File 7 - What do you think about clones?

Niel moved his body as he recalled the knowledge of the CQC infused in him. The youth tried to execute the series of movements he remembered as best he could.

At first, he executed a series of battle moves poorly. But, as time went on, he could demonstrate forty percent of the entire potential CQC knowledge he had.

Niel managed to kill all those spider monsters. And of course, his body specs as a Half-Dragon got a big role in that fight.

As a Half-Dragon, Niel has a tough and powerful body. He can destroy spider monsters with a punch and his body is too hard to be torn apart by the spider monster's fangs. Because of all that, Niel can fight in close quarters.

If Teresa's a Clones were in Niel's position, they wouldn't last more than five minutes.

Niel swung the dagger in his hand to pierce the spider monster's head from above.


G mutation made a cry before finally dying after Niel pulled his Dagger to open the monster's head.

Niel didn't stop moving. He twisted his body then punched the spider monster that tried to ambush him.



The monster's body flying for several meters before finally being destroyed after hitting the wall.

Although those spider monsters know that most of them had already been killed, they didn't stop. They continued to attack Niel and Niel give them a counterattack.

Niel continued to cut, stab, and punch the spider monsters until their fight was over.

Drip! Drip!

Dark green blood dripped from the tip of the dagger on Niel's hand. The youth fell silent among G Mutation's corpses.

Niel felt something strange but didn't know what it was.

[... Go to that place as soon as possible, Zero Nine.]

"I understand."

Hearing that exchange, Niel turned to look at Zero Nine. "Where are we going?"

"Sector B Seven. Before going there, we'll stop by the main Hangar to get a supply of bullets and to replace our weapons."

Niel nodded and they began to move.

Seven people wandering in the hallway for some time before finally arrive at the Hangar, a large and spacious room filled with dozens of Teresa's clones, vehicles, robots, and various military supplies.

Niel's eyes were wide open. This place became a scene that gave him a strong impression.

An indescribable feeling enveloped Niel's heart. The feeling squeezed his chest, made it difficult for him to breathe, and made him dizzy.

"This feeling is so strange and I don't know this feeling. It's as if I forgot its name."

Zero Nine turned around after realizing Niel was no longer following her. The girl narrowed her eyes as she watched the young man daydreaming.

"Bird's brain, what are you doing! Move and follow me!"

Zero Nine's voice brought Niel back from his daydream. He moved his feet to follow the girl. At the same time, Niel's eyes scanned the details around him.

There is a lot of things in this hangar. Dozens of small robots of different types pass by. Two or three small vehicles carry goods from one end of the Hangar to the other end. And lastly, dozens of Teresa's clones were preoccupied with their respective jobs.

Of all that, the thing that caught Niel's attention the most was two Arms Mech within Builder Bay.

"Wow... Look at those two giant robots," Niel said.

The youth was immersed when he saw those Arms Mech. He knew that the white Arms Mech and the red Arms Mech were no ordinary Arms Mech. He didn't know their model even though he had already gained complete knowledge of the Arms Mech.

When he looks at the two Mech Arms in more detail, Niel asked. "Did you build those two Arms Mech from the scratch, Teresa?"

"Listen bird brain, first, I'm not Teresa, I'm Zero Nine and we're different. You have to remember this or I'll put a stick in your ass," Zero Nine replied.

One end of Niel's mouth twitched when he heard the threat. He wondered why Zero Nine was so colorful while Teresa was only black.

Niel followed the girl who walked to the five Teresa's clones around a pile of boxes filled with weapons.

"Secondly, we didn't build them from scratch. We modified the existing Arms Mech. Now, grab the machine gun and don't forget to load it with ammunition, understand?"

Niel stopped looking at the two Arms Mech. After turning his head, Niel found Zero Nine was reloading his weapon.

Niel took the gun in question and started filling it with ammunition.

While doing so, unintentionally, he saw four Teresa Clones approaching four Arms Knight. Niel couldn't help but ask Zero Nine a question. "Can I drive one of the Arms Knights that was in there?"

Arms Knight model HAK - 4 - BT looks so menacing. The five-meter tall black Arms Knights are armed with a Heavy Machine Gun and Grenade Launcher. They are suitable for disabling tanks, APCs and medium to small size G Mutations.

Those Arms Knights were so cool and Niel wanted to ride one of them. Unfortunately...

"All the Arms Knights here have been paired with their respective pilots. We don't have an Arms Knight that hasn't been registered to a pilot, and resetting a registration takes time. Besides, I still don't trust you and you haven't done any training to drive an Arms Knight," Zero Nine explained.

"Hey! I know how to operate an Arms Knight and why do I have to register? "

"Haa... Knowing doesn't mean you can drive an Arms Knight. While pilot registration is required so that an Arms Knight cannot be used by anyone other than the pilot. Bird's brain! Tell me, are you done?"


"Good! Let's go!" Zero Nine walked away, five Teresa's clones and Niel followed her.

A few seconds later, the four Arms Knights who were in the distance were active. They took up position before finally gliding into a gate quickly using their booster rocket.

"Where are they going?"

"To the surface."

"Oh, surface! Can-'

"No! You can't go to the surface," Zero Nine cut quickly.


"... What will you do when you see one of us in danger?"

"Okay, your question makes me confused. Why that question?"

Zero Nine stopped and turned around. He looked into Niel's eyes directly. "Just answer my question and don't ask back."

"Well..." Niel scratched his cheek with his index finger. The serious expression Zero Nine suddenly showed made him awkward. "I will try to save you. I have the power and the weapons right now. I'm sure I can do something."

"You think like that because you think we're human. You have to remember, we are clones that can be created and replaced at any time. Do you still want to save us after knowing this?"

The explanation and question left Niel speechless.

Niel knew a clone was made by a machine. And directly, it made him believe that a clone was not human.

That's true and they may not be real human beings. But, they can still think, communicate, and breathe. To me, a clone is human, Niel thought.

After getting an answer that satisfied him, Niel opened his mouth. But, before having time to say anything, Teresa's voice was heard from Zero Nine's WMC.

[Zero Nine, Niel, what are you guys doing? Sector B seven is filled by G Mutation, the group in there needs assistance! Go there quickly!]

"Roger that," Zero Nine replied briefly.

The girl walked towards the jeep that had been filled by five Teresa clones. She didn't wait for Niel's answer.

Then, shortly after Niel boarded, the jeep sped into Sector B Seven.