The race

Princess Lily was back home and her new friend were locked up in the dungeon. Laying down on her wooden bed and facing the ceiling made out of hay forming a spiral. As she wonders what will become of her now that she is back. Letting out a deep sigh as she turns to sleep. Next day in the dinning room, the Queen orders a maid to go and call princess Lily. Since it has been a while they have not seen her, princess Rose walks in and greet her parents with a bowl then she takes a seat. Lily entries the dinning room with a bowl to greet her parents before she is questioned by her father. Behind the King is the golden book and the amber stone along with strange weapons lined up on the table. As the King touched the book he began to tell them a story of how the core book and the original golden map were stolen which led to the island falling into chaos; as it became what it is today. His great, great grandfather was deceived and the Heart was almost lost to the hands of strangers. Hence he created a barrier at the cost of his life which shield the island from the outside world and protected everything within it. The Princesses were shocked with their eyes wide open, the Queen places her hand on the King to comfort him.

The King is so furious about the secret cave been completely destroyed and they have to use a dangerous path for the race. Being dismissed Lily rushed to the dungeon to see her friends, the outsiders and the guards did not allow her to enter. Lily pleaded with the guards stating that it would not take long. The guards turned a blind eye and allowed her to enter, they opened it for her then Lily went in the dungeon. At the site of her friends who have been chained to the wall and they were afraid that they would never see the spotlight.

Lily informed the boys that they were not going to be released anytime soon, as she gave them a basket of food. Lloyd angrily grabbed Lily by her neck, as the chains crushed and he said "you think food will free us." Carol and Austin rushed towards them trying to pull Lloyd away from Lily, as Carol says "let her go." But Lloyd did not budge even a little bit, so Spectra and Blake join in to help release Lily. Arshis sitting on the floor saying "killing her won't help, we need her if we want to get out of this prison." Lloyd finally released her as she coughed to gain her breath and a fade apology came from Lloyd but Lily I took it as if nothing happened.

While he was giving them food the King walked in the dungeon to question the outsiders about the book and found Lily there. Angrily chasing her out of the dungeon, telling her to go back to the Castle. The king informed the guards that the outsiders must be killed tonight and Lily who was against this order as she held her father's hand trying to plead with him only to be carried away by the guards. The King told those guards to lock her up in her room and do not let her out matter what she says. Rose spying on her father to confirm that her plot is in place. As nightfall came Lily was unease is in her room, pacing up and down in hopes that she may find a way to save them. The guards took the six boys to the red cave.

Lily saw that there is no easier way to unlocked her room, so she placed her hand on the wall and concentrated her energy to the wall, suddenly dust of ice air begin to surround her hand and soon after the wall was completely covered in Frost. With one power kick the wall shattered and scattered opening away for her. She dished out and when the smoke cleared the guards realised that she was gone.

Upon reaching the red cave a place where betrayers and those who do forbidden things are killed. An open cave with three sharps stones facing upwards at the entrance and steps going downwards. Tender red stone forms the walls of the cave with a pond of lava in the centre which gives out the crimson red making the cave seem as if covered in blood.

She arrived just in time as the king was still giving the order to behead them. She screamed out "no!" as she ran towards them and stating to her father that if he kills them he should also behead her too. Standing between the six boys and the guard with an axe. The King frustrated by the situation he tells the guard to stop, he looks at his daughter and wonders what she would bring to this island because nothing good ever came from outsiders whenever they entered the island. The King admit defeat and releases the boys as Lily says proudly "thank you dad."

The King and the guards left the cave, leaving them behind as they hug celebrating an escape from death and they went back to the Castle. Now the six boys became guests in the Castle of the Princess. The Queen agreed that they could sleep in the Castle and when she went outside to officially welcome them. The boy took it as a joke based on what happened since they got to the Kingdom. Lloyd and Spectra were the most surprised by this result and couldn't believe that they were now welcomed to the island. Lily guided them into the Castle and they meet Rose along the way. She asked "hey sister, who are your friends." Lily introduced her sister to her new friends: "guys this is my sister Rose, Rose this is Austin, Blake, Carol and that is Lloyd, Arshis and Spectra" as she pointed towards the person of that name. Rose bowled in greetings as she called a maid to show the boys to their rooms. Lily said goodnight as she walked away with her sister while holding hands and happy that they can be together like before.

In the morning tossing and turning in her bed is Rose outraged that her plan did not work and the only thought that echoes in her mind is that she has to kill her sister. She slips out of her room and sneaked in to Arshis's room, taking his electric sword. Then she returns to her room without anyone noticing her and she says with this weapon her plot surely will come true.

While the boys were sitting in the dinning room with Lily enjoying breakfast. The King was unsatisfied with this as he could not wait to get rid of them, however Spectra's words brought comfort in his heart. As Spectra said "we have to go home." The King immediately replied "I understand, the guards and Avan will help you find your Ship." Not seeing the King's intentions Blake was grateful that they would be safe while looking for the Ship. After breakfast, Lily gave them a tour guide around the Castle and the village before the day for their departure came. They said their farewell to the King and Queen then set off to find the Ship.

They entered the village passing through lively market heading towards the kingdom's gate. Austin curious to know who Avan is, he asked and Lily replied saying that she is her best friend. Meeting Avan who has been waiting for them along with the guards. Happy to see her friend is Avan and she says "hi Lily." Lily greeted her back then introduced her to the boys. Exiting the kingdoms gate into the forest which seemed as if they have entered another world. They walked for hours without any trouble or being attacked by wild animals, this was due to Avan's ability to sense her surroundings. Finally getting out of the forest and closer to the ocean, Carol was relieved that they finally found the Ship.

As Spectra pointed towards the Ship tell Avan and Lily that it is their transport which help them reach the island. Avan and Lily were both amazed by this luxurious Ship, it maybe because it was they first time to see such a thing. They stood there saying farewell to each other and Blake said with a hug "Lily I am going to miss you." It turns out that they have grown attached to Lily within the few weeks they have spend with her.

Austin point out that they should not forget anything before they ride a boat to the Ship. Lloyd says in enjoy that he has survivor this cursed island as he put one leg on the boat "this was a great adventure." They all went in the boat which will take them to the Ship but they left a bag on the ground. Arshis realizes that and went out of the boat which has not gone far from the land. Walking as Lily meets him half way to give him the bag, he asked if she could come with them. Lily said "you know I cannot do that." Handing over the bag to him, he says "okay, how about that hug I asked for." Not knowing what this hug would bring, they hug for the last time before something invisible sneaked behind Lily without making a sound and stabbed her on the heart with an electric weapon. Blood began to flow out of her mouth as she coughed and her consciousness slowly faded away. Like a strong wind disappears after blowing everything in it's way. Lily fell while hugging, unaware of her condition Arshis thought that she likes him so much that she is unwilling to let go. So Arshis replied with a tight hug, as he looked over her back feeling some discomfort on his hands. Painted in red were his hands in shock he push Lily so he could see her face which filled his in tear as he yell out for help.

In the Kingdom's Castle the King asked "what have you done to my Princess?" As the healer finally came out of princess Lily's room, Avan rushed towards her to know how the princess is. But the healer could not face them as she said "her state is terrible and there is nothing we can do." The King is worried about the festive birthday or the day of the race which is suppose to happen the following day. Looking at the situation the Queen says "there is no need of the race to happen." Surprised that such a big day is being cancelled is Austin as he asks "what does she mean?" Alex from the Knights asked "the princess is no more?" Rose is in tears that her sister is critical ill but secretly happy that she is the only princess now. Blake was upset as he asked Arshis "what did you do?" Arshis shakes his head recalling what happened as he says he did not do it repeatedly.

Spectra pushed Arshis against the wall, hold him by his jacket's collar and Carol yelling out " how could you, what kind of a person are you?!" Arshis yells "I did not do it, okay!" The boys started arguing and fighting about what happened to Lily. The King seat down in distress watching as the outsiders have come to destroy the island once again. As one of their backpack began floating Lloyd see it and tried to make the others notice it but they were too busy eating up Arshis who also head no clue to what happened. Lloyd scream out "guys, guys! Stop it, look the bag it is flying." Without looking Arshis answers him "would you shut up, a bag cannot fly." Spectra turned to look still holding to Arshis's collar and Austin who was pulling Blake away from Arshis. They all faced Lloyd's direction to see that the bag was truly floating and then started glowing on the air.

In a blink of an eye the bag vanished, as dark clouds gathered in the Kingdom. Laying on her bed is Lily as a breeze slightly tickles her when the door suddenly opens. In comes the King and Queen to check on her, still has not gained her consciousness. As the flower gift linked to her slowly loses its petals, the Queen stare at it with worry heavily in her heart. Not knowing what to do the boy went to the King to consult. Standing at Lily's bedroom door in hesitation to enter.

The Secret animals in their respectful habitat gazing at the sky to see a cloud of a groom hanging over the Kingdom. They howled and scream in sorrow, as their symbols appear above the island and their howls summoned Lily to the forest of life. Like a twister consuming them everyone in Lily's room was teleport to the forest. Due to one Princess unable to move the carnation reservation was changed to be at the forest of life. A large pergolas shelters them with a central stone patio where Princess Lily is display. They King acknowledges that the guardians have taken the situation into their hands and he announcers "we are here to choose our next Queen." The Secret animals emerged forming a circle around them; bowling as energy intersect. Out of sparks of energy collusion and a blast of frequency which shook the leaves of the trees; while blowing them strongly. A amber sphere formed with motion water around it, the King takes the sphere as it float on his hand. Directing it to Rose who has to touch it and at that moment she did, her hair colour changed but not to the preferred one to become queen.

As if remembering something Arshis accuses Rose of injuring her sister Lily. Not believing a word he says is Lloyd and he says "really, why would she want to kill her sister, and she was not even there with us." Yet Arshis still claims that it was Rose and Lloyd sarcastically says "oh, are you telling me that she was invisible." With those words everyone glare at Rose as her curly short hair flickered in the air and her dress made out of rose petals dances with the wind. The King questioned her with despair his eyes "is that true Rose?" Rose responded to her father's question with no sense of guilt "yes, if I won't be Queen no one will." As she turned to face everyone while casting a spell, red sparks emerged around her and with her one hand up. The moment she place it down all the sparks fly out of control into people's bodies. Rose tells Lloyd "come with me, I will make you my King." All of his five friends disagreed for him and Rose said "are you gone to listen to them or stand by myside."

Everyone is fighting to get their hands on the sphere as Spectra Kicked Billy and the sphere flew, as Arshis jumped to catch it. He then placed it on top of Lily and the sphere starts glowing, meanwhile Lily's hair changes colour.

The six Secret animals transformed in to a girl named Violet the guardian of the Heart of earth and in realizing this Rose is surprised thinking that it was impossible. Everyone goggle at this sudden event, the King and Queen locked eyes to embrace the legend of their island coming true. The King kneeled before Violet asking who would be their new Queen? Violet replied "the battle between the princesses will end when the lost soul is found and the princess need to think with their hearts." Not understanding her The Queen asked what does she mean but Violet did not respond.

The magic begins now the sphere shattered in to seven pieces, six pieces went to the famous boys and it glowed as it entered their bodies. The boys gained powers, but it was intense so they collapsed. Avan worries as she turns to face Violet. Who says "they have been chosen by the Heart of earth." The last piece went to Lily's body and Violet transformed back to the six Secret animals with this last words "a good heart and pure spirit she will awaken to her fate." Rose was angry that once again her sister was the chosen one, as she went towards the patio where Lily lies. So fade her body was like petals being carried by the wind, Lily gradually disappeared. And Rose was holding on to nothing as she clench both her hands into fists.

The kingdom still surrounded by princess Rose's scarlet sparks, even though some few weeks have passed. The people live in fear of not knowing the purpose of this red sparks or what they would bring as they linger in the air. The Knights return in shame yet again and princess Lily is nowhere to be find, since her disappearance. Deep in the kingdoms dungeon is where Rose is kept, after so many interrogation: of asking where has she trapped her sister. And all she could say is that she does not know and she did not trap anyone. But who would believe her even if she was telling the truth, after all the schemes she has done to gain the throne. Sitting on the hard rocky floor with her hands chained to the wall and her body cover in torture marks, with her head facing down as if sleeping. As the guards do they rounds at the door to make sure she does not try anything.

In the Castle the King and Queen are associating with the boys to find a path out of their situation. Carol was wondering how are they going to know if the pure light is there. The King who was looking out through the window to see his kingdom, then suddenly sat down with his frustrations. Lloyd asked "can the pure light be one of us?" Arshis implied that it was him as he steps forward. Austin worries as he asks "what would happen if the wrong person kisses the princess?" The Queen was also puzzled and that they have never been in a crisis like this before. Blake says "it will be our duty to protect Princess Lily from anyone or thing." The King called the Knights and he said "Alex your duty is to train this boys and Daniel you are now the leader of the Knights." Also the Secret animals offered to helped train the boys for the battle to come. Out in the open air as the sunlight penetrate through the trees, so peaceful the island is and a snake slithering around looking for shade. A fade scream shatters the silence, the closer it gets the louder it becomes and as a drop of water falls on it misdirecting it into a hole. A long narrow path deep in to the ground finally seeing the light at the end, only to fall into a misty river. That was the origin of the scream, with the thick fog, only the cry can be heard as sparks reform and shatter: similar to those of Rose the difference was that this sparks were fade blue.

The boys trained long and hard although one was as lazy as a cat, the other did not even bother to go for training. Always sticking his nose in between books and one is always nagging about the safety precautions of the training, while one was too proud and always showed off. In the end only one person was training hard, Alex found out it was harder to train them than to fight a swarm of wild animals.

The Queen went down to the dungeon after seeing how the boys were coping with they training. Dismissing the guards as he enters to see the pitiful state her daughter is in and rushes to comfort her. Only to be laughed at by her daughter, Rose changes her sitting position while laughing at her mother and the Queen pauses surprised by the way she is laughing. Rose looked up at her mother to say "if you are here to ask about her, I have not idea where she is. She is always favoured by everything, I am sure she is healing quite nicely wherever she is and will soon return." The Queen hugs her as the chain sounds echoes through the dungeon. With tears falling down her duty face, Rose whispers into her mother's ear "you are yet to see what I can do." In gape the Queen breaks away from Rose and shares down at her, she could see that Rose is determined to destroy whatever stands in her way.

A new horizon begins in the City, two brothers Chase and Cody were about to begin their journey to visit their father. Their mother Precious, father Jack are having conversation through the phone and Precious says "Jack okay they are coming, okay." Jack replies "you should stop fighting, I know we had bad marriage but we have to show the Boys we care." Precious said her good byes in anger as Chase curious to know who she was talking to and he asked "hey, mom who were you talking to." She said no one with a smile and Chase states "it was dad, right." His mother agreed coldly while Cody says "am I the only one who likes dad." Precious and Chase agreed as they say "yeah, pretty much." the time for them to go has arrived and their mother gives them advice since they are teenagers "boys remember if the girl does not like who you are; she is not the one, okay." As he dragged his bag out of their mansion Chase said "okay, mom whatever."

Their mother continuously spoke "because the magic is within..." Cody replies "yes mom, you told us hundred times." Packing their bags into the car, Chase was impatient he was tired of listening to his mother say the same thing over and over. So he say "bro we have to go; our plane is waiting." Chase and Cody said their farewell as they drive off and Precious yelled out "take care of each other boys, I love you." On their way, they stopped to pick up two girls Jessie and Holly who were invited by Chase, then they headed to the Airport.

At the Airport they drove to privet area were their plane was waiting for them. Both Chase and Cody sat on the right side, while Jessie and Holly were sitting opposite side looking them. Cody asked his brother why did he invited them, while he knows that they are going to their father's house. Chase replies "I know, why it is a problem." The girls looked at them and smile. Cody says "dad is gone kill us." Chase was upset that his brother dose not have his back while he always have his and he says "you can't even just live for once and enjoy the moment." Cody got upset because of his foolish brother who always get them into trouble. Chase ignored him and went to sit with Jessie and holly moved, went to Cody side. Holly greeted Cody but he was not interested so he did not answers her. As Chase mocked his brother for being angry for something that not trivial and it was making him look uncool. Cody says out for angry "oh it`s always about you and you know what, you are so full of yourself." The two brothers were anger at each other, as the plane was flying above the Ocean and who knew that their mood would also affect they trip. Suddenly a ray of light emerge from the thick clouds and making the night seem so vibrant with the bright ray that appeared form blow the clouds.

When the intense ray collapsed giving out forceful wind, the plane got affect and the storm that formed did not help the issue. Looking onward lightning danced to the beat of thunder, trying to get out of the centre of the storm is the pilot however he tried, they were doomed as lightning hits the plane. The plane had one of its wings broken of, as it loses control bite by bite. Noticing the sudden change is Jessie saying "guys is it me or we are going down." Chase stood up to go seek for inform about their unstable plane to the pilot "hey, Jay what's going on in there." They did not know how dangerous their situation was until Jay the pilot said "it was nice knowing you all, am out of here and this plane is going down." Jay the pilot took something, a parachute and open the door while it is still in the air: he jumped out of the plane leave them without a pilot.

As the smoke grew more intense on the broken wing, they were panicking, Chase and Cody went to fly the plane, but neither of them knew how it is piloted. Chase started pressed every button and he said "this is not working, you should do it!, you are the clever one." Cody replies "that does not mean I can fly a plane." The plane was descending as the girls screamed in fear of death "we don't want to drown!" Cody was busy try to make his brother understand that he is not capable of fly the plane as says "I can't fly the plane, it's too hard." Chase looking at the scenery yelled "do something, we are heading for that rock." Chase and Cody looked at each other and they started screaming as the plane went down fast.