

The capsule finally touched down. Sixty five metres deep within the ground. It opened up to a huge room With other people from two other capsules. As soon as they exited, their capsule returned above the ground.

The air was somber in the huge room. everyone's face was filled with sadness, fear, worry, sorrow and tears. It was a sad day for Metal Ridge. No one expected the day to end like this. The capsule had come down one last time and didn't go back up. The space in the underground room was exhausted.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

After some time loud thuds could be felt. Even the metallic room they were in was shaking as the Greta stampeded all over Metal Ridge City. Trek was playing with the Greta claw in his hand, praying that Hannah and the rest of the family from the Dump were safe as well as Mac.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The exchange of fire between the Greta and the Mecha could be heard as the sounds tore through the ground and reached the ears of those underground. When children heard the scary noises and saw the pitiful faces of their parents they started to cry too.


Above the ground Mechas and Greta fought fiercely. The three combat Mecha: Vanguard, Avalanche and Legacy stood tall facing the wave of monsters before them and firing off bullets, bombs and Lasers. Legacy was the governor's Mecha Thirteen metres tall coloured red and blue. On one hand it wielded a huge sword almost 6m long that although heavy was maneuvered flawlessly as he moved through the battlefield while the other hand had formed into a cannon that fired off red lasers at the Greta.

The other two combat Mechas were Vanguard and Avalanche. Vanguard was a Beta grade reaching eleven metres tall. It was a custom made Beta grade Combat Mecha with a slim feminine build, pink in colour decorated by silver lines and swirls. She was truly magnificent. The pilots name was Allesia Tenka, the second born of the Tenka family patriach's son. The Tenka family owned a private company that produced Mecha, The Tenka Group. Every member of the Tenka family was a warrior. The family had contributed greatly in the war from producing high quality combat Mecha to fighting in the front lines. Vanguard waved her way through the Greta with her 5m long katana blades, one in each arm.

Avalanche was a military grade Combat Mecha. The big boy was piloted by Jax Ebba. Jax was a tall man with bulging muscles. Avalanche was a 9m tall jungle green Mecha with chains for beard. It was also known as the bomb expert as all weapons fitted on it were weapons of mass destruction. RPGs, plasma cannons, Grenade launchers, rocket launcher and missiles. Huge custom made grenades hung from it's waist. Maybe Jax was taking taking the term 'having a blast' literally. Everywhere he moved or pointed his guns and cannons at the ground would shake, building would crumble And Greta injured or killed.

Safety Mechas were smaller than combat Mecha and had a standard height of 5m tall for better maneuverability as the didn't cause as much destruction. They were support for the the big combat Mecha. They would move around the battlefield finishing off Greta that were weak and ones that were heavily injured.

The Patrol Mecha ran around the field rescuing the soldiers whose mechas were crushed and could no longer fight and moving them from within the Mecha to the medibay. Even though patrols weren't fighting many lost their lives as these were the weakest Mecha and also the Patrol pilots never fought a Greta. Even a weak one could easily kill them.

Four hours had passed and the battle was still raging across Mid Ridge City. There were many casualties on both the Greta side and the human side. But the humans had suffered the most. Legacy, the governor's Mecha only had one arm, the one with the electric sword left. The left arm that had the laser cannon had being ripped from the shoulder.Vanguard chest had been smashed in and the Energy crystal that was heavily protected was cracked. It was only a matter of time before Vanguard shut down. Avalanche had one leg missing and he fired bombs sitting on the ground. This was their last stand. The Greta were a lot in number. They had failed to defend Metal Ridge City.


Just as they were thinking this was their last day on Earth and all of them had prepared to die a warrior's death, one huge Greta that had been fighting Legacy bellowed.

It resembled a metalic Minotaur with one broken horn and it carried an double edge axe with glowing red edges. it's eyes were red glowing crystals and it's mist came from it's nose whenever it exhaled. It was the leader of this group and was quite well known across the shelters. Legacy and the governor had applied some cuts.

After it let out a Bellow the other animals converged around it. It bellowed once more and ran towards the western gate with it's followers behind it and entered the water. They didn't leave behind any dead bodies of their comrades. They were intelligent and knew that humans could use their own against them by creating more mechas with resources harvested from Greta bodies.

The governor and the two by his side didn't give chase. Their lives had been spared. For whatever reason, he didn't know, he was just happy it didn't end in complete annihilation of his city.


An hour later after the war was over the capsules started bringing people to the surface from underground. As soon as he got to the surface, Trek started looking around to see if he could see Mac's Mecha as he had memorized the registration number on the chest. It was MRC352.

He ran toward where the Patrol Mecha pilots we're gathered but he could not find him there. he roamed around the battlefield looking for any sign of him. Then he heard a voice calling.

"There's one here."

Looking behind him he could see a Patrol Mecha covered in debris being uncovered. Trek could not see the registration but he could see a hole pierced all the way to the back through the chest of the Mecha. The edges were stained red with blood. This was the last Mecha he was seeing being recovered . He had checked the others and non had Carl in them. He was just hoping his fears wouldn't come true.

Slowly the chest hatch was opened up. What he saw made Trek's knees weak as he fell to the ground. After sometime he managed to get up and run towards his body. It was now lying on a streture with a huge piercing wound through his chest. His eyes still seemed to smile and his mouth curled upwards.


Trek screamed towards the sky as tear ran down from his right eye remembering their time together and how Mac looked after him, he remembered his final words, To protect those you love you need the power to do so. Him dead was evidence of how true his words were. Maybe if Trek was a pilot he could have been out here with him looking out for each other and maybe this wouldn't happen. He would be able to protect the family too and improve their living standards.

When this thought crossed his mind Trek rimmed as fast as a mad beast towards the Dump and what he saw almost made him puke his guts out. Blood flowed everywhere, bodies with there heads shattered, Gaping huge wounds on the bodies all inclusive of men women and children.

People of the Dump we're weak with no way to protect themselves. Furthermore the Dump was close to the western wall in the outer rim. This was the most exposed place with no survival facilities like the doomsday underground bunker like the middle rim and inner rim.

All in a single day he had lost all his family. Trek could only despair at this point when he knew mom Hannah, Mac and the whole family was no more.

"Trek...." A hoarse voice came close to where Hannah's tent used to be.

There he found the old Hannah holding on to life to at least see him one last time. The left side of her chest had two puncture wonds that went all the way through to the back. Blood was filling her mouth and dyed her lips red. He then knelt beside her as she reached for his face and he placed her wrinkled arm on his face.

"You...are...alive..g...good."she said with difficulty. Trek couldn't bear to watch the woman who had taken him in like her own child suffer so much. He vowed to repay blood with blood in the future.

"Take this... remember...anger never ....solved

...anything" she said as she attached a small black crystal the size of a thumb on his upper arm where blood flowed from a cut he received when he was removing debris trying to find Mac.

"Mom Hannah wha...."


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