The golden map

An island hidden beyond the seven seas untainted by civilization and the horrors of modelisation. It remains pure as its nature grows bigger than ever. From the beauty of claer and clean water up beyond the Rocky Mountains stood a beautiful girl.  With her short curly hair that swings as the wind blows and eyes that run around the area as she enjoys the beauty of her home land. Diving in as she jumps off the cleft putting her hands in front like controlling the water, it rose up to embrace her for a safe lending. She thinks of the event to come on the day of her 17th birthday and curious to know who will win the Heart In the End. While spinning in the river as bubbles rise up and shining in the air she wonders will she be the victor or will it be her twin sister.

In the city were everyone enjoys life to its fullest of modelisation.The Teen Stars World Wide awards day at the ATS building celebrating the youth of today. They all arrived at the building over billions of fans were screaming as the Teen Stars walked on the red carpet, Arshis stopped and took some pictures with his fans. The Teen Stars World Wide awards started life on television. Blake and Spectra wondered around the building until they found an old ATS Library. Blake said after he opened the doors "this books must be very old." They entered the library as they looked around and Spectra says "yes, I don't even think that people know about this Library." He walked looking at the bookshelves that have spider webs and dust. Carol entered in the Library and he says "cool place." he was so intrigued while looking around. Austin and Lloyd were being chased by fans in the hall way and luckily they ran into the library to hide. Surprised by the way they entered Spectra asked "what are you all doing here." Lloyd says while breathing heavily "what does it look like we doing, hiding!"

Austin look at how run down and dusty the library is and said "man this place need to be cleaned." While saying that a spider fell on him and he screamed in fear, meanwhile another person enters. Arshis entered and closed the door behind him quickly. Carol asked when he sees him missing some of his clothing and without shoes "what happened to you?" Arshis answers"don't even ask." As he was wearing his jacket and fixed his hair and trying to forget the horror outside. Looking at the time Blake says "we should be going to the awards now" and he walked toward the door. Spectra agreed with him but the door was locked, Austin say "guys the door cannot open." As he held the handle trying to open the door and Arshis says "you are too weak, let me open it." Arshis tried and tried to open it until the handle broke out and he says "ops." Lloyd asked in concerne "what did you do." Arshis turn around with the door handle on his hand and Austin said in anger "you locked us in here, I have an award to receive." Spectra says as he put out his hand "give me that handle."

Arshis refuses to give it to him, claiming that he will put it back. Spectra forcefully grab the handle with that they started fighting over the handle and they knocked over all the bookshelves. Blake say pointing at the fallen bookshelves that nearly killed him "look at what you two did, this is a mess." Spectra said "give me that handle and look at what you did." Arshis was angry for being blamed for something he did not do alone. Austin says in panic while yelling "that`s not helping at all!, just stop it!" In the hill of fallen books a light glowed from inside of it. Carol was the first one to notice it and told the others so they can looking at it "guys can you see that light." Lloyd says in annoyance "what?" knowing that they are tripped and cannot attend the awards. Carol continuously tried to make them notice the light. Blake saw it and asked where is it coming from out, of curiosity. Spectra realised it too, there is were they started to put the books away to find out the whats underneath the pile of books. Lloyd was surprised as he said "it's a book?"

Golden stone book with a seal in front it, was before their eyes. Blake was amused to touch such a high-quality book that he has never seen before and they carried it out of the pile, placing it on the floor so they can admire it. Lloyd was shocked as he said "it's a glowing book, this is new." The glowing book is gold in colour with a symbols on the front cover and made out of stone with binds on the three sides so it cannot be opened. Spectra said "open it" while looking at Blake then Blake turn to look at Arshis. Arshis looked at Austin and he repeated what Spectra said, as he looks at Lloyd but Lloyd looked at Carol. Carol says "really me?" All five boys excitedly agreed. Carol did not want to open it since it had a warning saying do not open. Arshis insisted on opening it pushing the book towards Carol. Carol refused showing them the warning then he tried to put it back on the shelf. Spectra exaggerated saying that it's their last hope while stopping him from put it on the shelf. Carol asked whether they were blind

or deaf to not see the warning as held it.

Arshis forcefully told him to open it and as Carol opened the book at the same time a frequency of energy was released from the Earth`s core which resulted to the shaking of the whole world. Austin screamed "earthquake! Hold on to something" they heed under the fallen shelve and desk that was in the library. Carol was stating his point as dust fell on them and the remaining shelves scrambled "I told you, we should have not opened the Book." Arshis disagreed saying that a book cannot cause something like this "oh come on, that`s impossible." There was a map hidden within the Book. Carol informs them of what he has just found and Arshis says "I know about that map" as they were unfolding a huge paper. The paper is gold in colour like the book and in order to see what within the paper there are three words that must be cast upon the it. Spectra surprised by what Arshis said yet his only looking at a gold paper and he yell "are you crazy there is nothing on it, it`s just a paper!" For some reason Austin knew of about this saying "yes but not for long."

Arshis explain how they know about it, Arshis and Austin are cousins. Their grandfather told them a story about a map of the Sec-ret Island, he also said that his great grandfather onec went there and there are people who live in harmony with nature and all the wild things. Austin revealed their family secret by saying "yeah, I know he also said there is a map to the Herat of earth which is known as the Heart." Arshis whispers to Austin you were not supposed to tell them that should be a secret. Lloyd was powered up from just what he has heard and had a thirst of Adventure as he says "guys let go on an adventure." he was not the only one with the thirst Blake and Spectra said they will supply a ship. Carol was also inspired and said "this might be dangerous, prepare yourself and bring your bodyguards." From that day onward they became friends and they got ready to begin their journey and sail beyond the ocean.

Cross the ocean past the mist beyond the barrier of time is where the island lies. A fertile land that carries giant plants as big as they are so are the animals the only small creatures are the people. In the forest quietly seat a girl named Lily who is also a princess she was sitting on a rock surrounded by the Six Secret animals, before her friend called out to her and said "your parents are back, sorry I met the King and Queen are back." As the friend looked up the hill to see if the princess head her. They walking down the hill passing rocky bridge that leads to a village surrounded by trees. Awaiting are her parents who have been absent for a while. The Queen asked "where are my girls?" happily running towards her parents is Lily's twin sister Rose. The King and Queen told her that there is something they want to show her and her sister. Noticing that Lily was nowhere to be seen the King asked "where is Lily?" Rose immediately answered "I do not know." Avan and Lily walked in to the Castle not a second late before the king and queen called the guards. Avan bowled before the king and queen as she announces the arrival of the princess, behind her was princess Lily walking into the room. Queen said her thanks and Avan took her leave as she said to her friend "good bye Lily see you later." Now that everyone is present Rose asked her mother curious about what is it that she mother wants to show them. They sit down to pay attention to their mother who told them about what she came back with which were two special flowers and those flowers there is a rose and a lily. As she showed them the flowers that sparkled like the power within them, each princesses touched one of the flowers that connected them to the Heart of earth. The King said "I came back with these Maps" as he lay them down before them. All the things they came back with where to get them ready for the up coming birthday. Rose asked "father are those Maps for the race to find the Heart of earth, so that the new Queen can be chosen" as she looked closely at one and King agrees. The daylight went as the Kingdom slept so a new day can begin but one had a plot. Rose was consumed by greed and thoughts that engulfed her mind "I am going to find the Heart of earth and I will be the Queen! I have the perfect plan that can make everyone chase her out of the village" as she giggled through the night.

Out in the open ocean and never-ending beauty of blue water a group of teenage stars sailing out to find Island long-forgotten. Carol regret being carried away by the excitement of an adventure saying that "guys, I don't think we are going to find the Island." Lloyd replied as he turned way from the view in front of him and look at Carol "why do you think we are not going to find it." Carol throwing his hands in front of himself repeatedly while saying "because we can't see anything in this fog." The weather worsened as thunder begin to rumble soon after Lightning joined. The Book that has been glowing ever since they found suddenly stopped glowing. The waves became intense shaking the Ship and splashing in as lightning strikes the Ship in to another place. Spectra screamed in fear "guys what's going on and why is it so dark, we are going to die!" In panic Carol says "I don't think we are going to make it." Some of them can control their fears or they are hiding how they truly feel in this situation. Arshis calls out to them "guys, guys! Stop running around the Ship" Blake correct the way Arshis spoke by saying "he met cool down!!" Austin agreed with those guys that they have to cool down or they will never get there and the cool headed Lloyd who has been relaxing all this while says "never say never, we are going to see that Island." With those words everyone in the Ship was at a higher spirit and the famous boys and their bodyguards yelled out "yeah!!!"

Most important thing in this village was stolen and without it the coronation of the future ruler cannot be made. One princess was in trouble for something she did not do. The King was furious as he searched for the maps and couldn't find them where he had left them. On top of that no one is supposed to see them until the day of the event. In frustration the King called the guards ordered them to find the maps. All the guards bowled in agreement then headed to search every room in Castle. The Queen was worried about what will become of the kingdom if the maps are not found as she paced up and down the hall. While all people of the Sec-ret Island were sitting and waiting, as the guards entered the hall. One of the guards Billy beard good new they have found the maps as he bowls before King and Queen. And giving the maps to the King. The Queen and King asked "where did you get the maps" but the guards where afraid to answer. The King repeated himself in anger and as all the people of the Kingdom want to know where the maps were found yet the guards lips were sealed.

The King got angering as he raised for the throne and one of the guards Billy spoke out "we found the maps in princess Lily`s room." With eyes wide open Lily was shocked from what she has just head, knowing that she would never do such a thing that would ruin their Kingdom. The King so shock that he sat down and seeing that the King was speechless, the Queen was also shocked. Lily tried to defend herself saying "I don't know how the maps got into my room." The King spoke in disappointment "we trusted you, I trusted you." Lily replied "but father I did not take the maps" and The King looked down in shame as he ordered the guards to take her out of this Kingdom now. Lily's heart was broken as she looked at her mother and cried. The King faced his people and said "I don't want to see her again." Lily crowned as she held her mother's leg hoping that she will help her but the Queen says as she looks at her daughter beneath her feet crying "do what the King told you guards." As the Queen`s held back her tears. Lily was so shocked that her mother did not help and her sister was dragged away when she tried to help. The guards opened the barrier gates that keeps the Village safe from the wild untamed animals and pushed her out of the Kingdom. While the people chased her with spears, bow and arrows. Lily ran into the forest and the people stopped chasing her when they realized it was now a danger zone. A lost Princess walks within the forest crying and pained by how her own people treated her. Being chased by Wild Beasts through the forest and small as she is in a wooden Forest anything can be waiting in the shadows. Walk and trying to find a safe place to rest before night falls. She was so unluckily to meet the lizard which are known to be the most dangerous thing in this island. Eye to eye, face-to-face the atmosphere changed around them and the lizard licked its lips to see such a nice meal. Lily stepped back as the lizard reached out with its front leg and dodging to slip, and falling onto the ground. The lizard realized that it did not catch anything and angrily used its tail to hit the prey. She dodged it but this was only exhausting her and so she gathered her energy as droplets of water formed around her. With just one hand pointing towards the lizard while dodging its tongue and tail. She looked as if she was dancing with it, controlling the droplets to enter the lizard's body and at her lending thorns of ice appeared from the inside of the lizard's body. Its death was clear and she went towards it while praying for its energy to return to the Heart of the earth. Lily was so exhausted that she pushed herself until she reached two of the tallest trees deep in the forest and collapsed while she was walk between them, falling on their roots.

The heavy storm settled and the ship emerged from a misty fog. From a distance an island appears out of the Shadows as if it's been sleeping for thousands of centuries and beyond time with the beauty that never age. As light penetrate through the clouds Blake wakes up surprised that he is still alive and somehow made it. He checks whether the others are still alive and tries to wake them up as he says "guys open your eyes we are here, are you even listening to me" but no one woke so he yelled out "wake up!!" Lloyd closed his ears with both of his hands and says "okay, okay we are waking up." They all woke up luckily no one died or had any bad injuries, so they fixed themselves and ate as the Ship sails near the Island. Looking forward are the bodyguards so mesmerized by it's beautiful. Spectra was excited to hike in the island saying "guys bring two of your bodyguards for our walk in this Island" and puts on a jacket. Blake agreed and also states that they should take some weapons to defend themselves since they have no idea of what awaits in this island.

The six famous boys and their 12 guards took electric sword and into the island they went leaving the Ship behind. Blake has the map and the Book about the Island, they walked of four-hours. Lloyd asked worried "are we going the right way." Austin with so much excitement as he asks "yes, we are right Blake, Blake!" Blake responds "sorry this map shows that we were supposed to see two big trees." Arshis noticed that Carol was missing so he inform everyone and they looked around. Carol was far ahead from them and somehow found the location they were looking for on the map, so he yelled out "hey guys! Come here and look at this big trees." Following the sound of his voice and they found him. The five boys were happy that they were not lost after all and said "wow, this trees are large." Lloyd noticed something strange as he asks "hey what is that between the trees." so curious Spectra insisted that they go and have a look. As they walked closer they could see that is was a person laying down there. Lloyd said "there is a girl between the trees" and wondering if the girl was alive is Austin. The girl was wearing white bluish dress made out of lily peddles bring out her beautiful brown skin. Reached out to check if she is alive is Carol and says "yeah, she`s alive I can feel her heart beat on her neck." They decided to take a break from their journey as they sat there and hydrate themselves while look at the girl. Austin says "she is waking up." With loud noises around her Lily slowly gained her consciousness and realise that those noises were actually people voices. She did not understand the language and thought to yourself "what kind of idiots could enter this deep into the forest" she has fully rested and somehow wasn't attacked through night. Lily slowly opened her eyes as her vision came back. Lloyd wondered if the girl could understand them and Lily finally fully woke up to found herself surrounded by strange people. Analysing how she would defend herself there are six boys sitting around her and 12 men feather away. She slowly sat up as she listens carefully at what they're saying and planning her way out if communication doesn't work. As she tries to speak the people around her came closer with interest, hope and curiosity in their eyes as she asked "who are you people and how did you get here." Happy that they could understand her, Carol answers "my name is Carol, this is Austin, Blake that is Asrhis, Spectra and Lloyd." Blake explained how they got there and the horror that they have faced in the ocean. As they introducing themselves, a loud roar filled the sky and the roar got louder as the ground started shaking. Arshis was so interested as he asked Lily is there a volcano in this Island, he thought the trembling of the ground was caused by it. Lily replies "yes." Carol asks "is it erupting because the ground is shaking." As it gets closer and closer to where they are, Blake says "guys I don't think that`s the volcano shaking the ground." The five boys and 12 guards now felt terrified as they ask "why do you think that." Blake yelled in fear and terror as he see a beast heading straight for them, it was so big it could eat them whole "lo.... loo... look!!" Spectra was so intrigue that he has never seen an animal as big as this one before his eyes while asking "should we run or not." Lily stood quickly as she said "run, run!" The wild beast roared as it chased them through the forest Lily knew that it would not stop but she already had another problem on her hand so she had to save her energy for the worse. Still running as they get separated and the others end up on another part as it became dark. This was the first time that they have encountered something so terrifying ever since they entered this island. They ran and Lily was looking for a place to hide while being chased by a beast, night came with them trying to survive. Lloyd says "we can stop running now, we have to camp here for the night." Lily confirmed that it was safe and made fire with rocks and firewood. Spectra couldn't hold it in anymore since he almost died he just wanted to get what they came for and go home, so he asked "is it true in this Island there is the Heart." Lily answers "yes, it is true." Blake open the book right in front of Lily, it contained information about the Island and he started reading it. Asking if what lies within the book is true or not "so it is true that the princesses or the two princes of this Island have to race and find the Heart." Lily agreed and still wanted to say something when they cut her off. The Book also says when the King gives one of the princesses or princes, and have to touche the Heart which will lead to their hair colour changing. Thus the new Queen or King must have black or brown hair. Lily was interested in the book that contained everything about the island and she wondered how it got to the outside world. With the book confirmation done they slept since they're so exhausted and made sure that the fire didn't burn out. The next day came so peacefully making them forget about what happened, as everyone wakes up to greet the morning and Lloyd got powered up in his sleep as he says "let`s go, we have to find the Heart." Agreeing to his words they packed their stuff and got ready to leave then walked for an hour. The six secret animals found the princess thinking that she was in trouble, they formed a circle around them to rescue her. Seeing what happened yesterday Spectra said "guys I think we have to fight for our way out" and Arshis agreed with him. They got their weapons ready as they drew their electric swords out and ready to fight but Lily stopped it before anyone got hurt or eaten. As she speaks in her mother tongue telling the guardians that these are her new friends. Lily walked toward the animals, as she held them with love and happy that at least they believes that she is not guilty. Informing them that she is ok and still willing to protect her island. Blake whispers remembering what he had read in the book "guys come here, in the book it says those are the Secret animals something tell me they were looking for the princess." Carol yelled in shock and had just realized how different this animals are before those they have met and Blake told them to lower their voices so they are not head.

Within the barrier Gate of the kingdom that does not slumber. A friend cries and pleed before the royal throne. Avan concerned about her friend she tried all that she could, to show them reason as she says "my Queen there is something wrong Lily did not take the map." The Queen knew that there was something wrong on that day and had agreed to talk to the King. To make everything right as she rushed along with Avan into the Castle. Upon arriving and seeing the King, the Queen speaks "my love, my King we were wrong Lily did not take the maps." The King understands and he was glad that he not the only one who felt strange about the disappearance of the golden maps. In his call the Knights approached the throne and he says "find the princess and bring her home." The Knights bowled before the order and went to the forest looking for the princess. One of the Knights Daniel says as they fly high in the sky riding on a pegasus "what if the princess is dead." Alex answers "nope, if the princess is dead the King would not send us out here." While look down in hopes to see princess Lily as they try to see through the plants.

A mystery pounding in their heads as questions puzzles their minds. Arshis grabbed Lily and questions her about her identity as Spectra asks "are you the Princess?" Lily stood there in silence as Arshis demanded for answers, she still hasn't reached a conclusion to whether she can trust this strangers or not. Yet she replies "yes, I am the princess." Arshis knew that they wouldn't be able to take what they have come for, if the princess of the island was among them then he pushed her to the ground. The Knights found them and then they hired behind the trees as they planned on how to rescue the princess. Out of the forest into the open-air at cleft is where they stood, looking for away to the other side. On the far end of the cleft is a bridge leading to the other side which Blake suggested that they should use it. From the way it looked Carol was concerned about how unsafe it is, it was made out of wood and ropes which were barely holding it together. Austin got the sense that there was someone watching them from the shadows of the forest.

Lily felt the aura of the Knights within the trees behind them. She thought that they have come to destroy her, for doing something that was forbidden. Seizing this chance to attack are the Knights as they jumped out. The boys is bodyguards stood bravery to protect them and as they were fighting with the Knights. Lloyd yelled "run! Run across that bridge" but Carol didn't want to as he said "it's not safe." Spectra ran across then Austin ran and Lloyd pushed Carol across the bridge as is swings side to side. Then Blake ran followed by Arshis and Lily was behind them, before they could get to the other side the ropes got cut by Alex the Knight. The bridge fall and Spectra caught Blake and he caught Arshis, as he caught Lily. Holding on to the last piece of the bridge on the other side and dangling from a cleft as Spectra and Lloyd said as they trying to pull them up "hold on we will bring you up." Daniel shot an arrow from his bow blazing straight to Spectra`s arm with that he could not pull up whose who were dangling and they slipped. Blake, Arshis and Lily fell from the top of a mountain into the river.

Lloyd was worried seeing blood as he asks "Spectra are you okay." Spectra answers "I will be fine, for now run!!" seeing their mistake four of the Knights took their flying horses down to the river. Meanwhile screaming their lungs out as they fall is Blake, Arshis as they had to their deaths. Lily called out to the essence of the water as a large deformed bubble forms giving them a smooth lending. She released her energy and it popped turning back to water as she swam to the side where it's dry. Looking back to see what caught them is Blake but there was nothing there, relieved yet still frustrated for not understanding what just happened. Blake asks "guys are you okay." Arshis and Blake were helping Lily out of the river when Alex the Knight jumped from the horse and lends smoothly on the ground then kicks Blake. Arshis kicks Daniel then the fight begin. One of the Secret animals, a bird flew in and pulled Princess Lily out of the river then the bird flew away with her. In witnessing that Alex said "Knights away" as they took off. Austin, Carol, Spectra and Lloyd went down to the river to find their friends.

Carol asking if Blake and Arshis were alright. Spectra took out the first aid kit, started to attend his bleed arm and put a bandage around his arm. Looking around to notice that Lily was no where to be found is Lloyd. Arshis answers out of shock to how huge the bird was as he says "a big bird took her." Meanwhile Lily flies across the land riding on an owl's back and hold on to it's fluffy feathers which felt so soft like being embraced by a cloud. Her was placed on the secret grounds known to the villages as the Secret Cave which is the door to the Heart resting place. On her knees thanks the guardian for saving her from the Knights, it bowls in return. With her head Held High staring into the Cave as walks towards it. On top of the highest mountain in the island and the wind bows briefly across the island.

Austin found the map in the river but it was soaking wet. Carol had an idea that can get them out of trouble but he wasn't sure if the others would consider it. Spectra says "just tell us your idea Carol" and he said "let`s call the Secret animals for help." Lloyd and Blake accepted it as a good idea but Arshis and Austin were against it. While Spectra wondered how they were going to call upon them as he asks "anyway how will we call the Secret animals?" Blake explain according to the Book we must find cave near the Diamond Falls. Everyone wondered what could Diamond Falls be, as they crank their heads together. Austin sees somethings shining on Arshis's head which led to him asking what is glowing in your hair. Arshis was surprised as he reached into his hair to found small diamonds. Austin went back to the water scooped the water with both hands and it is where he realised as he says "I think I found Diamond falls." All five boys asked "where?" as Austin points towards the waterfall and shows them the diamonds on his other hand.

Now knowing they location Arshis wandered around as he asks "if this is Diamond falls then where is the cave." Blake with his nose caught in between the book says "right behind those trees." Crawling through the bushes as its nails dig into their skin and the boys went in the cave, Arshis says "now that we found the cave then what." None of them knew what to do at that moment, they could only stare at each other until someone gets an idea. The cave walls had symbols that represent each of the Six Secret animals which was carved into the wall. Blake notice the carving on the walls as he runs his fingers. Like lightning the thought came to him and he says "place your hand on the Secret animal symbol you like." Thus the six famous boys chose an animal sign and the symbol glowed while their hands were placed on it. The glow became brighter blinding them as the Secret animals appeared. Then the Secret animal disappeared with the person who chose it and now has a symbol of the chose animal on his hand.

The Knights returned to the Kingdom to report their findings. The people were prepare for the big day which is the birthday of the Princesses and the day that a new ruler is chosen by the heart of the earth. Alex and Daniel arrive at the Castle and went straight to the King. As they bowl the King asked not seeing Lily with them "well did you find my baby" Daniel answers "yes, we have." The King wonders why they didn't bring her along as he asks "where is she." Alex answers not revealing the fact that they almost killed the Princess "she is not here but we know where they are heading to." The King asks confused by the word "they, what do you mean by they" and Alex try to explain to him that she was with six boys and 12 men who they have already killed. The King was so shocked he raised from the throne as asks, the Knights could feel his aura oozing out "what!! Six boys, okay where are they going?" while King thinks to himself "if I find those boys they are going to pay off taking my princess." Daniel could sense how angry the King is as he said "they are heading to the Secret cave." The King said: Knights we are going to the Secret cave. They prepared to go along with the accompany of the King.

The Secret animals assist the boys to find Lily who has been at the Secret cave. Out of rotating leaves they appeared as the leaves clears. From there they walk towards the cave's enters as Carol places a complain of how long they have been walking. Blake tells him that they have arrived and there was a barrier standing in their way in a form of a wall. Lloyd asks how are they go to get through with something like it, Arshis answers so amazed by it "this is not just a wall." Blake agrees as he reference to the Book and Spectra asks "then what do we do." The wall started glowing and the stoned wall moved in then to the other side, as it reveals the Secret cave where the Heart of earth lies. Austin's eyes wide open and filled with sparks of amazement and inside was Lily in a meditating pose facing onward.

Carol went to her relieved that she is well as Blake asked if she was alright to confirm and Lily replies as she gets up "yes, I'm fine." She faces them with a warning saying that they have to leave the cave this instant. Lloyd steps forward in protest saying that they are not leaving without the Heart.

The boys entered in the Secret cave tossing Lily's warning aside and passing her were she stood. Following them to make sure they don't disturb the roots of Earth, feather into the cave. To the sound of footsteps the walls begin to glow as Arshis says "I thought a cave was supposed to be dark but this cave is as bright as the sun." With so many untouched natural minerals that fill the cave with beauty as Spectra says "there are so many crystals." All the crystals shine bright in all different type of shapes. Carol asks "how will we find the Heart." and Lloyd found a stone very different from the others convinced it was the Heart. Blake says seeing him taking it "put the amber stone in this backpack" as he hands it over to him. Lily took her stand blocking the real path to the Heart, she was also not permitted to enter until the day comes she may. Austin was enchanted by a crystal in front of him, so bright that it mesmerized him to touch it. The cave begins to shake after Austin touched it and rocks were falling as the cave crumbles down. Lily was glad when someone triggered the trap she has set up and thinking to herself "this illusion shall do the trick." Carol yelled "run!!"

Running out towards the exit and Arshis sees that the bag was left behind due to its weight so he turned back to take it. Lily realized that they did not only trigger she trap but also removed something that kept the Secret cave open to the people and she asked "what did you do?" Getting out just on time as it collapsed behind them and as the dust clear, they meet someone who should have not found them in such a secret place. As angry as the blazing wind is the King waiting along with the Knight. They picking themselves up from were they fell not yet realizing that there are people in front of him. Carol asked pass off "what were you thinking Austin." They went out of the cave's mouth only to be captured by the Knights and the King who says "Lily you are coming home." Lily could feel her father's anger and knew just what will happen to the boys as she asked for them to be freed. The King refused as his eye grow sharper saying "no and you are to return home." He turned to facing the cleft as he says an incantation and suddenly a spiral fused out of root appeared. Looking through it you could see the Kingdom. It is a power that only a King possesses to help him see anywhere and go anywhere in the island.