The Greta Attack

Mac went ahead and talked to Hannah for a while. About how he has been out there and generally just catching up on the details of the last two years. Not long after Mac walked out.

The sun was already setting. Mac had to head to the City Patrol Department to mark the end of his shift. "I need to go back to the department to sign off the end of my shift and to drop the Mecha. Meet me at Old Town Inn in an hour."

With that he got back into the 15m tall Mecha via the arm to the abdomen area. The mecha slowly sealed in Mac and with that it stood up and left. Trek wasted no time. As soon as he saw Mac disappear behind a small hill of junk and trash, he went into his room and changed his clothes to a somewhat better ones although they still had patches and stitches. He wore grey cotton pants, a white shirt under a blue hoodie and some worn but clean blue and white sneakers.

After looking at himself in the mirror and flashing some billionaire smiles at his reflection, Trek walked out and then headed to the Old Town Inn after informing Hannah and saying goodbye. Darkness had already set in and the roads were mostly empty. Trek walked on the tarmac whistling a happy time, the cold breeze and the silence of the streets in the middle rim made him feel calm and peaceful and his thoughts wandered.

"I wish I could one day be a combat mecha pilot. Kill the Greta for killing my parents and countless humans as well. I can even give mom Hannah a better life as well as the Dump people. Aaah, It's just wishfull thinking, the best people like me get are the patrol mecha. The big stage belong to the powerful and strong."

Like this he continued thinking about his future and other miscellaneous stuff. Then after some more walking up ahead he saw a two story building well lit and laughter flowing through the window. On the door hang a wooden carved board depicting s horse grazing and the words Old Town Inn engraved on the board.

Droy walked towards the door and push it open. A bell at the top rang whenever one entered and the moment he entered everyone in the inn was looking in his direction. No sound could be heard.

Then someone at a corner waved his hand at him. It was Mac. He had already ordered some pork and was eating away happily. As soon as Trek sat down Mac raised his hand again signalling a waiter to rush over.

A girl that was ordinary looking rushed over."Get something for my brother here." Mac said.

The girl turned and looked at Trek then asked,"What should I get you good sir?"

"I will take the same." Trek said pointing at Mac's plate. The waiter took his order and after some time came back with a plate of pork. "Enjoy your meal.",she said and left.

"This is some good pork they have here." Trek said.

" The best in the middle rim, I heard." Mac replied.


They continued talking casually until they finished their meal. Mac paid for both their meals and they walked out of the warm in into the cold of night.

"You know I've been thinking about going for the military recruitment this year but I can't help but wonder, who will look after mom Hannah, What if I go and never see them again, maybe a Greta attack on the city? I do not want to be apart from them. When I think about this I just lack the strength to go for the recruitment."

"I felt that too but I learnt that if you want to protect them you need power. And for people like us the only way to get that power is through the military. You also need to trust others. when I left I trusted you to look after the family and it seems I made the right choice. The fear of things not being in our control makes us afraid. No one wants to loose control therefore we should keep our trust in others and believe it's gonna be fine and go out there and do what you gotta do."

Mac said to Trek.

"Trek looked at Mac in the eyes and then said firmly, "Thanks bro, I understand I will get that power and side by side we will take the family and Metal Ridge to great heights one day."

Mac grabbed Trek's hand and pulled him into a tight hug. "For the family bro. For the family." He said as he held tightly onto Trek. He had really missed his family for those two years, most especially Hannah and Trek.





Suddenly a loud roar tore through the entire Metal Ridge City. A boom sound was then heard that shook the entire shelter. All the City side alarms then rang and panic had ensued. Even without the alarm, everybody knew what that roar meant.

" Citizens of Metro City, this is your Governor speaking, we are under attack, I repeat we are under attack. The Greta have attacked. Everyone is advised to run to the nearest underground survival pods. All pilots, combat patrol and safety are to meet at the bay."

With that the governor had finished speaking but the message kept on repeating itself in a loop. Suddenly yellow cylindrical capsules that could hold sixty to seventy people each rose from the ground and opened up. Mac ran toward one of them while dragging Trek behind him but he didn't enter and said to Trek "You need to get in. I have to head to the bay as per the governor's order."

"F- the governor f- everything. I know you can feel it too these isn't the usual small wave with weak Greta. This one is a massive tide with some strong ones or else they wouldn't have warned us to avoid mass panic."

"That's why I'm doing this, to protect the family and to secure a future for Metal Ridge. It's just like you said we shall bring Metro City and the family to great heights, it's my turn to step up and next it'll be you brother." Mac said as he looked at Trek. From the look of determination that Trek saw in the eyes of Mac he knew he had already made a decision and no matter what he did Mac wouldn't change his mind. The same thing had happened before he went for the military recruitment. He had that same look in his eyes that day. Seeing that he had already made a decision Trek could only sigh and say, "Come back safe. Remember your promise of bringing metro and the family to great heights."

"Take this, I didn't harvest it myself but still."From his pants pocket Mac took out a small black metal that was shaped like a claw. This was just a carving. A Greta claw was much bigger after all they were gigantic.

Trek took it and looked at Mac with watery eyes,hugged him and told him to be safe and entered the survival capsule that was almost full. As he turned around and looked at the closing doors he could see Mac on the other side waving his hand at him. Everybody in the capsule waved back at him as they looked at the lone man standing fearless in the dark street to protect them from the Greta.

Then the doors shut.
