Two Nations, One Fate

-- POV General --

< In Elysium >

While the Imperial family was slowly coming to terms with where they were, things were also slowly starting to move in the Empire. It had only been a week since Freya and the others had left, but those who watched over Elysium had no time to fool around. The remaining section Chiefs and Commanders had a very simple mission: to prepare for the invasion of the human capital of Zal in exactly 24 days. 

In the meeting room of the mansion, for the first time a meeting was held without the Empress and the Queen, only the Leaders and Commanders who had stayed behind. To chair the meeting, the great friend of Lia who was absent, the catgirl butler in charge of the manor, Triss. The regrouping had already begun for a few hours but was still not finished because the preparations for war took a lot of time.