Chapter 37 Finally together

Looking at the person close at hand, Lucy pushed him. He in turn hugged her tighter.

"Let..." There was no way to say a word completely, and she simply bit him. Smith loosened her with pain, eyes full of grievances.

Lucy glared at him and reprimanded him in a low voice: "You have forgotten what I just said, so many eyes are watching."

"Well, everything my wife said is right." He hugged her and put his chin on her shoulders. He held her soft body and there was a lot in his heart.

Lucy was held by him and didn't dare to move.

"When will we come back?" Her cheeks began to heat up, and Lucy felt a little uncomfortable being held by him.

Smith stopped teasing her, let go of her, and then took her hand up, "Now."

"You're kidding!" She glared at him, pulled her hand back and went to the car. Smith smiled knowingly, and went up with her.

As soon as she sat down, she felt a little tired. Lucy couldn't help but curled up and started to doze.