The beginning of the end

-- POV General --

"H-How are we going to get there in time to warn them ?!"

In the warm night as darkness engulfed everything on earth, a medium-sized dragon could be seen dashing in the black sky. The little Princess on his back, protected from the wind by his scales, held on tightly even though her mind was elsewhere. She didn't know how long they'd been flying, but one and the same question swirled around in her head, a question the creature that had bonded with her seemed to ignore.

"Draggy !!!"

They were together, but Shiro was still young, very young, and although driven by an uncontrollable urge to protect those she loved, she was frightened. She had left everything so quickly, had those in the Underground Kingdom already noticed her absence ? Had she been right to act so impulsively because of a silly dream ? Draggy could feel her fears, her doubts, and as the silence grew heavy, the Princess finally heard an answer.