Hu Chuntian 4.0 Came in Like a Wrecking Ball

"TEN!!!!" He counted. "NINE!!!!!! EIGHT!!!!!"

"He's not really going to ruin the whole school just because he got rejected, isn't he!?"

"It's April Fool's Day, maybe this is just a prank!?"

"It's the Tiger Emperor!!! He probably mean it and would kill us all!!!"

"Find Ma Jianyu! Find Mo Jiagei! Prank or not, just bring him what he wants!!!!"

The students immediately rushed in their pajamas to find the MC and her chosen LI in this route. It was pure chaos, it almost caused a stampede. Hu Chuntian just laughed maniacally like a villain and swung on the chains that he clung on to, not stopping his countdown.

"SEVEN!!!!! SIX!!!! HURRY UP, YOU USELESS PEASANTS!!!" His blue eyes twinkled with glee as he watched them all run. "FIVE!!!! FOUR!!!"

"Here they are!! Here's Ma Jianyu and Mo Jiagei!"

The two had been pulled over and dragged without their consent from their bedrooms and into the grassy fields where Hu Chuntian's demolition machine is standing high.

"Let me go! Let me go!!!" Mo Jiagei doesn't understand where the plot was developing anymore. She only chose Ma Jianyu's route because the game left her with no choice.

She kicked and struggled but there's too many hands holding her. She was being treated like a maiden sacrifice to a ritual. "SOMEBODY HELP!"

"Princess!!!" Ma Jianyu was having the same treatment as her. He is not the strongest love interest and in fact was only second to the weakest next to Shu Chuanli.

But somehow, out of sheer willpower, he broke free from the hands that bind him. He rushed quickly to Mo Jiagei's side with dozens of people chasing after him and drew something from his sheath. "UNHAND HER, YOU FIENDS!!!"

The people thought that the sword he had by his side was just a stage prop, probably plastic or wooden at worst. But as they saw it glint from the dim light of the moon, it was a real fucking sword all along!!!!!

And the school had just let him carry it under their noses all this time!!???

The people stood back, no longer making chase. "Where the hell did he get that!???"

The girls that we're holding Mo Jiagei quickly let go with an "EEPPPP!!!!"


"It was Mo Jiagei's fault! That witch must have injected them with chicken blood* to turn them all into nutjobs!!!!" Another replied.


"Princess!" Ma Jianyu embraced Mo Jiagei and protected her behind him, flashing his sword towards Hu Chuntian like a true knight. "Villainous knave! You cannot take my princess away even with that metal beast! Prepare to die by my hand---"

"Excuse me. Can I borrow your sword for a bit?"

The steadfast Ma Jianyu was prepared to have a long monologue for this battle with the Tiger Emperor and did not expect to be interrupted.

The strange hooded gentleman who asked for his sword had no expression on his face, only stretching out his hand patiently. Even Hu Chuntian was momentarily confused and forgot what number he was counting.

"It will be only for a while. Let me take care of this, young knight."

Ma Jianyu frowned. "Who are you?"

"I am the great and romantic Sir Jie Taime." The figure smiled. "That villainous knave is my personal matter to manage, and I want to resolve this peacefully. So may I?"

Ma Jianyu had never met anyone who play along with his Chuunibiyou syndrome before, so he immediately found this man trustworthy and handed the sword in a daze.


The hooded Sir Taime threw the sword in one hand and sent it to crash on the glass and straight to the control panel of the machine, causing sparks of electricity!

(Wow. Never expected that to work.) Mo Aini was even surprised with himself.

[We also did not expect it. Is blade throwing one of the skills you never told us about? Were you actually a trained assassin all along?]

(No, but I might consider becoming an assassin soon. My first target would be all of you lot sitting behind that holographic screen, but I wouldn't throw a sword at you. I'll make you swallow it.)

The man behind the screen just smirked from that threat, as if relishing the thought.

The wrecking ball machine started to make strange sounds and creaks, causing Hu Chuntian to be alarmed. Everyone was eyes wide and waiting for what would happen next, holding their breaths.

Then, the wrecking ball started to sway.

It swayed slowly at first, then faster and even wilder, making everyone run back as far as they can from it. The machine went haywire and spun around, but it is still at a safe distance from any building to cause any damage.

Only the Tiger Emperor who brought it was in trouble.

"DAMN YOU! I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!" He clung to the chains tightly for his dear life. "I WILL KILL YOU AND YOUR MOTHERS!!!"

Mo Aini was not afraid of the swinging metal ball of doom, and went closer. "A-Tian, when I tell you to jump, jump and I will catch you!"


"Then jump to me! You'll never be able to kill me if you die first!" Mo Aini yelled back with a slight chuckle. "Come on!"

The people were really confused and so done with this situation. If this was just a movie or a drama they were watching, they would even find it funny.

Hu Chuntian made another loud growl.....

Before he eventually jumped into Mo Aini's arms.

Hu Chuntian was all big talk, but he closed his eyes when he fell. That long lashes of his fluttered a bit, and Mo Aini felt a sense of deja vu. But he managed to catch him perfectly, and was beyond relieved that his A-Tian isn't hurt.

Hu Chuntian slowly opened his eyes and looked up at him. He also felt a sense of deja vu, though he is sure he had never seen this face before. He felt slightly entranced by it that he could only stare blankly.

"Who the hell.... are you...?" He asked.

"Mo Aini."

He misheard because of the loud noise of the wildly haywire machine behind them, and frowned. "Disgusting. Who would say I love you to someone they just met?"

Mo Aini only laughed heartily from the irony. "Well, if it's someone as pretty as you, who wouldn't?"

Hu Chuntian felt his heart rate increase by a few more beats, and he looked away. He grumbled. "Put me down."

Mo Aini just walked back towards the boy's dormitory, not paying his words any mind.

"Put me down!" Hu Chuntian squirmed in his grip.

"What if I don't want to?"

He aimed his sharp nails at him like he was going to claw his eyes out. "Put me down or I will kill you."

Mo Aini did not even flinch. "Go ahead."

Before the Tiger Emperor could really fulfill his promise of killing this weird enemy/savior, the school guards and the faculty came on time.

"What has happened here?" A stern principal gestured her well-manicured hand towards the demolition machine that has now fully come to a stop with the wrecking ball just hanging in the air.

"Oh, my buddy was just pranking me but it may have gone a little too far. Don't worry, ma'am, there was no damage that was done, and my friend will have it off the school grounds by tomorrow." Mo Aini gave the woman a bright smile.

Hu Chuntian furrowed his brows. "What are you saying!? What friend are you talking about—"

Mo Aini clamped his hand over his mouth. "Oh, A-Tian. You never know when to stop teasing me, do you? Come, you should get back home or someone might snitch to your father that you've been wreaking havoc this late at night!"

Mo Aini ran away with his troublesome tiger in hand to evade the authorities. He kept running in his cat pattern pajamas and flip-flops until they were about 200 meter away from school. "Hey, A-Tian, call your driver now. "

"Why should I take orders from you!? Let me go!"

Hu Chuntian moved around so much that their weight was shifted and he and Mo Aini came falling and rolling down the dirt. Mo Aini quickly blocked Hu Chuntian's head with his hand to protect it from the impact.

"Hahaha! Oh man, this brings me back.!" Mo Aini just giggled like an idiot and picked the leaf stuck on Hu Chuntian's hair. "Are you ok?"

"I'm not ok! You stopped my plans to get the campus goddess! That girl is mine!" Hu Chuntian complained and punched his shoulder.

"There, there. It's alright, calm down!" Mo Aini just patted his head even with Hu Chuntian beating him up. "That girl's not worth it. Besides, you belong to someone already."


"Me." Mo Aini just grinned at him.

"I don't know who the hell you are, but you better stay away or you might find yourself meeting with Meng Po* too soon!" Hu Chuntian stood up and grumpily wiped the dirt off his clothes. He took out a cigarette pack from his pocket and a lighter.

Mo Aini also stood up, unable to put away the wide grin on his face. The moment he saw Hu Chuntian, he just couldn't stop smiling even though he knows he would look weird to him. "May I have one?"

Hu Chuntian narrowed his eyes and blew smoke on his face. "Not until you tell me what's your deal and who you are."

This made the weird hooded guy smile even wider. "You really want to know?"

He took a cigarette and used Hu Chuntian's to light it up, placing them together and making their faces only a few inches apart.

"I'm your lover. And I can prove it to you."



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