Chapter 27 Who are you going to marry?

He was anxious, put down the flower with one hand, and hurried to catch up. Finally, when Lucy was about to reach out and open the door, he grabbed her.

Lucy said angrily, "Let go! Is it interesting that you always cheat me like this? So you can show you're great?"

Smith was really wronged. He didn't want Lucy to misunderstand him anymore, so he immediately explained, "Lucy, that's not the case! I really want to tell you about something about the Fu family!"

Lucy shook her head, she would not be fooled again! The Fu company had been acquired by Smith a long time ago. It had been so many years, so what secrets were there? She was so stupid to be fooled into here by Smith!"

"Isn't my father still in the Fu company? If you really have something to talk about, why don't you just ask my father?" Lucy still didn't want to leave.

"Lucy..." This stubborn woman really gave Smith a headache!