File 8 - The girls

Bang! Bang!



The sound of gunfire and the hissing of the monsters could be heard in the dimly lit underground parking lot. In that place, the G Mutations and the clones tried to kill each other.

In that battle, the G Mutation or better known as White Spider Baby is in a dominant position. While the clones who were Teresa's clones were desperate. The difference in numbers is the main reason why it happens.

If both sides had the same number of troops, the clones could win this fight easily.

Unfortunately, the reality is quite harsh.

Dozens of White Spider Babies pressing the twelve of Teresa's clones.

Battling with her abilities, one of Teresa's clones who use a Sidetail hairstyle, shot the G Mutations using her Sniper Rifle.

Bang! ... Bang!

Every bullet she shot claimed the life of a White Spider Baby. Her great ability couldn't change things on this battlefield, it was a pity.

Under the orders of a clone wearing an iron mask patterned with rows of beast teeth, the group of clones using the white Full Battle Armor decided to retreat, leaving behind the line they had maintained for the past few tens of minutes.

As they moved, the sniper made a call using his WMC. "Tere Tere, where's the reinforcement? Are they still far away?"

[They'll arrive in less than ten minutes. Go to the main gate.]

"Okay~" replied the sniper in a joyful tone. She then turned her head to look at the clone wearing the Beast Mask. "3A, we go to the main gate."

"I understand!" Reply 3A, who had just split a spider monster in two using her Heat Great Sword. Then, she shouted, "Use Red Shield tactics! We retreat now! Move! Move!"

Ten Teresa clones carry out 3A's command. Four of them threw bombs at the group of spider monsters.

Throw! Throw!

Blarr! Blarr!

Four exploding bombs destroyed and burned dozens of White Spider Baby. It gave the clones enough time to prepare their Portable Great Shield.

Orderly, the clones retreated as quickly as possible. And not far behind them, the spider monsters that passed through the fire and corpses of their kin went on a hunt.

To strengthen their survival rate, the clones gave attacks in an orderly interval.

Bang! Bang!

The clones killed the White Spider Baby that was close to them.



Blarr! Blarr!

And yes, they use bombs at the right time to buy time. But...

Zing! Splat!



The green light that forms a line penetrates the black smoke created by the bomb explosion. The energy shot managed to cut off 8R's leg right on her knee.

8R fell and red blood flowed profusely. The incidents that resulted made one clone leave her position to give help.

"She won't survive, 8S, leave her!

"No! I'm not leaving 8R! I'll take her home!" replied 8S. At the same time, she gave first aid, she wanted to stop 8R's bleeding.

"Damn! 7G, takes care of the White Spider Shooter! The others, defend your position and kill the White Spider Baby!"


3A run and stand in front of 8R and 8S to provide protection. While 7G, she keeps the White Spider Shooter busy with the shots of her Sniper Rifle. The other clones killed dozens of spider monsters quickly.

Bang! Bang!


They are trying to help their sisters. But... Still, they would perish if they didn't move from there quickly. White Spider Baby in front of them has an out-of-bounds number they can handle.

Amid the chaos, 7G realizes there is a gate not far from where they are. And without hesitation, she touched the WMC screen to make a call. "Tere Tere, can you close gate number three in the AA-4 parking lot for us?"

[Use 8R and one other NL Series as bait. Discard them with an interval of three minutes. That way, the remaining NL Series and the two of you, Soul Series will survive.]

7G eyebrows bend slightly after hearing that reply. "Come on Tere Tere, we're not 00 Series like you—"

7G suddenly cut off her own words to shoot the Front Foot of the White Spider Shooter. The large spider fell and it canceled out its energy shoot.

"Listen, Tere Tere! We can't connect to the main server or move our personality to another clone. Two NL Series are worth more than an iron door at this half-destroyed base, you should be aware of this. And you should know, if we lose 8R, there's a chance that the 8S transformation to become a Soul Series will be disrupted."

[... Fine, I'll close that gate in two minutes.]

"Great!" shouted 7G with a smile. "You heard it! Run to gate number three as soon as possible!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Knowing there was hope, 8S stopped doing the first aid she was doing. She lifted the 8R's body and carried it to gate number three under the protection of other clones.

"Run! Don't stop!" shouted 3A in the back row. The girl constantly cut off the White Spider Baby who tried to hop on her.



Gate number three was closely followed by a loud blow behind it.

Bam! Bam!

"We don't have much time before this gate is destroyed," 3A said as she looked at the structure of the gate coming off the wall whenever the sound of a bang was heard. "8S, treat 8R immediately. We only have less than three minutes."

"I understand."

8S put down 8R to the floor. Then, she continued the first aid that she had stopped earlier.


"Are you done?"

"Yes, with this, 8R will survive," replied 8S.

"Good, we're moving!"

8S lift 8R once again. She and the others ran to the main gate of this underground parking lot.

"Thank you 7G," 8S said as she caught up with 7G.

7G smiled then said, "no problem, girl."

"Oldest Sister always makes trouble when she gets home," 3A said. She then let out a deep breath.

"She was our Tyrannical Empress."

[I need to remind you, I can hear your conversation. Your pocket money is minus thirty percent for this month.]

"Tyrannical like always!"



The loud explosion made the clones look back. There, as far as two hundred meters from where they were, dozens of G Mutations passed through the busted gate.

"Damn it! They already broke the gate."

"Tere Tere, have the reinforcements arrived?"

[They're ready in position and you should be able to see them.]

"You're right, I saw them."

7G smiled when she saw a jeep parked next to the main gate. The girl's smile grew wider as she watched Zero Nine come out of the jeep.


7G increased her running speed and then, she hugged Zero Nine regardless of the circumstances around her.

"Stop 7G! We're in the middle of a mission!" snapped Zero Nine. At the same time, she tried to escape from 7G's hug.

"You can't blame me. For two months, I didn't see your face or hear your voice," explained 7G who buried her face in Zero Nine's chest.

"I'll make up for it later. So, let me go."


7G let go of her hug and 3A come forward. The eyes of the girl who is wearing a Beast Mask were fixed on a Half-Dragon youth.

"Zero Nine, who is he?"

"Bird's brain."

"Oi! My name is Niel, Niel Argant. Not bird's brain," protested the Half-Dragon or rather, Niel.

"Hmm... Is he the sleeping beauty?"

"Correct," said Zero Nine, who prepared her Assault Rifle. "Get ready! The G Mutation has arrived."

3A and 7G nod. The two girls and the other clones readied in their respective positions.

Zero Nine glanced at Niel then said, "Join 3A and finish off the White Spider Baby. For now, leave the White Spider Attacker and Shooter to us."

"All right."