Game of lies I

[N/A: I am sorry for these days of absence. I took a few days off to spend time with my cousin who I haven't seen in 4 years. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting]


- POV General -

In the north of the continent, in a forest called Syn, there was a large clearing where a tree made of crystal and water stood. However, although it had been standing there for years without ever collapsing, on a foggy afternoon, for the first time it began to tremble. Indeed, the small island on which it was standing was vibrating violently as if an earthquake was taking place.

The small island in the middle of the lake was the only one to vibrate and as the ground began to crack, the tree in its center began to glow. Suddenly, it disappeared, exploding into a multitude of white particles resembling thousands of small butterflies. The fog that fell over the forest was now white in the clearing and as the magic dissipated, a few shapes seemed to emerge from the center.