148. Missing

It's been another week and Steve has been bought into King industries laboratory for thawing and restoring him back to health.

King was very reluctant to come over to the lab but the crazed look in Peggy's eyes made him think otherwise.

'She is scare man I tell ya.' King muttered in his mind and looked at the thawing of his friend.

The machine was working fine and everything was working fine. There was nothing wrong with the process and Steve will be out in no time.

'Finish up already. I want to go back to Asta.' King groaned in his mind at the slow process.

He just wanted to use magic and complete the process quickly. He wanted to run away from here and go back to his little Asta. She was already very naughty.

She would giggle and kick the blanket off her with her chubby little legs and King would put it back on. Only for her to kick it back off again.

She made it a play for herself. King also didn't get annoyed and loved every minute of it.

He still remembers what he had done yesterday that made Aelsa and the girls furious at him.

He was smiling widely and got into Asta's room and took her away from the room. The rest of the people in the mansion started to look for her.

Everyone was really worried. They even unlocked their powers and tried to search for her with all their powers but she nowhere to be found.

"Let's ask King." Elaine suggested worriedly. She was getting more and more worried.

"No, he will literally go insane if he knew of this. We should try others." Freyja shook her head and suggested something else.

She was worried but she didn't want King to start altering reality just to look for his baby daughter. Plus they had other options.

"Let's ask Yggdrasil." Hela spoke up in her rare moment. She is not the most talkative.

"That's a good idea." Emma agreed and immediately used her telepathy to contact Yggdrasil.

Yggdrasil came to the mansion immediately when she felt one King's wives summoning her.

"Asta has gone missing." Elaine didn't even give her time to ask anything and immediately told her.

"What?" Yggdrasil exclaimed and used all her powers but still couldn't find Asta.

"We need to contact King after all." Elaine exclaimed worriedly and finally tried to look for him in the villa.

She was so worried that it didn't even cross her mind that she could just contact him magically.

"Here you are." Elaine quickly ran up to him and grabbed his shoulder.

"Why is your T-shirt bulging?" Her words were cut off and her eyes shot open so wide. It felt like they would pop out.

"King!" She seethed in rage when she saw Asta in King's T-shirt just snuggly attached to his body and giggling happily with her father.

"What?" King didn't have a clue and just asked. He was confused by her anger.

"How can you do this?" She started yelling at him and tried to take Asta away from him.

But the girl was stubborn like her father and just huddled into his T-shirt. She didn't want to come out either.

"Guys, I found Asta!" Elaine called and everyone came running over.

'I'm fucked.' King didn't realise his mistake but he still gulped in nervousness. He at least knew that he was fucked.

"Dear, what are you doing with our daughter?" Freyja put her hand on her cheek and asked him very very gently.

"Just playing, look even she likes it." King said and wiggled around which made Asta giggle even more happily.

"See." King smiled widely after he looked at her cute smile.

"You idiot." Aelsa sighed and twisted his ear in annoyance.

"Uuuuu, waaaaaaah." Asta saw her father getting beaten and cried immediately in defiance.

"Shh, nothing happened. Look, look, daddy's fine." King immediately moved his stomach around and tried to calm her down.

After a minute of King dancing around. Asta finally calmed down and just fell asleep from all the crying.

King took her out of his T-shirt and gently cradled her in his arms in a comfortable position. He was extra careful in his movements.

'Chastiefol.' He said in his mind and Chastiefol readily turned into a pillow and King put Asta on it.

Asta usually wakes up if someone else picks her up in her sleep except King, his wives and her grandmother but Chastiefol has made itself an exception as well.

"You know it is dangerous for the baby if you do stuff like this." Elaine chided him immediately in a low voice.

Asta on the hand started squirming around when Elaine chided King. Even though her voice was super low.

"Ugh." Elaine groaned because Asta had a sort of sixth sense.

Whenever someone attacked King or tried reprimand him. She would know immediately and would start crying loudly.

"Hehe, my baby girl is the best." King laughed mischievously and grinned widely afterwards.

All of them glared at him and immediately took Asta away from Chastiefol and into her cradle in the room.

"Don't worry buddy. They are just angry. You can play with her afterwards. For now come here, I haven't slept on you for a while." King immediately grabbed Chastiefol and laid down on it to sleep.

The girls on the other hand were having a meeting of their own. What they feared has come true.

"Asta is more attached to King than us." Emma frowned and said with discontentment.

"Hmm." Bast and Hela nodded with expressionless faces but you could tell their indignation.

"We need to do something." Diane said loudly and hit the table with her palm.

"But what can we do?" Ororo questioned.

"We can try to keep him away from her and try to strengthen our bonds by staying with her more." Susan suggested reasonably. She could only think of this.

"What if she starts crying?" Elaine said in a bad mood with a scoff.

"Then we divert her attention with toys." Freyja also quipped in.

It was hodge podge of questions and answers from everyone. They were frantically questioning each other.

"Let's do this." After an hour long discussion. They finally decided their course of action.