What brought us here

[N/A: New volume : Vincere aut mori (in Latin "Conquer or die")]


– POV General –

Several kilometers from the Capital, an encampment had been set up on the small hill slightly overlooking the city and its surroundings. Here was the main base where the nine female Chaos Commanders and their Lieutenant were also preparing a strategy to leave nothing to chance. All was calm, and unlike in the human camp, smiles and laughter filled the air, although fear and apprehension were also present.

None of the Empire soldiers were paying any attention to the camouflaged figure as it made its way through the facilities to the large central tent. Once there, the shape ceased to use any skills, revealing a young man half-man half-leopard. Passing the two Minotaurs guarding the entrance, he stopped in front of the ones he'd come to see, clicking his heels and raising his fist to his heart in greeting.