The Test

- POV Shiro -

"Mommy, I would like to learn how to use my mana and master my element. A-Auntie Kalaa, I agree to take the test...please teach me"

Mommy had told me about a test to see if I was compatible with my element even though it wasn't safe at all, she said it was hard but it didn't matter. Mommy had told me that I didn't control my mana and that the day I helped Angel it affected my condition. Apparently I had grown up a bit and even though this news made me happy, I could see that my moms were worried about me. 

I didn't remember very well the horrible dream I had but every time I thought about it my body was shaking by itself. I kept asking it to stop, but it wouldn't, still seeing certain moments in my head that were the scariest. My moms, my aunties, the nice soldiers of the Empire, everyone suffering in front of a monster full of big hands, big eyes and a super duper big mouth.