Wanted Criminal


"I think I should go now. My thanks for your hospitality, Isabella." I said. It was about four in the afternoon. I knew I shouldn't stay here very long or else something bad could happen. "No you can't leave!" exclaimed Isabella. "Why?" I asked. "Because the city guards are looking for you." replied Isabella. "yeah I kinda figured that." I said. "Well atleast wait until night." said Isabella. "Ok fine." I replied...

"Shhhhh! don't be so loud! Isabella fiercely whispered at me. "Ok ok sorry. Whats in this bag and why is it so big and heavy and what's making all the clanking noise in it." I asked. It's everything you're gonna need for a journey since we have to leave this part of the empire and for good." replied Isabella. "Well how come you have one I can't carry bo- wait what did you say? you cant come with me. I can't ask that of you. I said. "That's why your not asking me. I'm coming with you and dont argue with me." said Isabella. "What about your masters house and all his belongings and money?" I asked. "Everything of value or that we need I packed in these bags." Simply stated Isabella with no emotion. "Oh" I mouthed. "Yeah now take this turn." said Isabella. immediately I turned the corner and it was a dead end. "Hey Isabella this is a dead end why did you want me to turn here?" I asked. "because, now look in the bag your carrying." said Isabella. "Why? Isabella we don't have time for this." I said. "Just do as I said." said Isabella. "Ok fine." I mumbled to myself as I opened the bag. "wha-whats this?!" I said in amazement."Shhhh keep your voice down." Isabella whispered. "Sorry." I said. It's fine, now are you gonna take it out and put it on or just stare at it? asked Isabella. I looked back into the bag and looked at the pristine condition Legionarie Armor. No wonder the bag was so heavy I was carrying a complete set of legionnaire armor and a mainz gladius, which measured almost two feet. "Hurry put it on I'll help you, it'll help us escape without being noticed." Said Isabella. "ok" I said back...


"Halt soldier, which centurion do you serve under?" Asked someone who was obviously an officer. "Ummm" I could hear Augusta trying to find a way to answer the question. Immediately I said. "Tiberius Vlaut of the 54th." just loud enough for Augusta to hear me. "Umm, Tiberius Vlaut of the 54th." Said Augusta. Very well soldier, carry on and watch yourself in those woods. I've heard there's been bandit sightings. Theres also a stable a few hundred feet off to the right where you can buy a horse, if you got the money for it." Said the officer. "Yes sir, thank you for the information." "Your welcome soldier. Where are you going may I ask?" Said the officer. "I'm going to visit my parents in Firenze." I Replied. "Frienze? That's a long ways away soldier. Be safe." The officer said. Will do, now I really must be going." I said then headed off with Isabella following me...

"How much did these cost? I asked Isabella as I looked at the two horses she bought. "Don't worry about it, just get on one and I hope you know how to ride." She replied. "Ok I said as I put my foot on the stirrup and mounted the the horse. "Wow fancy saddle and all. How did you get a stirrup? I thought these were reserved for military use only." I said. "They are, but anything can be bought no matter what." She simply stated. "Ok." I said as we rode on in silence...

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" I yelled out as my horse tripped and I face planted on the ground. "BANDITS!!!" I heard Isabella yell behind me, Before I heard someone yell "hurry up, grab the legionnaire first, we can sell him for a good price and all of his equipment too!!!" "Fuckkkk!!" I yelled, as I jumped up and pulled out my gladius and pointed it toward the bushes were I heard the voice. Immediately four men all armed with large daggers jumped out of the bushes. they all had a rag covering their face. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU LET THE GIRL GET AWAY!!!" I heard the same voice say from behind the bushes. The the owner of the voice jumped out of the bushes with a helmet and two daggers. he immediately jumped at me. As fast as I could I jumped back and barely dodged his strike. Immediately, he followed up with another downward stab with both knives. Immediately I knew I was screwed and was gonna die. This damn armor was too heavy, I couldnt move fast enough to dodge his strike. Immediately after these thoughts flashed thru my head his knives hit me and bounced off my body. What the hell? I thought. then I immediately remembered I was wearing armor. I forgot the main purpose of it was to protect and not make you look good and weigh you down. Once I came to this realization I pounced on the leader and hit him in the face with the handle of my Gladius. He immediately backed up and called for the other guys to help him. The first guy ran at me and tried to stab me in the chest. I guess he didnt learn from his leader that that won't work. Without hesitation, I swung my gladius at his neck. before the man could try to dodge my Gladius had nearly cut all the way thru his neck. I jerked my Gladius out and blood sprayed all over my face. I took two quick steps back, to be able to put space between me and the other three bandits and the leader. Immediately after I had done this two of the bandits charged me and the one closest to me tried to run. before he took two steps I had charged him and stabbed my gladius into his back. he gave out a grunt then fell to the ground, I then jerked my Gladius out of his back. the other two bandits looked at me with horror and tried to slowly back away from me. before they could go very far I charged them. One tried to slash at me with his knife. I easily dodged it and slashed at his arm and cut it off. He dropped to his knees and screamed in pain grabbing his severed arm, frantically trying to reattach it. The last bandit had already run away and there was no way I was chasing after him in these woods. I looked around me searching for the leader but I couldnt find him so I just figured he ran away. I looked to my side and saw the man whose arm I'd cut off still screaming in pain and crying about his arm, so I walked over there and stabbed him in the chest. I kicked his body so that it fell backwards and my gladius got pulled out. This all seemed to come naturally, oddly being able to fight. I didnt think I could fight like this but it seemed something must have awakened inside of me in my time of need.