134. Heracles

"Master, it's nice to see you too." Heracles didn't take it to heart and said with the same stupid grin on his face.

"You damn brute." King shook his head again and smiled widely.

He couldn't help it. He hadn't gone to visit this student of his for a while now and he finally met up with him after a long time.

Emma on the back was intrigued by the interaction. She has always been the sort that loves her knowledge and this was a perfect chance to gain more.

'So King wasn't just boating when he said that his mark is in every pantheon.' Emma thought while looking at Heracles' big goofy smile.

"How is Megara and the kids?" King's smile didn't go down and he asked.

"They are fine. They were missing you and wanted to see you. So what do you say? Take this chance and come over?" Heracles asked with some hope in his eyes when he looked at King.

"No unfortunately, I am here on a date with my wives." King shook his head and denied.

"Please~." Heracles made some puppy eyes and even looked at the ladies behind King for some help.

King was already immune to these pleadings of his but the ladies weren't. They slowly looked like they were caving in.

"Ugh, King, why don't we go and meet them?" Emma finally couldn't take it and spoke first.

"But." King was about to argue but got interrupted.

"Don't worry dear, I am actually intrigued about your relation to them. What do you guys say?" Emma stopped and asked the opinion of the other two.

"Hmm, I think so too." Bast said while Diane just smiled in agreement on the side.

"Fine, let's go." King grumbled on how his date was ruined a bit and started walking to Heracles' house.

"Yay, thank you madams." Heracles was so happy that he jumped and thanked the three ladies really happily.

"Don't worry." Emma just shook her head and smiled at his enthusiasm.

"Move." King looked back at them and said in a bit of an annoyed tone. He found out that he is getting annoyed these days pretty easily.

They slowly made their way through the city and got close to the center. Where the Temple of Olympus stood tall.

Heracles' house was just beside the temple and it was a big villa with a similar theme to match the architecture of the city.

"So how's all the kids doing?" King finally asked while entering the mansion.

"They are doing fine. They have all started their own families and I am already a grandfather." Heracles laughed out loud and grabbed the door for everyone.

"Man makes me feel so old when you say that." King shook his head when he heard Heracles' voice.

His voice and eyes looked nostalgic while he saw the door of the villa slowly open. He was in full reminiscence mode.

The girls behind King on the other hand were glaring holes in his back when they heard Hercales' words.

All the women around him have been insisting that they final have babies of their own but King just never agreed to it. Something about how he has a very important mission to complete before he can do that.

"Alright stop killing me with your glares. We'll do it in probably a hundred more years. We will have kids okay?" King finally couldn't take it and had to give an ultimatum.

"A hundred years?!" Emma said a bit shocked at the time frame. She thought he might say two to three years but a hundred? Now that was something else entirely.

"Get used to taking years as hours when you have eternal life Emma or you will get bored real quick." King looked back at her and said with a smile.

"A hundred years is like a nap to us." Bast on the side nodded her head and agreed to King's words.

"See." King motioned towards her and then stepped into the mansion behind Heracles.

Emma was still confused about all this but she followed behind King and the others nonetheless.

Inside of the villa was quite big. There was a vast garden at the front and then there was the entrance.

Everything was prim and proper with the usual designs they found in the whole of Olympus on their way here.

"Megara!" Heracles yelled and walked into the villa with a skip in his step. You could tell that he was feeling really happy.

"Dear." Megara opened the door of the mansion and called out instinctively but then she behind him and her smile widened a bit.

"Master." Megara called out with a happy smile like she just saw her father coming home.

"Hi dear, long time no see." King waved his hand and greeted Megara happily.

"Guys, this is Megara, Hercales' wife and they are my wives. Emma Frost, Bast and you already know Diane." King pointed to the girls and introduced them to each other.

"Oh hi Madams, I see Master has found himself two more excellent wives." Megara bowed politely and complimented them.

"Don't do that. You'll embarrass us." Diane went ahead and quickly helped Megara up.

"You are Master's wives and I should show you respect as it should be." Megara was vehement though and said with a resolute face.

"Okay, okay, enough about that. How are your kids and grandchildren." King waved his hand to stop their argument and said.

"Dante and Kray are currently out working but their little kids are in the mansion." Megara replied enthusiastically and quickly led them inside the mansion.

"Rhode, Mayra, come out!" Megara yelled a little and waited for about five minutes before a girl and a boy came running with their little steps.

"Aw, they're so cute." Emma and Diane exclaimed at the same time when they saw the two little angels.

"Chibi." Bast also had a bit of appreciation in her eyes when she looked at two cute little creatures. At the same time, her imagination was running like a horse.