Chapter 24

On the emperor's command, maid servants brought delicious food for the empress, placed on the table for her to eat.

"Why aren't you eating." Long Xu worriedly asked Mika who was sitting by the table, looking hesitant for some reason.

"Speak up, stupid." Long Xin jerked her as she didn't answer to the emperor.

Mika still looked hesitant but managed to get words out "Umm, I think I wasn.. I" He couldn't form the words. When Long Xin once again opned his mouth "We don't have all day. Now tell us already." he was now worried, why wasn't this foodie eating anything when there's mouth watering food placed right in front of her.

"This little isn't enough to fill my stomach." Mika speak out in one breath.


"Ha ha ha you were hesitant over this little thing." Xichan burst out laughing at his act.

"Seriously, no need to get embarrassed over this. We all know how much of food you devour in one go." Han Zhi told him.

"You were chanting food mantra even at the kidnappers's base nonstop. No need to try to make a good image for yourself." Long Xin commented.

"What? You all knew. Then you should have get me enough food in the first place. I wasted my embarrassment over nothing." Mika pouted feeling wronged.

"Because the servants at the dragon palace doesn't know that their skinny empress eats like pig." Long Xin commented.

"Enough." Long Xu athoritacly said, managing to shut those three up. He then faced Mika and said "Forgive me for not knowing. Tell me all the dishes you want to eat. I will have the royal kitchan prepare them for you."

"Really." Mika innocently smiled at him then made a verble note of his order for him to note, "Then I want to eat umm. 3 servings of peking duck, 1 serving of tofu, 2 chow mein, 1 mapo tofu, 2 charsiu. 2 zhajiangmian and 3 servings of wonton soup. I also want to eat hotpot but let's leave thst for later. Okay I'll take only that much."

"That's only, then what would be to her hearts content." commander Xin was speechless of her mean of only.

After conforming the order eunuch Xiao Lin went out to have the kitchen prepare the dises when Mika stoppped him and impatient said "Add rice too, your meal is not complete without rice and have them bring four servings of it."

"Yes your majesty." and he went out with the final order.

After some time eunuch Xiao Lin came with all the food Mika has ordered. As soon as they put the dishes on the table he started to devour as if he has never seen food all his life. He finished everything in record breaking time. Long Xu, commander Xin and eunuch Xiao Lin were speechless and why won't they, even a soldier couldn't eat this much food in such a short time.

Mika pated his belly "Ah! I am ful. It feels so great to have a filled stomach that I want to sleep now." he got up from his sitting and went to the bed, without giving it a second thought that it was Long Xu's bed, he hopped on it and lay down only to sleep instantly.

Long Xu was happy that his wife was sleeping on his bad. Here Mika's three companions were feeling sorry for Long Xu cause they knew that he didn't know that Mika would sleep even in stable when he really wants to sleep and won't even realize where he slept.

Commander Xin was also pitying the empreor because these past hours they were in here, the empress has always ignored him and was only ingaged in fighting with the three and even after that emperor was all about her.

As soon as Mika slept, Long Xu turned to the three "Now, it's time to pass judgement on oyu guys." The three trembled in fear as they heard Long Xu "For what happened this time you guys should be in dungen for a server punishment but I know dungon is not that big of a punishmnet for you then the work you guys are always assigned with. Now here is your punishment, you are to do all your work again which you passed on your subordinate in the past few months and if you tried to run then you have to do it for five times."

"NOOOOOOO..." All three of them shouted only to get hit on head by Long Xu in fear that their howl would wake the sleeping beauty up. Long Xu then asked commander Xin "What about the spy."

"My men investigated him and found out that the Prime Mister Yu assigned him for emperess's safety, if something like before were to happen again than he can stop it before empress could get hurt and the when empress was with his highness the crown prince, the fourth prince and his excellency general Mu, cause they can protect her that's why he goes away." commander XIn reported.


We've been cooped up in this hell for three weeks now, then why hasn't this work ended?" Han Zhi shoutes at the top of his lungs.

"Shut up. I am already irritated by all this work, don't edge me kill you in order to relax my mind." Long Xin shoutes at Han Zhi for making his headache worse.

"Both of you shut up and finish it so we can be free." Xichan also shouted.

"What do you think, we aren't trying to finish this?" Han Zhi glared at XIchan getting up from his seat.

"It doesn't looks like that ot me, you just like to waste your energy on shouting rather then working." Xichan counter attacked while glaring hard.

"Just shut up already." Long Xin shouted.

"You shut up." Both Han Zhi and Xichan roared at him.

"Why, you..." Long Xin lunged forward to beat the crap out of both of the pest who also were ready with their own moves, thus a fight broke in.

The were tangled in each other kicking, punching, slapping, giving their all to make the other two incapable with at least one limb of their bodies. In between this epic battle of the three.

Long Xu arrived in the room along with commander Xin and eunuch XIao Lin. He was about to scold them but paused in middle because a man in black robs came in the room through the window in front of them. The three stopped in their benter as soon as the man, who looked like spy, greeted them. They faced the spy but didn't saw the other three in the room as they were behind them.

"So? What did you discovered?" Han Zhi asked the spy.

"Your highness, I have assigned every single soul from my squad to every high authority person and every suspicious person. And after spying on them for months, we found that who poisoned her majesty was none other then the prime minister Yu." The spy said .

"What?" the three were surprised as well as those three behing them.

"Are you sure? You know if it's a mistake, you would be in a big problem." Xichan said in serious tone.

"We also didn't belived it at first that's why I myself spied him for two whole months and that's why I can surely say that it was prime minister." The spy replied.

"Do you have any proof to acccusee him in the impirial court?" Han Zhi narrowed his eyes.

"They were really cautious about everything so it was hard to find anything but one day when they were shipping a large amount of trunks to their warehouse located at the bank of the river and in a secretive place. We then found out that it wasn't recorded in Prime mininster's property rather it doesn't even exists according to empire's official records and map. When we looked into the trunks. they were filled with fake currency which were spread in the capital, for 2 reason according to us. First, he made a deal with someone outside of the empire to spread these and second that the empire officials would be busy with this matter and would forget about her majesty's case. We couldn't get to know who the outsider is, providing the fake currency to him but did we got to know that the poison was also provided by the same person. The poison can't be find anywhere else in the empire. The prime minister was really surprised that her majesty is still alive because the poison kills instantly and on top of that the antidote also didn't exist in this empire. Since that poison is not from here, that's why we stole a small amount of it from the prime pmister's room as proof." he reported.

"From what you said, it's crystal clear that that bastard is the culprit. But why did he tried to kill his own daughter whom he went to such a wide lengths to make the empress to grow his power in the impirial court." Long Xin clenched his fist in anger.

"That we could not find, why he wanted her majesty dead." the spy replied.

"If that's it, then you may leave and also good work." Xichan said. The spy thanked him for the paise ad left after greeting.

"Why did you think that the maid servant who was acused to poison the empresss was not the real culprit even when there were proof against her and she herself confessed." Long Xu finely spoke which made the three flinch in surprise. They turned to see the empror, commander Xin and eunuch Xiao Lin hiding in the sadows. They greated the emperor.

"The royal physician also said at that time that the poison was unrecognized for him and the maid said that they won't find it anywhere else cause she made it herself and only enough amount to kill her majesty so that no one can find an antidote with the help of extra poieon that she had made. And the reason that she it gave for killing her was because her majesty killed her big sister who was one of her attendent. And that's where we were sure that she was not the real culprit but a fake." Han Zhi explained to Long Xu.

"How? It doesn't explain anything." Long Xu was really confuse.

"You didn't visited mother so you don't know but she never let's any maid srevant get close to her except for Su Mei who camefrom her maiden house with her and secondly she could never kill that maid servant because she was afraid of blood, weapon and dead bodies. That's why there is not even a single weapon in her room, even for her own protection." Long Xin said remembering the past about his mother.

"Then why was her majesty speaking nonstop while caressing and swinging that sword freakingly." commander Xin thought but because of a contagious disease spread by the empress didn't realise that he had spoke that out loud.