She seems.... so.... familiar


"Hello are you awake?" I Could hear a pleasant and soothing yet very familiar female voice quietly whispering to me, yet I couldnt see anything, everything was pitch black. I had descended into a word of darkness. Suddenly everything came back to me, all those people I murdered and the inhumane way I had done it, it all hit me at once and made me groan in regret. "Who are you?" I asked out loud."Me? I-I'm... I'm..." I could hear her stuttering. "Well your what?" I asked a little impatient. "I'm Isabella Virn of Firenze." huh? Firenze? what's that?" I asked confused at what she said. "you dont know about Firenze?" she asked. "No why? should I?" I replied

"YES YOU IDIOT!!!" she yelled at me obviously angry. "I'm sorry dont get mad, I have a question." I said. "ok," she replied in a quiet voice. "Tell me what Firenze is please." I asked. "your serious aren't you?" she said. "yeah what do you mean by that." I asked. "I cant believe you dont know about Firenze." she said." "well I dont so tell me". I said. "Just forget it." Isabella said. "Ok then." I replied. immediately after a cool breeze blew into the room and made me realize i was cold. I then looked around and found out I was in my underwear, which was just a towel wrapped and pinned together to cover my private area. "Why are my clothes off? where am I?" I immediately asked. "Oh yes, I'm sorry I I to tell you your in my masters house and you don't have your clothes on because I saw you pass out and you were soaked in sweat and I saw blood all over your clothes and wished to clean them for you, sorry about that." Isabella replied. "Uh Yeah its fine, but could you get me something to wear." I said. "Yes of course, I'm sorry for my rudeness." Isabella Replied. "Its fine." I said. "Ok then I'll be off to get your clothes." Isabella said. When she left the room I stood up and stretched a bit then looked out the window. It was the middle of the day and I could see blood stains in the street. I then looked further up the streets and could see the bar that I was in before I went crazy. "Hmm I wonder why I'm not in jail right now?" I thought to myself. "I'll have to ask Isabella I guess." I mumbled to myself. "You'll have to ask me what?" said Isabella behind me. "SHIT!!! Jeez you scared me!" I said. "S-sorry I didn't mean to please dont hurt me." Isabella pleaded. "It's fine, why would I hurt you? you just surprised me, that's no reason to hurt you." I said. "ok" Isabella quietly said while looking down. "H-here yours c-clothes. T-their not very d-dry." she said while stumbling in fear. I saw my clothes in her hands and could see them died in red, they were originally brown but now they were completely red. it looks as If they were made red instead of brown in the beginning. "Hmm I'm gonna need some new clothes or else I could get in trouble wearing these." I said. "I agree, these look like a aristocrats clothes being crimson red like that." Isabella said. "I hate to ask this of you since you've already done so much for me, but would you go to the market and get me some new clothes." I asked. "yes of course I will it should only take a little while." "That's great thank you so much!" I said delighted that Isabella would actually do this for me. "I'm sorry but I dont have any money to give you." I said. "It is fine my master had a bunch of money." Isabella said. "I forgot to ask, were is your master I said. "He is dead." Isabella replied. "Oh Ok." I said but before I could ask what happened to him Isabella had already left the room...


"Ah, yes these fit perfectly. Thank you very much Isabella." Said Augusta as he put on the new clothes I had bought him. "You're welcome sir." I said back feeling proud of myself that I had made Augusta happy. My old master was a overweight banker who would beat me every time I did something wrong. He was a very bitter man because he raped a girl who's father was a high aristocrat and the father ordered his guards to cut my masters genitals off. So he would take out his bitterness and anger on me. he had killed my sister when I was younger and ever since then I had been planning revenge. but the day I was going to kill him a man barged in and killed him for me then passed out. Naturally I was in debt to him and helped him as much as I could but from what I've heard this man had killed ten people including three city guards and my master within minutes. I didnt know him but at the same time I felt like I've known him my whole life. He was extremely handsome and I couldnt help but fall for him and felt as if he came to save me from my evil master, but deep down I knew I was just dreaming.


I don't know what it is with this girl but I feel as if I can trust her and I'm comfortable around her. I feel as if she took care of me because I somehow ended up saving her and she developed feelings for me. but I know this isn't real and just my imagination playing tricks on me. She's beautiful and I couldnt help but fall for her when I saw her, but there's no way she would fall for someone like me. Especially since I'm branded as a murderer now. But this girl she seems... so... familiar I just can't remember were I know her from but I swear I know her...