Chapter 22 Interest concessions

"I have nothing to do with Smith, you don't have to do that." Her father knelt before her, and she was afraid she would die earlier because of this!

Mr. Fu suppressed his anger, he looked at Smith again, "Mr. Lu, they both are my daughter, just let go of both of them!"

He didn't care which one Smith liked now, they were both his daughters.

But how could Smith care about his rhetoric, his firm outline still exuded indifference, "I listen to Lucy." He knew that once he was deceived by Jane and made Lucy lose her dignity. Now what she lost, he would help her get back!

Lucy frowned inadvertently, but turned a deaf ear to what Smith said. She was very tired and didn't want to mix up these things. Her eyes were staring somewhere out of focus, as if she was experiencing a sleepwalking.

The three parties were deadlocked, and no one was willing to give in.