135. Heracles 2

She was currently imagining how she would have two little cubs with King and what she would call them.

"Come here." King got on his knees and looked at the two little things with a small smile on his face." King said and rubbed the little angels' head very affectionately like a father.

"Don't worry, I am Granpa's master. He doesn't get angry at you or yell at you right. If he does them tell me and I'll beat him up." King looked at Children's hesitant and worried faces.

He said those words to lessen their worries and make them closer to himself. The children also looked like they perked up their ears after hearing King's words.

"Yeah, don't be afraid." Diane also got close to King and said while the other two also came up to touch the Kids' heads.

"Oh oh, Grandpa once yelled at me for breaking his vase." Mayra was the one who spoke first and told King.

"Oh." King's eyes gleamed and he looked at Heracles who broke out into a cold sweat.

"He also slapped me on my back for hiding in the mansion and making him worries." Rhode also chimed in when he found out that someone was here to beat his grandpa.

"Stupid disciple, I haven't seen your strength in a while. Why don't we go to the back and test it out." King said with a very happy smile and looked at Heracles very kindly.

"M-Master, I don't think it's necessary. No one is as strong as me." Heracles hesitated and held his bicep to show off. He knew that if he got into his master's hands then he will suffer today.

His recovery is mostly instantaneous but when his master beats him up. For some reason, it doesn't repair immediate and takes days to heal.

"Oh no no, we have to check it out." King shook his head and even Chastiefol enlarged itself beside King. It was also raring to go.

"See even Chastiefol wants to test you out, stupid disciple." King motioned to Chastiefol and it actually wobbled in agreement.

"Uh Master, you came here to meet the kids right. Look they are excited to meet you as well. Why don't you just play with them?" Heracles felt like crying now. Why did he bring this sadistic master of his home. He was asking for it himself.

"Grandpa, we want to see you fight, please~." Both children looked at each other with a gleam in their eyes and then decided to pit their grandpa together.

"See, even they want to see it." King motioned to them and looked at Heracles with a smirk.

'Little brats, you just want to see me get beaten.' Heracles' face twitched when he thought about it.

"Let's go Master." Heracles took a deep breath and finally upped his resolve.

"Good, that's the spirit." King laughed and snapped his fingers.

All of them were instantly transported to Avalon. Here, they could cause as much destruction as they want. He can just repair at will.

"Alright, Now this what I like." Heracles punched his fists together which caused sparks to fly in the air due to his gauntlets.

The small amount of force he applied cause ripples to get sent in the surroundings. He was quite excited after he had upped his resolve.

"Buddy, it's time for you to shine." King stroked the shaft of Chastiefol and said with a smile.

"Increase." King said and the surrounding area in a good hundred kilometers changed into small daggers floating in the air.

"Gulp." Heracles gulped after looking at the vast sea of daggers. He was starting to regret again.

"Ha!" He gave a loud shout and punched straight which created a deep gully in the ground and a huge shockwave scattered or destroyed the daggers in the air.

"Good job." King nodded and saw Heracles use his strength to create vibrations in the air and shock everything around him.

"But what about this, Sunflower." King said and Chastiefol condensed together to form a gigantic sunflower that was actually bigger than Mountains in Earth.

It bloomed and faced towards Heracles before firing a concentrated beam of energy that erased everything in its wake.

Heracles banged his gauntlets together and created shield in front of him. The beam travelled to him and struck heavily on the shield.

The shield and Heracles skidded back for a good thousand miles before it finally stopped and the shield was broken through.

Heracles had burn marks all over his arms due to him shielding himself. The beam felt visible damage to him and he also had internal damage.

King took a step and appeared in of Heracles before he punched and Heracles did the same without worrying about his injuries at all.

The fists bumped into each other and the resulting shockwave destroyed the landscape and created a crater that looked bottomless like it could go to the center of the earth.

The two didn't end it there though. They got into a good old dogfight and started punching at each other.

No rules, nothing, just dirty tactics and street fighting. Albeit, even if you could blind their eyes. They will just use their other senses.

"So cool." The two kids were enamoured. They were looking at the fight like they were looking at the best thing ever.

"They are that guy's grandchildren alright." Diane rolled her eyes cutely while looking at the kids. Who were all excited about the fight.

They were currently held in Emma and Bast's arms and looked like they had the most comfortable seat in the world.

They could see what was happening because King allowed them to see it or with their weak strength. It will be impossible to see what's going on.

King was currently duelling Heracles and he saw a flaw in Heracles' movement. 'It's intentional.' King processed it instantly.

'But boy, you are forgetting something. I am not your equal.' King smirked in his mind and did the opposite. He punched straight where Heracles was most guarded.

'Shit.' Heracles didn't expect that because King changed the direction of his punch halfway through the punch. This caught him off guard.