Chapter 23

"HHHUUUhhh???" everyone in the room shouted together, like as if they saw a gorilla dancing in pants while knitting a scarf.

"How can a room looks like a heaven to you?" Long Xin shouted at Mika.

"Then how can you explain this situation where all of us are in some weird place who were also involved in that incident. Besides it's no surprise that all of us are dead. We were in a pretty tight position over there in those kidnappers's den and there was no chance for us to come out of there alive." Mika also shouted in response.

"First of all there was no way we chould have died there. Second, did you saw those two fellow there?" Han Zhi pointed at Long Xu and commander Xin in disbelief. When that idiot said 'all of us were there' at that point he was surprise that they didn't notice those two there but this idiot did.

"Huh? Who two?" Mika asked as he looked at side where Han Zhi was pointing at "Oh, I forget you two were also here." Mika said. He suddenly thought out loud "Oh damn, I mentioned that we were kidnapped in front of emperor, oh no, he is going to punish us and these three nasty personalities would blame it all upon me."

Mika didn't realising that he was thinking loudely and tried to trick the emperor. "Long Xu, no I mean, emperor, no, your majesty you see, we weren't the one kidnapped, it was a, uh, um, a scare crow was kidnapped, we tried to save him, as you know he may not be alive but still looks like a human and works day and night without laying down and it would be unfair to him if we don't try to save him. That's why we were trying to save him. But when we were close to save him, Long Xin got, yeah diarrhea, so we had to guard the door of the toilet for him, so no one can trespass on him. That's why when a group of elephant who were celebrating a marriage ceremony in their own society, crushed all of us in the haze of their dance. That's why we are in heaven right now. But why are you two also here? don't tell me." He paused looked at them and said in disbelief "Don't tell me ,the other two booked toilets were occupied by you two? Well that's makes a sense why you guys are here." Mika said and tried to whisper to his three comrades "Don't worry, I have successfully controlled the situation, now he won't know what actually happened. I saved you guys, but no need to thank me." Mika's whisper was not so quite as Long Xu and commander Xin also heard him loud and clear, he also winked at them, indicating that he got this.

"Ha ha ha." Xichan was the first to react on this rediculous story "Long Xin did you offended her or something. First in her excuse she had to go to changing your nappie and now you got diarrhea. Solve your issue or next time I can't even imagine your situation. But it would be hilarious." He was laughing so hard on Long Xin, enjoying his anger rising higher.

"Dear naphew, how many times do I have to tell you to not to eat that much of food in one go and all those oily things too. Eat something healthy and enough to fill you 70% stomach. Stop worrying your mother all the time. She even had to look after you on your diarrhea. But Long Xin, I am curious, did she had to change your dipper this time too, which you had dirtied with your ha ha ha ha ha.." Han Zhi took advantage of situation and teased Long Xin , making serious face intelligently to lecture him but laughed out loud at the end even before compleating his sentence.

"Shut up, you jerks." Long Xin shouted on those two who were laughing their assoff. He turned to Mika and yelled "What the hell is wrong with you, why do you drag me in those ridiculous situation in those freaking made up stories of yours."

"What are you saying, they weren't made up. That was what happened in reality. And don't be that shy, no one will laugh at you." Mika tried to calm him down like a responsible mother. Hearing his wise words those two manics laughed more then before. Long Xin glared at them but them being shemless didn't stop. "Stop it." Long Xin shouted irritatedly.

"So creative, where does all these creative and humerus idea comes from. So funny." Long Xu mumered, which was audible to commander Xin standing beside him, trying to not laugh like those two.

Commander Xin was shocked to the core, his body was still standing as a statue but his mind was racing like a hoese as he was thinking in rapid speed. 'What the hell? Are these people in front of me real or fake? If not then how can I explain this situation where the empress who said such wise things in the imperial court and won a gambling match against a professional gambler, is now more stupider then a mentally disturb person. And what was with the excuse she said, it looked like she was going to kill them in attempt to save that scare crow then how come they died in an uneventful way like that. Then there are these three, two of them are laughing and other one is getting angry for giving him diarrhea instead of lasing out on her. And the last person here, the empreor himself is not getting angry at her for her gray lie but praising her for making such a humerous and unthinkable excuse. Is this really happening or am I dead without my knowledge or what if I am the one with a mental problem? Oh god what is happening here? What do I do?' commander Xin was freaking out in his mind and got hold of himself only when eunuch Xiao Lin placed a hand on his shoulder.

"What is happening here? why are you froze, commander Xin? And when did her majesty woke up?" eunuch Xiao Lin asked all of his question at the same time to commander Xin who was just now brought back to reality by him from his mental war zone.

Commander Xin was about to open his mouth to answer eunuch Xiao Lin but Mika cut him off by shouting.

" Han zhi save me." Mika cried out for help as he his behind Han Zhi, gaining everyone's atten him.

"Come out, I'll not leave you just like that." Long Xin had determination filled in his threat.

"Calm do.." Han Zhi took it upon himself to calm Long Xin down but was stopped in the middle of his sentance as Long Xin striked his sword in front of him which he barely dodged. He looked at him with fear "What the hell are you doing? Do you seriouly want to kill me?" He yelled at him as he once again dodged a strike.

"Why are you freaking out now, huh? You were the one wanted to play saviour, right? Then why won't you face me, Coward?" Long Xin said, darkly gazed at him with his sword striking one after another.

"Stop it, you are...WAH?" Xichan tried to meddle in order to stop the nonsense but was now cought up in the mess.

"Oh, so you also want to be a messiah.? Then come on, play with me. Let's see who is stronger." Long Xin darkly chukled and started to strike both Han Zhi and Xichan at the same time, whose swords were not on them leaving them with no option other then ducking and dodgeing.

Here Long Xu was watching all the drama from side, was getting more and more irritated by every passive second cause first of all Long Xin dared to scare his dear wife. Secondly, he was calling out to them to restrain their fight but his words fell to deaf ears and thirdly he didn't liked the fect that his wife was seeking protection from someone else while he was still standing there. But he didn't had the chance to spent his time with her. When he concluded that those ill-litrate people won't pay attention to anything else beside their fight while dragging his wife with them, now all he was left to do is taking action so went over to them and grabbed three collers to pull them by it. "Stop it right there. How dare you guys to fight in my presence, do you really want to be locked up in dungeon." He glared at them.

"Apologies, your majesty." The three of them exclaimed at the same time in fear of making him angry.

Mika didn't know what he should be doing? Should he also apologize or just stand there? While he was confused what he should do, his stomach called out to him to tell him what should be his priorities right now. He put a hand on his stomach while blushing to the tips of his ears. He was looking so cute, covered in red rosy blush that everyone else present in the room also blushed but not as much as MIka. "Um, I think I am hungry." He said still blushing.

"Why are you blushing now when you were all about food even at the kidnappers's base." Long Xin commented in order to hide his own blushing state.

"But at that time my stomach wasn't growling. And it's emberasing." Mika pouted.

"I think the way you sleep and snore even in day time in garden or anywhere outside of yours bed chamber is way more emberasing." Han Zhi pointed out as he got out of his blushing state.

"He is right. And the way you eat all the day as if you haven't even saw food since iternity is also very emberesing." Xichan stated, his hands were folded in front of chest, eyes were close and was nodding to himself.

Before Mika could say in return, Long Xu glared at the three who once again apologized to him, he turned to call a maid but halted as he saw eunuch Xiao Lin standing there, who greeted him and apologized for not greeting just as he come in inorder to not to intervene "No need for apologize and go bring something to eat for the empress."