149. Thawing

King was currently watching as warmth was returning to his friend's body and there was a crazy Yandere beside him.

"Any minute now." King said and focused on the condition of his friend intently.

Soon, after five minutes of waiting. Coughing sounds started coming from Steve and he started to open his eyes.

Peggy wanted to barge through the door and take Steve into her arms and feel the warmth of his body closely.

'Her love has turned into paranoia over the decades.' King shook his head and felt sorry for her. He was especially sorry for Steve.

'I know how having a Yandere feels.' King still shivered when he thought of the old Jean.

Steve tried to lift his back up from the cold metal bed but he couldn't. He was restrained with metal buckles.

They were strong enough to handle his body strength easily. Even if he applied 50 tons of force on them. They still wouldn't budge. So he had no chance to do that.

"This brings back memories." Steve felt deja vu and felt a bit weird.

"Alright guys. Let our Captain America come out." King smiled and the machine immediately opened up to get Steve out of it.

"Steve!" Peggy yelled and burst through the door to help Steve down from the metal stretcher.

"Peggy?" Steve asked questioningly. He was still a bit groggy from the thawing.

"Yes dear, it's me." Peggy smiled beautifully and hugged Steve tenderly in her arms.

"Ugh, Where am I?" He looked around the facility and asked.

"We are in King's lab." Peggy replied instantly.

"Oh, how long was I out for?" Steve shook his head and asked her.

"More than 50 years." Peggy hesitated for a second but still told him truthfully.

"What?" Steve jumped in astonishment and asked.

"Yeah Steve, you were out for more than 50 years." King also came through the door and affirmed Peggy's words.

"How can that be?" Steve dropped his ass on the stretcher heavily and said in disbelief.

"You were frozen in ice my friend. We just recently found you and brought you back to my lab for thawing." King shook his head and told him.

"Impossible." Steve looked shocked and really shaken from the news.

He jumped from the stretcher and burst through the lab in a matter of minutes. He was already on the streets of New York.

He looked around and saw the advanced cars and the big billboards on the buildings. Cars beeped at him since he was in the middle of the road.

Steve quickly got out of the way and the others also came out of the building to take Steve back in.

"Alright big guy, we should go back in." King said calmly and Steve followed him in obediently.

Peggy just silently followed with a cold face. She wanted to comfort the man and be his spiritual support but she knew that now wasn't the time for that yet.

"Look, over fifty years in ice can be a harsh thing but don't worry. You still have your friends. We haven't grown old. So everything will work out fine." King said and tried to comfort him with his words.

"I know, at least you are here with me." Steve nodded his head and then turned to look at Peggy with eyes full of affection.

"I will always be." Peggy replied back and gave him a strong hug.

The hug was full of affection and longing. Steve also hugged back with just as much emotion. This sudden scenario had left him feeling surreal.

"Peggy, I love you." He whispered in her ear and put his chin on her neck.

"I love you too dear." A healthy red glow appeared on her face. It looked like she just had euphoria from his words.

"Peggy." Steve pulled back a little and called out while looking into her eyes.

"Darling." Peggy looked back into Steve's eyes.

Steve bent down a little and slowly planted his lips onto Peggy's and the two of them started exchanging a kiss full of love.

It lasted for a good five minutes before they pulled back from each other and had some really happy smiles on their faces.

"Hate to break it to ya. But you are giving people some free show. So go get a room." King finally decided to interrupt. Lest they start kissing again.

Both of them were a little embarrassed from his words and broke away from the hug. Steve was smiling sheepishly at King.

"Now, we need to run some tests on you to make sure your body isn't going haywire." King said and they started to run some regular tests on Steve.

"Next, let's test your body's strength and response." King led them through the lab and came to a room that looked like a highly sophisticated gym.

"These equipments can exert hundreds of tons of pressure. You can test yourself comfortably without breaking anything." King said and punched a punching machine with quite a bit of strength.

An audible bang and sharp wind pressure told them that the punch contained at least 500 tons of force behind it.

"See, no need to worry." King smiled and then walked away from the machine.

"Alright." Steve took a deep breath and then walked toward the machines.

He stood in front of the punching machine and punched with all his strength. There was an audible bang but the effect was much less than King's punch.

The machine displayed a force of 35 tons which wasn't much considering that momentum also takes effect when punching.

"Your strength has gone down. Guess being frozen for so long does that to you." King nodded his head in understanding and then urged Steve to test all the other equipment.

Then Steve went on to test all the other apparatus. King and Peggy were right behind him and recorded everything.

He needed to make a training program to bring him back to full power. So King was recording and also formulating a plan in his mind.