Unexpected face-to-face [Sacrifices - Part I]

-- POV Freya --

< At the same time, south-east of Zal >

We'd been running non-stop for days now, heading straight for the Capital of Zal from sunrise to sunset. Just as I'd imagined, all those following me were able to keep up the frenetic pace I needed to develop my plan. Neither the KANs, nor Gaya, nor Kira or Jade on her back had slowed their speed, and despite the accumulating fatigue, no one complained or wanted to stop for a break. 

Three hours' sleep was the maximum we allowed ourselves, including meals. At least for now...should we add another hour for the last day ? However, even just a short hour was crucial, but exhausting ourselves to death was also out of the question. While I was lost in thought, a voice I knew well suddenly echoed in my head. 

"Do you think it's going well for our army ? We won't be there for the start of the battle...the girls will have to fend for themselves..."