The feud before prom

"Ella I know you are the one who instigated that dare ,you knew that dare would put Max into trouble and that could lead to us having misunderstandings ,"i said to her while we were in the locker room.

"oh please I got no time nor energy to be instigating such things I have a prom coming up," she said rolling her eyes .

I walked out of the Locker room heading to the class as Max had been spending his day there ,I got in and saw him talking to another girl she had eye glasses on and had two ponytails ,she dressed dowdy but she was cute ,'So Tina you are new here and you thought I could be the perfect guide for you ?'Max asked her , bewildered. "Yes ,I am too shy to go and ask someone else you seemed approachable ,"she said smiling shyly with her braces all out .

I got in and went to stand next to Max ,"Hie Max and Tina," I said assuming that ,that's the girl's name since Max mentioned it ."H..hie," Tina said shyly while Max ignored me ,"Uhm Max can we please talk,"I said to him ,he looked at me and stood up ,"Tina let's go ,I will be your tour guide ," he said ,Tina stood up and they both walked out .I was left alone in the room and I felt bad ,Max found out about the dare since someone tweeted about it in the school group and it went viral that I sabotaged my boyfriend just for a prom title now I'm being labelled as the #EvilfarmsvilleGirlfriend

I feel bad for what I did to Max and I have been trying to apologise all morning but he has been ignoring me ,in fact everyone is ignoring me except my friends who firstly ambushed me and then consoled me .

Tanya invited me to her house as she had a wardrobe emergency ,she was technically going for a date with Ken and she wanted to look good since she will be meeting Ken's friends ,"Girl I have to dress to impress,"she said taking out dress after dress,"And ...I kinda heard of what happened and about Max not talking to you ,the boys are angry ," she said sitting next to me ."Urggh tell me something I already don't know ,"I said as I threw myself on the bed to lay flat ."I feel so bad and Max is not even talking to me ,he is like giving me the silent treatment why did I even do this stupid dare,I should have known it was Ella's plan ," I said as I had my palms on my face .

"Don't beat yourself too hard ,you can beat yourself a little bit but not too much ,give him some space and then when he is ready he will talk to you,he just wants to be a baby ."

"But I want to mother him during his baby hour," i said sulking "Trust me you don't want to do that and besides y'all are just depressing acting as if you are married if this is how it's going to be before marriage then what about after," she said pulling me up ,"Well we not going to get married we still too young we first need to enjoy then we shall marry each other if that is ever going to happen."

The #tag was getting pretty wild now ...people were now making up stories about me and also about Max ..he was now being dragged into this mess and it was not pleasing at all .Max doesn't talk to me and he spends time with Tina which is so much better because it's not Ella ,I am happy he has someone to keep him company and also make him smile .I am such a bad girlfriend be honest I always watch them more like spy on them just to check up on Max and he is always smiling .

Prom was approaching in a day's time ,everyone was all jovial and happy ,Ella was asked out by this other boy and she accepted since she couldn't go without one ,I on the other hand was planning on not going it would be useless as I stopped doing the dares ,my name has been dragged down into the mud and I have no one to go with .

"Bell have you found a dress for prom?"Marica asked .

"No I am not going ," i said ,"Oh is it about the #evilfarmsvillegirlfriend come on hunny don't be so hard on yourself," she said as she caressed my back

"How do you know about it ?"

"Well you were on your school group chat and forgot to log out so when I was taking your laundry I saw that your laptop was on and the messages kept on coming in so I figured out after reading almost everything," she said

"Im such a bad person ,he has every right to be angry with me ,what kind of a girlfriend am I ," I said as a tear escaped my eye .

"oh Bell ,"she said as she hugged me .

"I dragged his name down the mud and also caused him to be in trouble with the principal."

"Listen Bell some word of advice what you did was not right but you were just caught in the moment of the fun ,you should have told Max about the dare and solved it together. You put him into trouble not just any trouble serious trouble ,someone being accused of assault bruises the person's who you shouldn't have done it but now that it is done you need to look forward and see how you will correct it ,even if he is not talking to you ,you have to at least make him listen and he will decide what to do after that don't run away this will just prove all they said go to that prom and get your boy back ,"she said and kissed my cheeks .

I hugged her and I promised that I will prepare for prom and get my boy back as she said 🙃