The Insatiable Tiger Emperor Wouldn't Give Up on My Sister

Hu Chuntian just used his whole hand to push his face away.

"Find someone else to fool, psycho. Lover? I only have eyes for Mo Jiagei." Hu Chuntian picked up his phone and dialed his driver.

He spoke what he needed to say, then hang up. Then he waved his phone in front of Mo Aini. "If you don't stop acting like a creep, I'll call the police."

"But it's true! I even have an album that you gave to me. If you would just let me show you—"

But Hu Chuntian did not listen and walked away. Soon, his limousine came, and it drove away into the dark roads, leaving Mo Aini dirty and alone in the ditch where they fell.

[Would it be right for us to presume that didn't go as planned at all?]

(I didn't even have any plans.) Mo Aini shrugged the dust off his shoulders, and let out a puff of smoke from the cigarette he stole from his beloved tiger.

(I just wanted to see him again. I'll try and try again to make him see the album and remember me.)

[But don't you think this Hu Chuntian would be particularly difficult to convince? He literally brought a wrecking ball to school for Mo Jiagei.]

Mo Aini shook his head. (He does seem more eccentric than usual, but he is still my A-Tian. Under all the drama and fucked up things he does, he is a good kid. He could have killed me like he promised, or called the police, but they're all empty threats.)

He smiled when he saw the tiger logo on the white part of the stick. (I think he even has a special soft spot for me whether he remembers me or not, though I don't fucking know how."

"Fate? Are we soulmates or something? I don't really believe in stuff like that but with A-Tian....." Mo Aini smiled. "I can believe in anything."

The system went quiet.

Then it said, in a tone that had a hint of bitterness: [Your infatuation for him is making you highly unreasonable. Don't forget that even if you succeed in making him remember you, this will not end well. Why not settle for someone who you can actually be within your own world?]

Mo Aini rubbed the ashes on a tree, and kept the cigarette butt on his pocket, not planning to throw it as he made his way back to Nushen High. "You guys really wanna know?"

[It would be valuable data for us.]

"Excuses, m'scuses." He snorted. "You guys are just nosy. But anyway, I'll still tell you. It's very simple, really...."

"No one in my world can compare to Hu Chuntian. Because he is mine, and I am his."

He flashed a deadly sneer at the hologram screen. "So don't even think you can take him away from me. Try any methods that you want, but you will never make me dislike him. You better get new glasses if you think you can see me giving up on him soon."


At this, the man behind the screen felt goosebumps, scared beyond his wits.

"He knows." The man with glasses chuckled from the shock. "He knows!"

He laughed, pulling his head back. "Oh, he is so clever and interesting! Truly, I've never met a man who is just so....."

Liu Sha just covered his mouth with his hand, sighing with a strange expression on his face.

"Hmm..." He tapped a tri-colored pen on his lips. "I guess we'll just see how much you can handle him in this state. Even if all fail, I still have a trump card on hand."

He caressed the screen with a crazed look in his eyes. "You will be mine, User Mo Aini."


When Mo Aini got into the classroom, he was told that he should go back to Class A. To which, he smiled at the teacher.....

Then he punched him right to his face!

"Are you out of your mind, child!? Do you want to get kicked out of Class A!?" The teacher asked.

"Class A is boring, they don't have Tiger Emperors in there." He trudged up to his former seat, the one beside Hu Chuntian with a foot on the chair. "Hi, A-Tian. How is your day?"

Hu Chuntian ignored him and raised a hand. "Teacher, I have a question."

"I'm not done talking to Mr. Mo! Apologize this instant!" The teacher wiped his face as his nose start to bleed. "And pay for the damages you did to my nose!"

"He doesn't seem like he wants to." Hu Chuntian said, pointing at Mo Aini's smug face.

"Oh, A-Tian, you know me so well!" Mo Aini sat at the chair and wrapped his arm around the delinquent's shoulder. "You can tell what I think even when we 'just met' . Don't you think this is a sign that we're meant to be—"

"If one spot was taken off Class A, does that mean that someone can replace it?" Hu Chuntian continued ignoring him and asked the teacher in a much more respectful tone than usual. "I have seen in in the school rules somewhere."

"Yes, yes. If a former exemplary student had veered to the wrong path...." The teacher gave Mo Aini a look."..... and automatically will be demoted to a lower class, someone can take their place until the next monthly exams."

He then shrugged. "But graduation is coming soon already, as well as the finals. No one would be interested to try on Class A anymore because the school year is ending anyway—"

"I do." Hu Chuntian stood up, taking his bag. "I'll take his spot."

"Eh???? Don't go, A-Tian!" Mo Aini pleaded. "Sorry that I was too forward but I don't mean to scare you off to the point that you would leave! I won't bother you that much anymore, I promise!"

"Scared off? How can I, the great Tiger Emperor, be ever scared off by anyone?" Hu Chuntian scoffed. "Actually, I am thankful to you. Thanks for giving me the spot so I can be with Mo Jiagei, now I won't kill you anymore as long as you back off."

Mo Aini scratched his head. (So he really was serious when he said he would kill me, he was just planning the murder all this time?)


(I'm not asking you, I'm talking to myself.) Mo Aini rolled his eyes. Then, he rubbed his chin. (I wonder how A-Tian would try to kill me..... I wouldn't even fight back if that happens. It's an honor to be killed by A-Tian.)

[.....You do realize you sound a lot like your sister when she talks about getting Bad Ending with the Bad Boy Route?]

(There's a huge difference.)

The system was amused. (And what is that?)

(Getting the Bad Ending was her own choice and she didn't have an evil system antagonizing on her and her love interest.)

The system went quiet, but the man behind the screen just smirked, as if he like being given the role of the 'antagonist'.

While this internal conversation was going, the teacher told the blond delinquent: "But Mr. Hu, even if there was an open spot, students can't just volunteer to take it. The school will evaluate which one from the lower classes is worthy to get to Class A. They would most likely choose someone from Class B."

"Then what if I donate 500,000 yuan to the school?"

The whole class was shocked by how calmly he just said that out loud, and the teacher almost had a heart attack. What's going on with students these days!?

"T-That would be a huge help to the school.... But that shouldn't ensure you of getting into the class you want. This is a dignified institution, we do not take bribes—"

"50,000 yuan that will be sent to your bank account right this afternoon in exchange for a recommendation letter."

Hu Chuntian took out his metal bat. "If that still doesn't convince you, I know your house. It's a very old thing that's bound to fall apart... It would easily collapse if it take any damage in all the right places."

The teacher almost coughed up blood, and the students went crazy with whispers.

The bald teacher could only touch his shy head that was drenched in sweat. "Y-You wouldn't do that, Mr. Hu... You can't be serious...."

"I told you, he's already insane!"

"Why hasn't anyone called the police on him yet!"

"First the wrecking ball machine last night, and now this! Just how obsessed is he for Mo Jiagei!? I wouldn't even be surprised if he kidnapped her, he's a real goon!"

Hu Chuntian ignored the whispers and approached the teacher who took a step back as he walked closer. Everyone was expecting him to do something irrational again, but Hu Chuntian just took something from his bag.

It was a check, and he wrote on it.

"Nothing will go wrong if you just write the recommendation letter right away, sir." He handed the check. "I just need to get to Class A as soon as possible, and I'll do everything to get what I want. So help me, or don't get in my way."

"I.... I.....uh..." The baldy stammered.

The class waited in bated breath for his response.

(So this is the length of how much he will go for my sister. How annoying.) Mo Aini sighed, leaning back on his chair. (I didn't know about this fucking rule. I'll just meet with Hu Chuntian when there are no classes then.)

[You wouldn't try to stop him anymore?]

(I don't want to cling too much to A-Tian and truly scare him off because he doesn't like me yet. He already thinks I'm a weirdo, no need to make him think I'm a psycho.) Mo Aini tapped his fingers on the table.

(And besides, even if he gets into Class A, there's still hope. I can meet him where the cherry blossom tree is because that's his hangout spot or at the school cafeteria. The teacher said graduation and summer vacation is coming soon anyway. There's a lot of chances to get close to him slowly and show him the album.)

The teacher relented, and accepted the check. He took out a piece of paper and wrote a letter of recommendation.

The class whined and was infuriated by this.

"Boo! What kind of teacher are you???"

"Oh, come on! You just accepted it that easily!?

"I know 50,000 yuan's a lot, but where's your honor!?"

But once Hu Chuntian turned to them with his deadly stare, everybody shut their mouths.

Everyone except a smiling sanpaku eyed freak who was bothering him.

"Wow, congratulations on taking on my spot to Class A." Mo Aini clapped. "I'm so proud of you, A-Tian! You can go so far if you continue doing things so forcefully like this! There's no need for morals and ethics if one wants to be the emperor as they say."

The baldy teacher wiped his sweat. "Shut up, Mr. Mo! D-Don't anger h-him....."

"Mr. Mo?" Hu Chuntian blinked when he realized his surname for the first time. "How are you related to Class A's Mo Jiagei?"

This gave Mo Aini an idea.

"That's right, I'm Ms. Mo's brother, Mr. Mo Aini." He gave wide smile as he approached Hu Chuntian and offered his hand to shake. "I know her better than anyone else because we have grown together, but now we had a falling out and rarely talk with each other. Still....."

"If someone wants to court her, I'm their best bet to ask for advice, don't you think?"

Hu Chuntian's eyes grew wide and his face went red. There's so many bombs going off from his head going from this revelation.

One, he didn't say 'I love you' last night all along! He actually said his name!

Two, so that's why they look so similar!

Three, wait..... Why is he offering to help him now for his sister!? Didn't he just claim to be his lover!?

But his irrationality stats were so high and he is desperate to get Mo Jiagei, so his insatiable desire took over his reasoning and common sense.

He shook Mo Aini's hand, suddenly excited to gain an ally to get his girl. "I would appreciate that, Mr. Mo. Do you want payment in return?"

Mo Aini laughed. "Haha, I don't need that. I just have one favor to ask of you."

"What is it?"

"Let me be your Da Ge from now on. "



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