Chapter 33

'No, It can't be. Our empress is crazy but she can't cheat on the emperor, can she? There is no way emperor would let her make him wear green hat.' all of the guards were thinking at the same time. They wanted to deny the slightest possibility of the empress having an affair but the scene in front of them was saying otherwise. The man whom the empress introduced as her friend had his one arm over her majesty's waist while other one on her hairs, caressing it.

"Let go of me. You stink of sweat. Gross." Mika pulled out from Gu Ren's embrace, rubbing his hands with his rob. His sudden voice brought the guards out of their thoughts. Gu Ren sniffed his robs and said "Do I stink that much?" Mika nodded at him.

"You wanted me to introduce you as more then just friend." Mika said to Gu Ren nodded with a shine in his eyes. Mika faced his guards and once again did the intro "He is Gu Ren, a friend and kidnapper who wanted to sell us in slave market and a loser who faced loss from me." Mika turned to Gu Ren "Now happy?" He saw Gu Ren making dissatisfied face. "What's with that look, I already introduced you two times and that too according to your request. What do you want now?" Mika's face looked completely confused that screamed that he didn't got what Gu Ren was signalling at.

The guards weren't Mika. They figured everything out what is going on here. But now they really are worried, not because Gu Ren was there but because the negotiator is just that dense. What was his majesty thinking, sending her for such a important task. At least there is one relief that she don't have the intelligence to cheat on his majesty wether this relief can save their empire is a different story.

"I am sorry for expecting too much from you." Gu Ren sighed then smiled fondly at her. "That's why you are so cute, my cherry." The guards and Gu Ren's soldiers thought at the same time 'He need a physician for his eyes and mind immediately.' "By the way, what are you doing here? In a place like this?" Gu Ren asked, after all they were in the middle of some forest.

'What do you think you would just come and ask about our secret mission and we'll report everything? No one is that stupid here.' The guards thought. "Oh that, we are going to Fei empire to negotiate with the empreror so that we would call his army back from our empire's borders." Mika repliad. 'We forgot, there is an idiot here.' the guards wanted to smack there heads on the trunks of the trees around them. Some of them even wanted to suicide so that they won't have to accompany her.

"But why is Fei empire's army at your boarder?" Gi Ren was curious for why is the young emperor is going at the war. Mika blured out everything that has been going on in the Chi empire for the past one and half months and their plan to get out of the situation. 'Please someone teach her the meaning of secret.' the guards were crying in their minds.At first they were proud for being chosen for such great task but now they are thinking, it would have been for best if they were back there in the Chi empire.

"Anyway I am happy to meet you here." Mika smiled brightly at Gu Ren who now was stunned of hearing those words from her. "You kmow I was bored to death here, when I tried to have a conversation with the guards, they only answered what I asked that's it. These people were all about concentration on surounding and not to alert any lurking enemy. I mean I understand their behavior and delicacy of situation but still you see, I never travelled so long in my whole life, that's why I was going crazy out of boredom since I already finished the books, I packed with me, ages ago. That's why I am so happy to see you now I can talk to someone. You would go on in journey with us, right?" Mika was going on and on with his complains, his face was changing from time to time, at the end he asked with shiny eyes.

"It would be my honour, no, it's my duty to accompany you everywhere, my Cherry. Come on, I would lead you to the Fei empire from a short cut. Although I want to spend more time with you on this journey but i figured you are in hurry to save your empire, So from here on, I will be your sword, shield and navigator." Gu Ren bowed in front of Mika then once again pulled her in his arms.

"Wait, we won't go to Fei empire through the way you lead. Our commander has secured a safe route for her majesty's journey, we won't abandon it and endanger her life. Besides, how can we belive that you are not our enemy and it is not a trap and meeting here is a confidence." the captain of empress's guard spoke, glaring daggers at Gu Ren.

Gu Ren's soldiers were feeling offended after hearing those words. Before any of them could spoke, an idiotic woman butted in "Captain you don't have to worry about our safety. That guy ran away from infront of emperor and royal army couldn't catch him even after searching all over the capital and area's surrounding. So it does prove how safe his ways are and I do believe that they also are safe, even if some one attack they will protect us. He is a skilled fighter, so I heard from Xichan. And don't worry about it being a trap, he is not that smart to trap me and stop me in my goals." Mika coincidently said, with a fist on his chest.

"But your majesty.." captain wanted to change her mind. Mika stopped him "Let's belive in him and I am sure he won't betray us. As I said he is not that smart to trick me."

Gu Ren and his man's lips twiched when Mika called him stupid yet adain. 'An idiot woman called him stupid, now at least he should get back his sense and stop falling for this womn and bring trouble over.' his men thought.

'My Cherry's looks so cute when she tries to present herself as cunning.' Gu Ren thought.

"I-If you say, your majesty." the leader hesitantly agreed to Mika and turned to his subordinates "According to her majesty's wish, we would follow Mr. Gu Ren's lead, get ready for departure." he ordered. 'Why? Just why did I agreed for this mission.' he whinned in his mind.

The journey continued, both armies mixed in. Gu Ren was riding his horse, though he wanted to sit in the carrage with her but the leader stopped him from doing so. Mika was talking to Gu Ren the whole journey through window, both her carriage and Gu Ren's horse were matching each other's pace to be along side with the other. Mika was talking nonstop cause it has been so long since he had a descent conversation with someone.

Their journey ended at Fei empire peacefully. No one attacked on them neither their potential enemies nor any mobsters. They arrived in half time of their supposed time, all thanks to Gu Ren's short cut. But the most relief was that Mika didnt' had to get bore.

"Hey, where are we going? empire's entry door is over there." Mika asked to Gu Ren through window.

"My Cherry, if we go from there then they would ask for your pass to enter and if they somehow found out that it is fake then your mission would end even before it could start." Gu Ren answered her sweetly.

"Then what do we do?" Mika looked so cute in that confused and worried look on his face.

"As you know, I do little bit of illegal work, for that I have secret routs in nearly every empire and kingdom. You see, it's a business rule that you can't share your routs, ways of doing things and special formulas to anyone but here I am showing one of my secret to you, now you must have realized how much I value you." Gu Ren got near the window to caress her hair strings.

"You really are breaking a rule because of me?" Mika was totally emotional now "You are such a great friend, from now on you are added to the list of my best friend forever. I will also treasure our friendship from now on as you have been doing up until now." Mika took both of Gu Ren's hands in his hands, saying everyword from depth of his heart while his eyes on the verge of breaking the tears clame.

"Well, I meant for something more deep but I am happy to hear these words from you." Gu Ren smilled at Mika tenderly. Mika let his hands go and returned his smile with one of his owns.

'He once again confesed on her face and she still doesn't get it. Can't decide wether we should pity him or just say that that's what he deserved for being crazy for an idiotic woman like her.' Gu Ren's men were thinking.

'Should we breath in relief because of her stupid mind, she didn't realize that she just now was confused or just die in worry cause they have reached on their destination and that idiot is going for a negotiation with that brain.' Mika's guards thought.