Prom day

'You look beautiful,' aunt said as she squeezed my shoulders ,I was wearing an Elegant Black Mermaid Long Sleeves Lace Prom Dress (for a clear picture you can search it on google),Instead of heels I wore sneakers,Duchess1 sneakers. I had a Brazilian Afro Kinky Curly Weave 18' inches, my aunt did my make up but instead of lipstick I applied lip gloss. I was so ready for Prom night but also nervous as I was not sure if I had a prom date anymore, aunt drove me to the venue and when we arrived there just the outside decorations awed me ,I was struck as the decorations were amazing .The prom theme was 'Drippin in luxury' and for sure the event was dripping .I waved at my aunt and walked towards the venue ...i was late for sure but i did it intentionally .They were two guards waiting outside the door ,'Ma'am may we have your name please,' one of them said holding a list ,'Bellona Crude ,' i said smiling at him. 'Welcome ma'am.'

They opened the door for me and when I got in I was just star struck , I was bewildered and excitement filled me as the decorations were amazing. People were looking at me but I was busy searching for Max ,our eyes met and I swear I had seen a smile on his face . Suddenly the song I choose You by Ryann Darling started playing ...I walked slowly approaching Max ,he held his hand out to me ,i was surprised at first but i put my hand in his .'I thought you would never come ,' he said pulling me closer to him. 'Well i thought of not coming but i remembered i had a man to be with ,' i said smiling ...'Max ...i am sorry i put you in that position ,i am sorry i did that stupid dare and risked you ..i risked us and i am truly sorry.'

'I forgave you Bell ,i was angry but i wouldn't let us end because of your foolishness ,I really meant it when i said i loved you ...Now Ms. Crude aka Mrs. Payne can i have this dance ,are you wearing sneakers?'

'Yes i am and Yes you can have this dance ,by the way i am not stupid Max i was just caught in the moment ,' i said jokingly punching his arm .He chuckled and held my waist and putting his arm in my palm ,i put my hand on his shoulder and we danced to the next song which was 'When I found you by Jasmine Rae' .'You look amazing baby,' Max said kissing my forehead ,'Well of course i would look good what's my name .' 'Cocky much Ms. Crude,' Max asked with a raised eyebrow ,'Nope's called self-appreciation ...but you Mr. are looking ravishing ,i could take a bite,' i said running my hand on his jawline ,'Oh please do take one .'

As the night went on ,James Miller ,one of the students in my class sang Brett young's song In case you didn't know ...and later we were dancing to hip hop /rnb/rap music the likes of Megan thee stallion ,Pop smoke ,Drake ,Nicki minaj, Cardi B and also BTS many more .Later on Prom king and queen were announced and Max was prom king and Tina prom queen ...i was so happy for Max .Since Prom king and queen had to dance i took this chance to go to the bathroom .Wearing this dress is a mistake when it comes to unzipping it .It took time to unzip ,when i was exiting the restroom Ella approached me ,'Ella i know you will try and lash out but i am not in the mood after that stunt you pulled and i almost became dateless i don't think youhave any rights to talk to me so why don't you just walk away and be a good girl ,because i seriously aint't in the mood to talk to you,' I said and walked away .I got to where Tina and Max were dancing i cheered them on ,some people were looking at me but i didn't care .When they were done everyone clapped for them .

'Do you want to go somewhere ?' Max asked me as we were sitting outside drinking Soda ,'Uhm...where exactly?' i asked .'Uhm it's a surprise ,'he said with a smug on his face .'I hope i don't regret ..okey let's go.'