Chapter 32

"I can't believe, we actually agreed on sending the most idiotic person on a mission with great importance." Xichan said, looking at Mika who was jumping all over the place with excitement.

"I am having bad feeling, should we really send her or just change our decision." Han Zhi was feeling worried to send her off. He felt that she would creat trouble, if not for them then for herself for sure.

"I also have doubts but we have only her and no other option. As she had said before none of us can go there. Now all we can do is hope that she succeed." Long Xin was more scared then anyone else. He had already lost his mother, for her he couldn't do anything, he can't afford to loose her also. But that idiot won't litsen to anyone and would do what she wants. Which lefts him with only thing, to do best in holding the situation and pray to god to keep her safe, if he exists.

They were worried and scared in inside but were keeping thair cool on the outside. "Guys, where are you lost. Don't tell me you are feeling jealous of me because I am intrusted with a mission of great significance instead of you, right?" Mika was showing off in front of them, bringingthem back to the reality.

"We really should reconsider our decision." Long Xin, looking at the foolish woman who was standing in front of him, said to other two.

"Can't agree more." Han Zhi and Xichan also nodded to his proposal.

"What are you guys saying. I can't hear you." Mika said. His head titled to left side with a finger placed under his chin.

"Nothing." They answered in unison.

"You were clearly saying something.." Mika couldn't believe them. He did saw them saying something, he won't back off without knowing. They dropped their bickering when a guard announced "His majesty the emperor is here."

Long Xu entered in the room with eunuch Xiao Lin following behind.

Mika, Han Zhi, Long Xin, Xichan and commander Xin greeted him. Long Xu resived their greetings and told them to stand up.

"Empress, you really won't change your decision?" Long Xu was still hoping that she give up on going to this dangerous mission.

"Yes, your majesty. I won't change my mind." Mika's eyes were filled with determination. "Huff, fine then, Are all the preparations done." Long Xu sighed and then asked everyone.

"Yes, your majesty. Everything has been prepared. We have Su Mei filling up for both empress and her place. I have assigned my trusted soldiers to accompany her majesty and have secured the route from which her majesty will depart in secret." Commander Xin reported.

Long Xu nodded at commander Xin to acknowledge his efforts and turned to Mika. "We all have faith in you, you'll handle this greatly. Please take care of yourself also and be safe."

"Don't worry about me and be be careful to not to let them get the wind of our plan." Mika acted as if he is their superior, ordering them to care about their business, then laughed out "Am I not a good actor?"

"It's because these idiotic deeds of yours, we can't help but worry." Long Xin friendly slapped her on head lightly.

"Hey, you can't hit me, I am your mother." Mika pouted at him. Long Xu knew that Long Xin only joked with her but still couldn't suppress his jealousy on their close relationship.

"You are nothing but an idiot. Now stop whining and get going." Long Xin said in order to hide his urge to stop her from going. Thus they reluctantly see Mika off.


Mika departed with some soldiers. They all were in disguise. Mika wore simple but elegant clothes to signify that he is the head merchant but wasn't crossdressing and soldiers were like his subordinate. "So even in our most fast pace, it'll still take about a month to reach Fei empire. At this rate I would die out of boredom." Mika whinned like a child. When it has only been an hour or two at most since they started their journey.


15 days has gone by in a blink of an eye, but only for soldiers, who are habitual of travling. On the other hand Mika was going crazy cause he had nothing to do but sit in the carriage. He couldn't even look out of carriage for what if some enemy lurking there recognize her?

"Ah, if this continues then when I finally reach Fei empire I may become a zombie and might even bite someone, worse if the person turned out to be that young emperor." Mika said loudly which was heard by his guards who now are suspecting her nobility and were worried about this mission.

"AAAhhh, I AM GOING CRAZY FOR REAL." Mika shouted. "I should have brought something for keeping me busy, it's all that shitty brat Long Xin's fault. He was the one who was literally pushing me to hurry it up and in all that rush I forgot about the boredom of long ancient journey. When I go back home, I am going to have my revenge on him, but how." Mika thought about something and suddenlt laughed out loud "Ha Ha Ha Ha, what a great plan I just thought, when he would be sleeping, I will die his hairs pink. Ha Ha Ha Ha, what an evil plan, I am prouud on myself. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha."


Miles away at a certain palace, a certain someone was sneezing. "Long Xin are you all right, how come you are sneezing out of blue." Xichan asked.

"I am fine." Long Xin answered then he felt a sudden chill and started to rub himself with his both hands.

"Look now you are feeling cold too. Just go back to your bad chamber and rest for a while." Han Zhi said and sent his nephew for rest. "He really needs to take some rest now. Ever since our idiot went for the mission he doesn't even take care of his health. We should force him to stay on bad for a while." Xichan also nodden in response.


The guards were listening every single word their empress was speaking and were being startled in time to time by her shouts and her maniac laugh. They were thinking 'Who cares for nobility, she isn't even a sane human.' They were confused wether they should go to the Fei empire or make a short break at a physicisn's clinic. Also they couldn't decide wether she has gotten crazy out of boredom, like she is admitting or was just born lunatic.

"How about after I done with Long Xin, I put some make up on Han Zhi and Xichan, after all they also teased me so much like that shitty brat. That's great idea. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha..." Mika thought that his mind is getting more and more evil with every passing second. But if he should ask to his guards about his mind, everyone would vote for lunatic rather then evil.



"Achoo. I think we should also take some rest. we weren't any different from Long Xin. It's high time we take care of our health." Xichan said, sneazing continously.

"You are right. Let's go back"' Both got up and went for there respective rooms."


Now the guards were gravely worried for the future of their empire. They first thought that they are accompanying a goddess of peace but now every single one of them was feeling as if they were delivering their own destruction. They were conflicted, should they really head on to Fei empire or just take a u turn. They would get punished for this but it would be a big problem if they went to Fei empire with her, cause right now half of their army is there to strike them but if she meets the Fei emperor then the whole force power of the empire would be on their door.

Their thoughts came to halt when they heard foot steps of so many horses like of an army. They didn't had time to hide cause the army whose foorsteps they heard were just that fast. They were now face to face with a good amount of soldier's army. The guards got in defensive position around the carriage. Before any of the party could say something, their idiot empree came out of her carriage. "Hey, why did you stop so abruptly, I got my head hit and it's hurting." She pouted.

"I never even in hundred years thought that I could be able to meet you at a place like this. Today sure is my lucky day." Mika heard a familiar voice and looked at the direction of the voice. "Only you are able to surprise me, my cherry." Mika saw the person in front of him was none other then GU Ren.

"Oh, if it isn't the loser boy?" Mika smirked. "I thought after you lost so misrebly, you would have dugged a grave and would be 6 feet under the land right now but I didn't expected you to be quite shameless." Mika teased Gu Ren while a smirk adored his face, his hands were folded in front. He looked quite proud of himself.

Gu Ren went in shocked state along with everyone else there but got out of it first among them "Ha Ha Ha Ha, you really are something, my Cherry, every time unexpected." Gu Ren came close to Mika but was stopped by his guards. "Don't worry, I am her well wisher. I can never hurt her." Gu Ren assured them but they didn't budge.

"Don't worry, he is my friend." Mika told his guards to be at ease.

"I am so happy to hear that you think of me as a friend but I would be even more happy if you introrduce me as more then just a friend." Gu Ren said as he got close to Mika and pulled her in his arms.

'AN AFFAIR???' Mika's every guard screamed in their mind.