeah yeah." Emma and Bast didn't care about his petty pride and looked around with shining eyes.

"Oh." Bast's interest was suddenly piqued when she smelled a heavenly aroma coming from inside a restaurant.

"What is this smell?" Bast picked up her nose and sniffed a bit harder to take in the fragrance. Her mouth was already watering from the aroma.

"Oh that, that's a special restaurant like KFC on Midgard. They make some really nice chicken." King looked over and commented when he saw where Bast was pointing.

"Let's go." Bast didn't even listen to all of it and just took off when it became a little unbearable for her.

All of them followed her quickly and stepped into the restaurant along with her. There was already a big queue going on in there. People were scrambling close to each other.

They all took some time but the taste of that Chicken was heavenly. They filled their stomachs to full from the restaurant before leaving and continuing their date.

"Look look, they are huge." Diane's eyes sparkled with stars when she saw a weapon shop.

There were huge war hammers at the front of the shop on display. They all just looked deadly and aggressive like they came straight out of some games.

'Yeah, game designs on War hammers may be impractical by mortal standards but they are all amazing, bite me.' King thought and also walked along with Diane in curiosity.

They got to the shop and saw a brawny man like a dwarf sitting behind a counter. He was already dozing looking bored as all hell.

'Well, business doesn't seem to be doing great.' King looked around but the shop was clean and all the weapons looked to be of high quality.

"Yo old man, wake up." King banged on the table and saw the man jerk a bit before he opened his eyes.

"What is it brat, can't see a handsome man sleep peacefully?" The dwarf yelled in an annoyed tone.

"We are here to browse your weapons." King looked at him and said.

"You sure? You guys look like you haven't trained a day in your life. Just like a little toddler." The dwarf carefully examined King's body and just saw that it was aesthetically good but not like a warrior.

"Try me bitch." King snapped back and walked over to a hammer and lifted it like a twig. He grasped it firmly and walked out of the store.

The dwarf didn't say anything and looked at it all with some mild interest in his eyes. He felt that something interesting was about to happen.

King walked out with the Hammer on his shoulder. His eyes turned serious and he gripped the hammer with both arms.

'Calm down buddy, I'm just doing a trial. You are still my favourite and best friend.' King said telepathically to Chastiefol on his chest.

It was feeling jealous that King was using another weapon instead of it. How could he King do this when it was ready for action.

'How much strength should I apply? I mean the street is quite durable with divine runes and all.' King thought for a second and decided to use strength that could make a planet explode.

He lifted the hammer and the pressure that he gave off made the pavement below his feet spread cracks little by little.

Just as his hammer was about to fall on the pavement, another being appeared and caught the hammer with his bare hand.

"For fuck sake." King cursed out loud when he felt that his fun was taken away from him.

"Man, please allow this square. You were about to crack a hole in this place." A manly and heavy voice was heard and a tall, muscular man could be seen standing with the head of the hammer in his hand.

"Heracles, you dumb brat. I can repair it back." King growled in anger and punched Heracles on the head.

A visible skin bag appeared on Heracles' head and his face looked like he was in pain. He may have infinite strength but King was still stronger.

"Master, you know I can't allow you to do this in Olympus." Heracles touched his head with pain and grinned due to the pain.

"Haaaa, sorry, I was just a bit annoyed because of that." King shook his head and apologised softly.

Heracles was a big man. He was standing at an impressive nine feet tall like a small giant with explosive muscles all over his body and gauntlets on his hands.

He had brown hair and blue eyes with a stupid grin plastered to his face. He was a handsome little giant of a man.