Heading to the surface

- POV Freya -

I was holding my little sister for the second time since she now had a body and I couldn't help but enjoy the feeling. Was it because Kira was once a part of my soul that I felt this need ? I didn't know, but while my soldiers were busy, I went over to her and gave her a discreet hug while placing a kiss on her forehead, just like I used to do with Shiro.

"Let's go home Kira.."


It was time for us to return to our family, our Empire, and everything we had built together. I had not yet contacted Shiro as promised, but we had only spent a few hours in this room. In the end, we were faster than I expected because we had only been underground for a day, two at the most. I was proud of my soldiers, my little sister and we had earned some rest.